Game not even out yet

>game not even out yet
>la creatura sfm model is out

Attached: jill.jpg (3292x4004, 1.53M)

is there an improved face/bigger boobs, ass mod ?

Why does it always look like shit?

why does this surprise you. they have a demo, you download the files for it. its done, its not like its hidden

>The girl has got skin rash today
>Keep it
>but Sir—
Are they retarded?

Because there's zero detailed lighting. Models will always look like shit without it.

Because it's face scanned.

This. Without the proper lighting and added textures, the characters look like crack addicts.


The people who rip this have no idea how to actually make it look like it did in the game and often just throw in generic lighting with none of the proper material values or anything that they have in the game. Same goes for mods people make for these games.

It's like that old lady who fucked up the jesus painting. But now it's with game models.

I think shes cute would make her my gf in the zombie apocalypse

>black cylinder because they are always talentless hacks who can't be bothered to blend the neck where they chopped it off of the game model.


God, I want to fuck her throat so much.

Because it's not actually rendered you cretinoid troglodytes.
The models have textures, uv, baked pbr and all that shit plus property values for the engine used so the lighting gets rendered properly.

>not nemesis cock
what’s the fucking point

She is so hot. Vothfags on suicide watch.

Whoever made this doesn't know how to properly render a scene in blender. Look at all that fucking noise

>this fucking face
>this fucking shit skin
God, NuJill is hideous.

where is it available, mate? SFMlab has nothing.

dat armpit hnnng

And makers are still hoarding models. Jessie and Aerith SFM models exist but no one knows where to get them either.

Maybe they didn't have 50 days to render it
Blender is shit lol

>Models will always look like shit without it.

Attached: Jill.png (1024x768, 834.52K)

look at this guy. don't be like him. just don't.

Damn, this dick is delicious.

Soulless helldemon.

What's wrong with that model? Genuine question.

me in the back

I hope someone will make a MVCI Nemesis mod. I can't handle that stupid bent nose.

ikr how am i supposed to fap with all those grain

Whenever I see these renders I wanna dip my hand into 3d shit but after trying out shit like DAZ, it felt too complicated for me.

Attached: 1475667883327.png (250x250, 35.97K)

retard Yas Forums posters

>too complicated
lol good one

For a brainlet like me? Yeah.

Wouldn't the ORC one fit better?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO janny deleted my coom material

Attached: 1577545275955.gif (640x532, 3M)

ORC Nemesis is low res and low poly it would look weird and out of place.

Her mouth is not big enough, sadly.

Honestly if you want to go real baby shit then start in Garry's mod, it's absolute dog shit but imho easy as fuck

Still looks like a muh strong independant wahman. Not buying this until she looks good.

just read your posts and theirs and they said the same thing you did making you the idiot

That's a model with textures that have lighting and shadow details baked into them due to the limitations of the time.

This looks like ass + back then they baked half those details in for performance reasons. Still is lacking even with the baked in details.

>Still looks like a muh strong independant wahman
Can someone translate from millennial to english?

She already looks great. Your turn.

not yet

If you like boys, yea

Attached: media (1).jpg (1200x628, 53.37K)

I laughed

Attached: voices.png (394x508, 289.1K)

jfc you virgin

>She already looks great.
Your lies wouldn't even reach the most gullible person in this planet.
This Jill is just straight up nasty and is too revealing.
The strongest Jill at least knew how to cover herself properly.

Attached: Superior Jill.gif (470x571, 94.9K)

t. closet homo

just jack off. christ almighty

one step closer to the mega boobs mod

I count on modders to give her a huge rack. Just to give the finger to Capcom.

you see the re1 outfit? she has some decent tiddies

did they keep the stupid difficulty scaling from re2make?

Last good Jill is Teppen then?
How many 1 stars have downloaders given the RE3 demo?

Attached: Teppen Jill.gif (320x180, 853.6K)

I thought Claire looked like a fucking goblin yet people get off to her.
I’m not going to understand Re3make Jill porn for the same reasons either

probably ripped from the demo

On one day we have almost half a page of porn of her already.
People find her hot, while this is Yas Forums, a place full of people addicted to outrage and prison gays.

>I thought Claire looked like a fucking goblin
Yes RE2Remake has the worst looking Claire just like RE3Remake has the worst looking Jill,
Thing about Jill though is that at least every iteration having changes they were at least tolerable yet this particular version decided to just throttle that shit straight into goblin territory.

Attached: western devs have a problem.jpg (932x628, 30.62K)

>On one day we have almost half a page of porn of her already.
It's becoming very normalized to take such an approach and those tools are becoming easier to get into. As well as people now being forced to have a lot of time on their hands with this virus.
Regardless though that doesn't mean anything since you're gonna have to dive into analytics of how those images and views coincide as well as that particular group acts and reacts.
>People find her hot
has little to do with "outrage".
>while this is Yas Forums, a place full of people addicted to outrage
No it's change for the sake of change. Just look at Sonic. People want their icons to stay true to their designs not become something entirely different because these fucks have a problem.
>and prison gays.
Yes those people are leaving their confinement zones, aka reddit and facebook and coming here cause their grandmas are there.