Do you guys ever change difficulties when in a tough fight or part in a game...

Do you guys ever change difficulties when in a tough fight or part in a game. I've done it twice in my life and felt like shit afterwards.
I'm not that good at video games.

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I'd genuinely rather drop the game. And I always pick the hardest difficulty. I drop a lot of games.

No, I'd probably kill myself from the shame if I ever do something like that.
Fucking hate when games ask you if you want to lower the difficulty and stupid shit like that since you could do it by mistake and fuck everything up.

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Hard games are for worthless people with no social value or life.

I started playing Doom Eternal on Nightmare, clawed my way through 4 missions and then realized I wasn't having fun.
Dropped it down a difficulty and now the game is actually enjoyable.
I don't care if that makes me a pleb, I play games like DOOM to have fun, If I want my balls kicked I'll go back to Nioh 2 or Rabi-Ribi.

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No one cares, faggot. I always put it on easiest if I die a couple of times.

Oh boy it's another
>have fun the way I do or you suck

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Most "hard" games are bullshit anyway. Things like Nocturne that literally just get you stuck in a battle with no chance to save yourself if you're unlucky enough to be caught with the wrong set of demons in your party are flatout unfair. The definition of artificial difficulty.

Nope, because if I were to do that it means I did not learn from my mistakes and improve.

Uncharted 4, Crushing. The part where you have to sniper-zoom-shot the guy in fullbody armor through his 2-inch-wide visor slit, while 15 other guys shoot at you and its all one hit kills. I had to put it on hard instead. It's impossible with the weapons I had.

JRPG's and SRPGs are the worst offenders for this
at some point your options to "improve" yourself get restricted to restarting the fucking game.

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>This aggressive response
You sound like you're bitter


My favorite thing about Trails in the Sky 1 is that they stuck a maxed out vendor and full restore point right before a fight you're "supposed" to lose.
At least they gave you the option of completely revamping your party setup whilst trying to beat it.
If you give a fuck about how other people play games you need to neck yourself

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Yes more times than I can count. Video games are supposed to be fun ya know.

>If you give a fuck about how other people play games you need to neck yourself
All 4 posts that I'm replying to are the ones caring about how other people play games, not mine. Yet you replied to mine and not the others. Really interesting stuff.

I only ever lower the difficulty if I'm grinding for an enemy drop just because its faster to go through them and in most games it lowers the exp gained.

I spent 5 hours on this boss. I lowered the difficulty just so I could get the game over with. He beat me. I don't care. I've moved on.

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Depends what kind of difficulty we're talking about. If we're talking about JRPGs where late game random encounters take me ten minutes of boring rotations to get through I'll lower the diff to get through pointless shit faster until I reach the boss.

No, Id rather throw myself at the wall 500 times trying different strategies
Turning difficulty down and no effort clearing something like its fucking dynasty warriors isnt fun

That fight felt like complete bullshit and I never actually beat it
I think eventually his attacks just started coming out too fast to react to or something that really expressed how mediocre the combat in that game is

This boss was a little tough but five hours? user, do you happen to have any learning disabilities?

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Not him but it might shock you to learn that different people find different things hard

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I have but rarely. In general I'd probably stop playing it entirely, but if the rest of the game is decent and your idea of difficulty is to make one shotting fatfucks of everything your hardest difficulty can suck my dick, thanks.

Or maybe some guys are just casuals?

I'm too stubborn and I wish I wasn't. Most of the time I refuse to even go level up or change things from when I first encountered the boss even when you're clearly intended to.

i'm sure you can do literally everything equally and have no flaws

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I'm not saying I'm flawless but LoS was not a particularly hard game outside of a few moments.
Looking at the stats on Steam only 14% of people beat The Forgotten One but that is not necessarily because of difficulty might be because the game can be quite boring at times.
But none the less the game was made for mainstream audiences in mind, such games are almost never made particularly difficult.

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Fair enough, I haven't played the game but I do remember being stuck on the last boss of Heavenly Sword years ago and feeling like a casual.
Turns out he basically filtered 80% of the playerbase.

I try to avoid it but I've done it a few times. Most notably in Xenoblade X, did that for several bosses. Didn't care for the combat anyway so I didn't mind getting through it quicker.

I generally wind up doing this too. I've set down several games lately because I'll encounter resistance and don't feel like practicing to get through the rough parts right away, but if I try to play a game on an easier difficulty I don't feel challenged enough to continue.

For instance, I was playing that new Fire Emblem on Normal and just breezed through the game completely without any issues. I then started the one that came before it, Fates, on hard, and wound up getting stuck on the 10th map, so I set it down for a while and finally came back to beat it. It seems like I can't really find that exact sweet spot for difficulty where I feel like I'm challenged but not stonewalled when I reach something I can't complete within a decent timeframe. I started replaying Armored Core: Nexus as well and eventually set the game down when I was having trouble clearing a mission, although that's a little different since I've already beat the game a couple of times in the past.

On my first playthrough, sure, sometimes. But I'm also an achievement/trophy fag and I usually end up playing the game on its hardest difficulty before I move on to something else.

If the story is really good I just wanna finish it because I'm impatient and I wanna know what happens next.

I only change the difficulty when the combat is genuinely unfun and I'd rather just skip it to see the story.

>I always pick the hardest difficulty
fucking why.
in most games hard mode is just "lets turn up the enemy damage and hp up to an absurd level and make the game complete bullshit"

I just play the game on normal and then do it again in harder difficulty if it's worth it unless it's really braindead easy.
Games are often worse in harder difficulty though as enemy just hit like trucks and are bullet sponges, sometimes not fitting the gameplay at all.
Good example is Crysis, in normal it's a fast paced funny game, in delta it's a boring lamefest where you never have energy, koreans have aimbots and you die in 3 bullets which means you must spam the invisibility and can never use other powers defeating the gameplay proposal.

There are only a handful of games bothering to give you an organic difficulty (more enemies, more agressive AI)

If I can't beat it on the hardest difficulty, I just don't play it anymore
>playing metro last light
>on hardest difficulty (can't remember the dumbass name for the hardest, something like "ultra ranger" or some dumb shit)
>get to the part where you have to fight off waves of mutants and wait for a boat to arrive
>try at least 15 times
>die every single time eventually
>dropped the game
>haven't played since

Only against the vampire boss in Witcher 3. The combat just isn't fun enough so it simply felt frustrating. I have no remorse for that whatsoever.

Meanwhile i'm going through Doom Eternal on Nightmare and having a lot of fun even if I have to try 5 or more times to get a Slayer's Gate done

Witcher 3's difficulty settings are basically worthless, the combat is garbage
>the best strat is just spam light attack spins
Wow, so deep.

you missed the best part of the game user

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Ranger difficulty is the right way to do difficulty, in my opinion.

>Original Metro
>Part late in the game everyone says is hard as shit because the enemies never die.
>Breeze through it without even knowing that's what they were talking about.
>Find out Ranger difficulty essentially drops yours and everyone elses' health to 1/10th of its normal value, so while you die very quickly, so does everything else.
>What was one of the most annoying parts of the game becomes nothing more than a footnote, despite everything else in general being more difficult.

I did it in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because that combat was godawful and I refused to suffer through it longer than I had to.

wat gaem

>lets turn up the enemy damage and hp up to an absurd level
>and make the game complete bullshit


I've dropped difficulty to medium at the end of Wolf:TNO, either on the moon or right after. The game was becoming a chore. Then I learned to ignore those awful ironsight/cover challenges and hipfired my way through Uber difficulty with joy.

>give me god of war in nu-GOW
I know game will be 1000x easier after i reach midgar but cant force myself to play this bullshit at beginning

This is interesting to me because I have never felt compelled to finish a game to experience the story. If the gameplay isnt fun I just drop it

>hardest difficulty
>you take more damage but the enemies health remains the same or only make them slightly tougher
The only correct way to do hard difficulty

What are some examples of games that do this?

Doom 2016 and Eternal

i've had to restart a 20 hour playthrough because I made the wrong choice at the start and the game takes a curve in difficulty and leveling based on your choice if there ever was a time i wanted to use cheats it was then

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>Hardest difficulty
>Everything dies in one hit, you and them
Bless S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>remember one time that I played Rainbow Six as a kid
>get the game
>put it on hard
>wait a second this first mission is not the same
>keep playing
>the first terrorist I encounter kills me in under a second
>turns out hard is bullshit hard
>you basically need to know where AI will decide to go before it appears on the screen
>let my squad do the job since they are on the same level of bullshit as enemies
Later I looked it up, turns out Rogue Spear was the game that I had, but I have to try this one again on lower difficulty since hard was probably created for training military AI.

Posted by a guy who has no social value or life and is still shit at games.

I wish this was the case in most games. Stalker does it perfectly

FUCK Ornstein and FUCK Smough!
I'm talking like a big shot because I finally beat those faggots yesterday after being stuck on them for over a month, refusing to summon Solaire or another player. I'd obviously overcome some other challenges to get that far in DS but no other victory has felt so sweet. After I won I just pushed the keyboard away and walked into my bedroom and quietly lay face down on the bed for a while.

holy fuck I did the same thing. I progressive lowered it all the way down to the lowest difficulty, and raged hard while doing it. I eventually got around to beating him on Knight and Paladin.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow DLC

Did it twice recently, but not because it got hard per se
Played Ori 1 on hard for an hour, and found out that hard difficulty increases point cost on skills, so I had to switch to normal because of achievement hunting obsession and not willing to grind for points later
Then there's KotoR2, where you have to get through a door as T3 at the start, but you can't lockpick it because hard difficulty raises stat checks, so you're forced to blow that door up, destroying three containers with loot, and I'm not about that


nah I just start on the easier difficulty outright

>Hardest difficulty
>Almost all enemies will power up and turn Elite after taking damage. Elite enemies are stronger and much more aggressive. Preventing them from becoming Elite is vital to getting through this difficulty.

I had to turn off level scaling in Witcher 3 during a deathmarch run once because it made a certain quest where you gotta kill like 50 rats while they surround you and chew on your shoes impossible cause each rat had more HP than the fucking Frog Prince and hit harder than those Olgierd shades

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