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I-I have an RX 570 4GB... i-is that good enough...?


I got an Althon 200ge. My old PC died and I just made this cheap toaster to keep me fapping and shitposting while I play console. Was in the middle of building new PC, but corona-chan just messed that up. Might as well wait till end of year now.

I miss playing FF14.

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XFX 580 8GB here, it's a bit buggy with more than two monitors but otherwise it's a solid card. Can't complain.

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You should've waited till the end of the year anyway for the 30xx stuff.

I have a 1060



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Retards, I'd imagine.


To be honest, I bought my current GPU, an AMD graphics card, because it cost me just 100 bucks, but the memes about the drivers crashing randomly even if rarely and the thing overheating by just looking at it are real... I want to go back to NVIDIA as soon as possible

I have a little experiment I’ve been planning to do. Next console generation is perfect for it since it’s a massive leap and will include an SSD.

Going to build an equivalent PC as the PlayStation 5. Obviously it’s impossible with it being custom and such but as close as possible. Want to see how it’ll perform as a PC with Windows. Mostly if there’ll be any noticeable differences in games.

Not me I'm afraid

Exactly what I'm using



It only fail me during password cracking

I have a RTX 208

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That's a lot of fans, user. Are you overclocking to 6ghz or something?

No, my autism got the best of me, I just felt it needed a symmetrical amount of intake and exhaust fans.




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Should have gotten at least a 2200g. What games can you play on your current PC?

I have an RX 570 4GB. Am I based by any chance OP?

Same. Still enough for all the games I play but I'm planning to upgrade by the end of the year.


I built a new PC, waiting for delivery (currently using ancient machine with WinXP, yeah). Cause of this oil bullshit, prices for pc parts in my country skyrocketed, so I decided to buy cheaper GPU and just upgrage it later.
So, I bought MSI RX 570 8 gb. Is it alright?


I only play old games, so I got a 1060 3GB for £85


Attached: so here i am doing everything i can holding on to what i am pretending im a superman.jpg (418x275, 22.66K)

Should be fine for 1080p.

1080 here. Can't wait to upgrade to 3080/ti

I am the only person on 4channel with a Vega 56.

>buying anything other than sapphire

shiittt nigga wha are you doing

>symmetrical amount of intake and exhaust fans.
absolut brainlet

>2x140 2x120
whose a brainlet now

>Upgrade from a 560ti to an rx570 4gb for €100
>Amazing improvement in every game
I haven't seen that much of an improvement since I bought my Riva TNT.

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Pretty based desu, I upgraded from a Nvidia 550ti to an AMD RX570 a year ago

>Single fan
At least post Sapphire...


>buy 580 8G
>play runescape

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Waiting until the end of the year is a good thing, user.

We don't even have next gen games yet and by the time they come out you can get Ryzen 4000 and RTX 3000.

msi is shite for cooling
grab a sapphire

I bought myself a msi 2070 Super. Thought about an amd one, but I don't want to pay for broken driver

Just got my very first PC build completed, running an RX 570 8gb and i'm not disappointed so far

been eyeing rx580s. anything wrong with buying second hand cards, probably mined with?

Sapphire RX 580 8GB SE Nitro+ here. Waiting for 'big Navi".

Fans will be worn out from 24/7 use and die sooner for you

Over 100 million console gamers play on AMD hardware right now. Most new games show better performance on AMD hardware, compared to nVidia. As DX12 and Vulkan see greater adoption with the new console generation, the gap between AMD and nVidia will only grow larger. You'll see the 5700XT smoke past the 2070 Super and RTX, nVidia's RT implementation will be a thing of the past, as companies will already have DXR, Microsoft's RT implementation, working with optimizations for AMD's RT dedicated hardware.

Always inquire about warranty, personally i've never bought second-hand gpu with expired warranty
If you bought it anyway, make sure to check the fan and their bearing, and do some furmark test and repaste if necessary


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Meant for

Still rocking my gtx1080, it still gets the hob done

I would suggest against buying second hand computer components. Just save up for new parts, this will serve you better in the long run.

It wasn't second hand.

1080 ti chad here

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I see no reason to upgrade as there are no games that I want to play and I can't.

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i've had no problems with it so far, although this is my game library

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I just got a 2060 for under $300.

I'm still using a GTX 1070
>tfw not as many flops as next gen consoles