Why was fromsofts best game so hated?

Why was fromsofts best game so hated?
Just played it again (bored on lockdown) and fuck a story, it was a methodical, plodding dungeon crawl. From has gone downhill since by trying to speed everything up for zoomers.

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Slow souls is indeed best souls.

>positive quality

Yeah, that was the wrong word to use but I'm intoxicated. It's slow but in a good way.

Its a massive casual filter, Demons Souls and Dark Souls were mainstream and accessible enough compared to older FROM RPGs, Dark Souls 2 was carrying the spirit and probably the development team of those older rpgs like Kings Field and Shadow Tower.

this game suffers from terrible enemy placement and funky world design. Has the best dlc bosses out of the whole franchise (and I suppose the best looking dlc areas) I only love this game because of it's dlc and honestly that is terrible it's the only reason I like this game. Half of the main game bosses are actually super fucking stupid and the other half are nice but extremely forgettable.

The best game, Bloodborne, is the most praised and the highest rated. It's also the most discussed game of the series.

DS2 is the best, everyone who plays the games a lot knows this. It has the most weapons, builds, covenants and challenges. If you're a tourist, sure maybe you prefer one of the more casual ones, but DS2 caters to the hardcore fan through and through

Basically, it abandoned everything that made the first two games.
Shit levels, shit bosses, and shit atmosphere. That's what drew people to the first two games, not "muh build autism" or "muh PvP."
Dark Souls 2 feels like a game made by someone that didn't understand what made the series good in the first place.

>has the best DLC bosses
That goes to 3, for the Ringed City bosses.

>Fomsofts best game so hated?

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DS2 has no dungeons though. Every area is tiny as fuck and very constricted. Enemies are pathetic and clearly assets from some cancelled MMO
Imagine thinking garbage like Sinh, Nashandra 2.0, gankers, tigers and smelter recolor are better than Artorias, Hunters and Ringed

Wrong. Bloodborne is good but theres no build variety. Pvp is garbage. The zones and bosses are incredibly samey.

>but theres no build variety
t. hasn't played the game. Stopped reading there too.

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Oh hey, another contrarian thread on how real "based" "patrician" "chads" prefer DaS2. This time, OP can't even mask his blatant contrarianism and even calls the game "plodding", trying to pass it off as something positive.
The game was utter quantity over quality amateur garbage and you know it.
DS1 = BB > DeS = Sekiro >> DS3 >> An average game >>>>> DS2 >>>>>>>>>> DS2 SotfS

All builds in these games are the same in these games, you literally spam one attack. The only thing that changes is what sort of shit you smear on your weapon and the color of your pew-pews. They all play the same. It's the most superficial brainlet critique imaginable.
The zones are best-in-series, and the bosses are next to only Dark Souls 3.
The PvP in all the games is dogshit.

Mostly because the mecha genre is quite niche and the Armored Core games do have some notable flaws, mostly framedrops and extremely bland graphics at times.

Oh yes, all three weapons in the game really lend themselves to experimenting and not just pumping strength, skill or arcane.

If bosses were a big draw to the series, why do people hate the vast majority of bosses in Demons Souls and Dark Souls?

This. BB actually has the most variety as its the only game with actual significant differences from weapon to weapon

This. The game had much more variety when bloodtinge, strength, skill, and arcane were instead called faith, intelligence, strength, and dexterity. I mean there are so many more options here... for every 1 Bloodborne stat there a one Dark Souls stat!

Only fucking retards do who want every boss to be some epic 1v1 vs another human

>dungeon crawl
>with infinite healing

They're not hated at all and certainly weren't at the time, they're just primitive to the later games. From has improved on bosses over the years.

>and fuck a story

>from terrible enemy placement
Outside of a few notable exceptions like Iron Keep, it's the best in the series. It actually factors into the combat and level design, while in the other titles the enemy placement is generally something you can ignore.

You mean like this guy?

yeah, I missed shields, encumbrance, poise, the more varied magics, and other such build options

Please point to where I said I want bosses to be an epic 1v1 vs another human. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Elaborate on any portion of your post.
How does DS2 have the best enemy placement?

Thats pretty much what bosses in FROM games have become and you are saying FROM has only gotten better at making bosses.

Hahahaha. Fuck off.
You might HARDLY be able to make a case for the BASE game, but sotfs literally just copy pasted more enemies everywhere without care for design.

Encumbrance was stupid and didn't add variety. It limited it. Poise was a mechanic for casuals and basically completely broke the game (bad mechanic) and also limited variety. Shields is your argument, and I miss them too. The tradeoff is instead of only having one good attack in one good stance, I get many across two stances, effectively multiplying my offensive options

options were limiting? ok, whatever

Bloodborne was like half beasts bro and every boss in Demon's Souls was literally a dude or a big malformed dude aside from Phalanx and Stormruler. Even Dragon God was a boxer

You didn't even try with this bait did you retard?

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Yes, because they weren't choices worth deliberating over. You never roll slow and you stack as much poise as possible without compromising roll speed. All these "options" did was limit access to gear.

>All these "options" did was limit access to gear.
That's what makes them different options. That's the point. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Yeah, and they add nothing meaningful to the game frankly.

That's your opinion. I enjoyed the variety.

I enjoyed the variety of having weapons with more than one good move and using both stances. To each their own.

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I agree about Bloodborne, but the more recent FROM games Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro I would say are 80% traditional 1v1 bosses.
Demons Souls did have traditional 1v1 bosses like Allant and Flamelurker, but it also had more strategic bosses like Phalanx and Fools Idol that weren't straight forward fights, then you had bosses like Man Eaters and Armor Spider which were traditional bosses fought in non traditional arena, and of course the love or hate set piece bosses like Storm Ruler and Dragon God.

I enjoyed the variety of blood gems adding infinitely more customization to builds in a way that eclipses the Souls games

BB had good weapons. Don't put words in my mouth. Where did I ever say anything to the contrary, you touchy little bitch?

Thats more of an issue with Havels ring and ring of favor being OP, if the tradeoff was there it would still be fairly low skill but the slow rolls and lower stamina regen would make their own challenge.

Calm down betacel. It seems like you're the one that's touchy.

Outside of Iron Keep, where did it do that?
I already have. It factors into the combat. You have to manage crowds of enemies, sometimes all melee or sometimes some are melee and some are ranged. The game asks you to deal with multiple enemies at once, and that's the skill you have to develop. Unlike DS1 where you could fight most enemies 1v1 and it was easy as fuck.

And stamina was at a premium, so pumping endurance was already a no-brainer.

They were losing their shit over ADP because none of them played an RPG before (and believe that Dark Souls is one)

just recently finished ds3 and had to go back to ds2 cause of how much better it is, i can actually make some interesting different builds rather than, le epic 10+ and thats it, magic ficking sucks in ds3

>no u

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It's not an issue with those since even if they were gone, nobody would stack poise if it costed them roll speed. You stack poise as high as you can while maintaining roll speed and that's pretty much how everyone plays it. Removing crutches doesn't fix the core problem with the mechanic, which ultimately takes away variety.

That's because the best fights are always those ones frankly. Nobody is going around saying Dragon God and Micolash and Bed of Chaos are hot shit. Since Dark Souls 2 DLC, they've slowly started to blend in puzzle elements to the fight, which is the best way of doing it.

Well yeah armor kinda has limited reasons to use them, are you complaining that poise is actually worth wearing armor for?

I never brought up poise, but someone else brought it up as a

How much longer do I have to wait until people admit these games are mediocre normalfag shit and the only good ones are Dark Souls 1 and Sekiro?

i think you meant to say Bloodborne and DaS2

I never brought up poise, but someone else did as a point of "variety" for the game, when it simply isn't true. There's this idea that it adds choices and build variety, when in reality everyone will follow the exact same flowchart to achieve the same result. Poise doesn't add variety; it removes it. That's my point. Mucking about with rings just means people will adjust the flowchart and the result will be a new figure, but more-or-less the same. It's not a complaint... it is a fair criticism of the system.

Dark Souls 1 is literally the most normalcore Reddit game in the series.

Bloodborne is shit and DaS2 was only any fun on release because of dumb invading and co-op shenanigans.

That would be Bloodborne. Note how you capitalized reddit, always a tell of a redditor trying to deflect.

no, its DS3