Doom: Eternal Rubberbanding

There seems to be much rubber banding, even on nightmare. If you get to low health enemies just stop shooting at you for several seconds. On the other hand there seems to be situations where enemy hits you with series of perfectly predicted shots.

webm unrelated

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the new gameplay stuff makes it a rubber banding sandbox, the same as the new resident evil games, so the experience is as stressful or satisfying as possible
not that it is not enjoyable, but in a way it is bullshit gaming

#Filtered :^)

Why did they make melee useless? It was only effective on fodder in 2016 now it does nothing at all.

>enemies give you break on highest difficulty
>"filtered :^)"

The new melee system works with the new gameplay loop you filtered retard. Go play Halo instead if it's too hard for you to keep up.

>nooo the enemy can't predict my hits :(

>gameplay loop

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For me it's not enjoyable, because I know that even if I fuck up I won't be punished and on the other hand if I play well game will randomly punish me.

Not him but even the devs have called it the gameplay loop

Attached: Doom Eternal Screenshot 2020.03.22 - (1920x1080, 670.61K)

It doesn't work. It doesn't serve any function.

Yes it does. Is it too hard for your little brain to keep track of the chainsaw ammo count? Or is the game asking you to switch weapons too much?

>gayplay loop

Mother fucker can't even kill a low-level zombie with his fist.


Why cant doomguy kill unwilling with his fists tho?

Because that's not how the game implemented it. It doesn't flow with the gameplay loop.

>irrational hate for a developer term that has been used for over 20 years

>Blood Punch shockwaves small mooks to pieces.
>Normal punch can be used on mooks to create space, because of slight knockback.
>Beyond this, Chainsaw, Dash impact, Meathook, Grenades and things in the environment can be used.

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And i dont flow with not being able to kill a zombie stickman with 10 punches.

>rubberbanding in an offline game

More like Onions Slayer lmao

I know it's hard to admit you got filtered by the difficulty of adapting to new mechanics so your secret is safe with me user.

what the fuck is gameplay loop?

i think it is clearly a mixed bag
I remember I did a horrible re2make run and the game felt kind of easy
then on my second run, for the love of god, it was hell
lickers up my ass, and mr x literally behind every door
i understand what they are trying to do, which is make the perfect experience for everyone, but the system feels like cheating
doom eternal and doom 2016 are the same

The snoy punches filtered me very hard

it's a bad mechanic you retard. doom is a power trip, the guy should 1 shot the trash zombies. they only exist as sacks of hp

I believe if is referring to the difficulty

Game will be lax and let you do what you want, you reach a certain point and the game either keeps being lax or starts tightening up basically just insta killing you with no escape. In essence it’s the game giving you a guaranteed death a level and saying “ooo you died you’re not good” but it was gonna make you die there regardless

It’s a lot how FIFA gameplay works

I can't wait for this Eternal shill campaign to end

Attached: Doom 2016 Punching.webm (853x480, 2.77M)

Game modifies enemy behavior, pick-ups etc. based on your performance to keep you in the "flow zone"


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>that art style
Literally looks a billion times better than Eternal
How do you fuck this up?

I hope they knock this shit off.

If I play well I want to dominate. If I play shit I want to get rekt. I don't want to feel like I'm being cheated and bullshitted all the fucking time. That's the problem. When I die it feels unfair.

>later on my melee attack will become archaic, only being used for glory kills
>squeaky sound as he tries to melee the cyberdemon

they turned melee attacks that actually hurt into a consumable item.

Good lord, literally filtered. Get better at video games.

>tries to hardcore about a causal video game
>get hit
"one shot protection activates"
"disable enemy AI"
"enable extra health drops from kills"
>we did boys we saved the player, resume normal gameplay

rubberbanding has two different meanings

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Staggering and glory kills are fucking retarded.
The enemies should just die.

Name a difficult FPS game which does not involve a large amount of hit scanners.

Devil Daggers, but this has nothing do with the post now does it?

Nah, it would clow well enough. Just make the basic zombies die in 1 or 2 hits, and make them drop a little bit of health/armor, but way less than you'd get using the chainsaw or glory killing them.

I am often in a situation where I want to get some health from a zombie, but it's hard to dose your firepower enough to glory kill it when you have half a second before the spot you're standing on become a killzone.

sounds like a low difficulty thing
i've been capped from across the arena several times, killing me on ultra violence

#Bethesda #IDSoftware #DoomisEternal #Doom #AnimalCrossing

What's the new one look like, in comparison?

Getting 2 glory kills charges blood fist. Blood fist is a short charge forward that does a sweeping melee aoe infront of you and with certain upgrades you can charge it with health or armor pickups at full hp or full armor.

Blood fist is your real melee.

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it's a shite game so I wont even pirate it, but this surprises me not at all.

blue gore for caco was one of the first things that really hooked me in the marketing

Yup, the Eternal caco and enemies in general look a lot more like they did in the originals. Your point?

I'd say overall an improvement, they gave demons more expressive faces and fixed the mancubi design from 2016.


Play it or watch someone else play it.

I don't understand why people you nogs are so obsessed with the melee system its clear from playing the game they don't want you to take a conservationist attitude

the fucking chainsaw replenishes over time you literally never run out of ammo - even on nightmare

to begin with, 80% of the pickups come from finishing enemies, so the game alters those appearances and how much is dropped depending on your performance or the situation

If you're after the canon reason, his suit, and by extension his body are energized by absorbing argent energy from the demons he kills, in eternal we learn that this energy comes from the souls of the dead and it's better refined the more that the soul is tortured before they extract the argent.

Doomguy deliberately pulls his punches so the demons suffer more and he in turn gets even more ripped.

Mechanically it's designed to work as a short range stagger, you can't kill possessed with it but you can slug a hell knight so hard it almost knocks him off his feet, it would be really easy to break the game if it did damage + stagger and it would be shit if it only did damage.

hi, beth cm


Feels like there's a lot of behind the scenes shenanigans in this game

I think projectiles move faster the farther away you are since I remember enemies would hit you instantly in the few sections where you could fight em from far away but the projectiles felt slower when up close.

Don't forget it seems like the new buzzword is "filtered"

Seems to me glory kills give a fixed amount of health per demon size. But if youre low health regular kills drop a little health too. This was already a thing in 2016 game. There is no armor- or ammo rubberbanding however. If you waste all your ammo and your chainsaw charges are gone, you're fucked for a lengthy period of time.

It's a stupid change that doesn't serve any purpose. Melee in (2016) was good way of not wasting ammo on trash. Sure, in Eternal ammo is infinite when using chainsaw, but if melee was effective in a situation when you don't have ammo and chainsaw is on the cooldown, you would be able to finish zombies without wasting your time.

Majority of threads are contrarian threads though.

All publicity is good publicity.

Why not just shotgun them? Better yet if theyre in a group, Flame Belch and then grenade in the middle and you get a nice armor shower.

filtered lmaoooo
Yas Forums is so full of fucking noobs rofl
go back to fortnite kids, the master Doom is here hell yeah

>ultra violence too easy
>nightmare too hard
Why the fuck do I have to be so mediocre

holy shit do they really do this with games now?
I'm glad I'm too lazy to pirate that console shit

>you're fucked for a lengthy period of time.
>15 seconds

trash only exist so the player has ammo sources armor and health they will continually spawn for that purpose

Sup faggot i heard you talken shit.

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Do the demons have any cool kill animations on Doomguy like in Doom 2016 or did they remove that.

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>#Filtered :^)
Go back to r*ddit fucking nigger.

wasn't there an ancient pasta about some would be vigilante calling himself BLOOD PUNCH

both look like shit
needs to be more spherical, loose those shitty tusks, the appendages, and the M shaped mouth is shit

15 seconds is a long time to not being able to do anything in the middle of fight.

you get armor pickups from using the fire cannon, and it is also fixed to whatever rate they want

because they know people prefer to talk shit here

They are talking about a different thing, however the rubberbanding you mean actually does happen in some very poorly coded single player games.

What the fuck are you talking about? What you are saying literally doesn't make any sense as a reply to the posts you replied to.

Not really since the game clearly encourages you to just run loops around the arena