Korea time



get in here nerds, let's watch some brood war

Attached: ASL9.jpg (1146x1034, 199.99K)

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You have to be 35 to watch this shit, it's boring.

>bing bing wahoo



>that one time Nick shit on pepsi, and artosis reminded him that pepsi was sponsoring the tournament

I’m not ready for Inner Coven.

haven't been able to watch some korea time in forever


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>I’m not ready for Inner Coven.

No one's ready for inner coven. No one is.

>back in the height of BW of 2007 tournaments had 32 seeded players
>now tournaments are 24 total players

feels bad man. dying scene.

What's the deal with it?

Did anybody else see the video of Flash and Bisu talking about which BW pro had the biggest dick back in the days

the whole video is pretty good but the dick thing at the end is gold

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>What's the deal with it?

Stasis Web Dance Party.

SC2 is kinda lame but the casting and hosting was top tier. There seemed to be more lively with guests and more fan interaction.


It's a weird map. With a weird matchup like ZvZ, that weirdness compounds.

Go action!

Attached: mafia zerg 2.jpg (400x321, 20.27K)

>no T tonight
T on Inner Coven is hilarious. I need more.

Action and Soulkey would be the favorites to make it out right?
The other two have looked good so far but they're literal whos

Artosis has pointed out multiple times to put scvs, or zealots, or whatever, to block units. Why has no one done that? Like if you put zealots there in front of the stasis web what's going to move them? Wraiths?


Attached: armored action.jpg (500x750, 230.86K)

feeling 7 tonight, friends

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Hope he can pull some shenanigans today

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time for bets people
how fast will the matches today go

Dropships. They're basically obligatory on a pseudo-island map like this anyway.

Based koreatime user.

faster than the protoss group slower than the terran group

It's an 8 for me.


pew pew pew with dragoons man.

It's going to be alternating 6 and 8

soma why

feel like its going to be a 1 tonight


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what the hell is with these mirror matchup groups

Eyyy, nearly forgot about this. Thank God I remembered just in time. Time for lategame macro Soulkey kino.

Attached: smiling_happy_soulkey.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Flash decided to meme on everyone.

>this group
>late game macro


so when the mutas manage to hatch?

Only if you catch them fast enough. The main isn't massive but it's big enough to sneak in a vulture drop

ZvZ lasts 4 hours because TvT lasted 20 minutes

we are lucky the players didn't go full retarded.
we could've witnessed 3 full mirror groups

Attached: full mirror averted.jpg (1081x584, 71.33K)

is inner coven zvz going to be complete shit or will the players build units other than mutalisks?

It's a shame we didn't. Could've been a real "never again" situation.

If you're one of the best players of your race, the easiest win you can get is against someone playing the same race as you but aren't quite as good.
Non mirror matchups add more variables to it.

>shoulder windows

Germany reporting in, how's your lockdown situation? Calm before the storm here.

You guys ever wonder if maybe we only like shoulders because we're supposed to?

Attached: Barracks.png (362x370, 85.92K)

Now there's signs! And I guess the audience sits between the pillars? That could work I guess.

Attached: africa studio now has signs .jpg (1920x1080, 247.05K)

I'm ready for dweb dance hall

Attached: Barracks.png (155x154, 29.58K)

We've seen one ZvZ on it so far between Killer and Soma.
It looked pretty standard but maybe better players will bring better games.

those pillars are fuckign stupid

When will the government stop her sinful hand?

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Just woke up and have a sore throat.

>still waiting for the audio feed

Reminder nick and Dan have lived in Korea since 2007-2008 but can't read or speak Korean aside from a few things.

I wanna kiss Barracks. If I ever get a boyfriend he'll be hapa or Korean. No homo.

Attached: stargirl interview.jpg (1920x1080, 437K)


TvTs are skill-based but zvz and pvp are far more random than non-mirror matchups.


Attached: tilt.png (286x204, 59.02K)

In many of the games we've seen the loser lost before dropships/shuttles were out to a large land army that could had been stopped by putting one or two units under the webs, or spotted in time by a single scouting unit in the webway.

It's a weird map with a gimmick that surprisingly makes for very good and dynamic games.

It's a 4 kinda night.

every else self quarantined?

zvz is the best matchup you fucking boomers

That video is a decade old at this point. Is the GSL even a tenth of that video's soul?

TvT is, unless they feel very cheeky, pretty straightforward. but then it just evolved again with weird ass goliath mass vulture shit.
ZvZ is also pretty straight forward desu, but when you enter mid/late and thats when you are in the belly of the beast

Lets be real. The only reason anyone likes zvz is because they're hoping for the tiny chance of it going to late game.

tvt is the best overall
lategame zvz is only beaten by lategame tvt though

Korean is exceptionally difficult to learn if it isn't your first language.