Less than ten years before we jack into the matrix

>less than ten years before we jack into the matrix

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>literally giving corporations access to your mind

>less than ten minutes before I jack off

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>Stuffing your brain with electronics.
No thanks.

>less than ten years
Imagine actually believing this.

Do it for the porn

>being a chiplet

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The first few generations of this shit is gonna cause serious medical issues in the early adopters, calling it now.

>Oh boy I sure love to link my consciousness and body processes directly to proprietary tech stuffed with backdoors for fuck knows whom on hardware and software level
Most horrifying thing there is that majority of "humans" are genuinely retarded enough to do it once they've been feed some shiny advertisements and influencer opinions, and not only that, they will also mock people who don't trust them and compare them to believers in flat earth.

>nah dude sorry I can't raid with you this week
>my skull port got infected and now I have encephalitis

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>10 years until I can live in a Japanese 12 years old body

May God raze the earth posthaste.

actually no, surprisingly.

how long after that for the off-the-grid chips installed by a backalley butcher?

Companies don't give a single fuck about what you think or your daily life, believe me. They just want to spray with you with ads and take your money.
Why are you tinfoiling so hard about OMG THE EVIL CORPORATIONS ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER. Trust me, they DO NOT CARE about the individual at all at any point in time.

>implying a computer virus can jump like a human virus
it literally doesn't work that way.

Your government is 10 times more evil and powerful than the greediest megacorp imaginable. You can't be forcefully enslaved by the free market, and we don't need anything but your money anyway.

just look at furry porn lmao how hard can it be

your brain is an electronic retard

Uh hello, based department?

Until it will be time to stomp out some undesirable opinion. Today they can ban you off their services if you dare to not love niggers enough and therefore hinder coming of globohomo mongrel utopia global capital dreams about. What will they do when they have direct access to things that keep your body running?
Who talked about viruses?

Advertisers are 100 times more evil than the government and they will do heinous shit just to sell ads.
They don't give a shit, they'll give you McDonald's sponsored seizures and not bat an eye.

That's like saying because all of our nerves are sending electrical impulses that we're technically robots.

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without our government we would have nothing, we are neets

>go to sleep
>have ads in your dreams
Yeah I'll keep the tech outside my brain for now thanks.

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>Your government is 10 times more evil and powerful than the greediest megacorp imaginable.
Arent those merged into one entity by now, in both China and US? That's the main reason to be concerned.

we are though.

Corps are where the money is. If niggerhaters had more money and spent more money, then most of the companies would've been niggerhaters. e.g. the 90s and early 2000s.
Now, the money is with the hippies so they pander to them.

Yes. Now prove me wrong.

yeah ok Shlomo

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Explain what's so hard about writing sensory data to the brain

I've had sex.

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you are fucking retarded

>it's just ads bro
Ads are already very powerful, why would you want to run them directly inside your brain? Sounds like a good way to turn all consumers into whales.

I'd rather not be sprayed with ads, retard.

The fact that every individual brain is different.


>Trust me, they DO NOT CARE about the individual at all at any point in time.

And people who fish with dynamite don't care about catching a single fish.

You are telling me that the OMG THE BENEVOLENT AND GOOD CORPORATIONS WHO TOTALLY WOULDNT SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFO TO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WRONG wouldn't fucking use your personally data to make money? Where do you think the robo callers got your number from? Hackers? or corporations selling data to LOLIDNOTKNOWGIBMEMONIES because money is the beginning, middle and ending of what they care about.

>Trust me

is this the new MY UNCLE WORKS FOR larp?

Corporations already do
The internet and Yas Forums especially is endlessly astroturfed. Advertisements are inescapable. Foods are crafted fo be as addictive as possible and cheap to produce and as unhealthy as possible. Music shifted from melody to hooks over the last 50 years to be more addictive and easier to make.
You are controlled already dumbass.

It's a Yas Forums joke.

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>globalism isn't the endgoal of capitalism
yeah ok Moishe

I just want a headband that lets me control keyboard and mouse functions with my mind.
Being able to eat, drink and pump iron while gayman.

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>following your biological programming/ "instincts"
you just proved him right.
way to go dumbass

So where's YOUR visual cortex then?

If Jack was on a Matrix, would you help jack off the Matrix?

More like before I jack into your mom's matrix

>Dude, they just don't care about you and want to drown you in their messages and take everything from you. What's there to worry about bro, lmao
Do Americans really...

more like a tumblr joke

Not an argument.

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I'd like for you to show me a scan of your brain where you point out to me exactly where your visual cortex is and if you're wrong by even a millimeter along that three dimensional border then you suffer permanent brain damage.

Knowing where the RAM is in your PC case doesn't mean you can use a magnetized needle to inject data into your running computer.

call me when i can upload my brain into a computer and abandon my mortal flesh

>Your government is 10 times more evil and powerful than the greediest megacorp imaginable.

Yes. Even if there's some super-evil occult elite at the top, they are minority, majority of contributors to globohomo do it because borders and organic identities like religion or ethnicity are bad for making really large sum of money and may interfere with influence of finance.
By the way, how big is you capital, and how much profit have it made you? Such a staunch defender of capitalism must have pretty respectable capital.

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>Chip in just to get Agent Smith'd


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>this is what third-worlders actually belive
I can't wait to taste SuperPoutine and hang out with all my furchad bros.

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Profits depends heavily on reputation, and therefore only state-backed monopolies can pull off vile shit like this and sustain no damages.
>t. commies

you don't have to chip in for that one.

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We can do this shit now with massive fucking spikes, consistently. Sending sensory data is trivial.

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Ads are so fucking intrusive,annoying, and downeight condescending nowadays its made me a fucking communists. Yea i fucking know its a retard system but idc. Its that fucking annoying.

>Profits depends heavily on reputation, and therefore only state-backed monopolies can pull off vile shit like this and sustain no damages.

So like every mega corp. in america these days as the government keeps strangling fledgling businesses with regulations lobbied by the mega corps.

>download an ad blocker
wow so hard

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Kojima predicted this with MGS4; so who is Ocelot going to be?

I'm just scared that by the time we get realistic full dive VRMMO games, I'll be too old and retarded to play competitively

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I'll replace my limbs and torso organs before I go fucking around with my brain thank you very much. It would be several decades before the technology would even become commonplace enough for a fully fledged game to launch. I can be a late adopter.

Government doesnt have the money or intelligence to keep shit on the downlow.

Corps can buy out anyone and the government is their bitch

Show a working device.
Show a working device that isn't individually tailored to a single specific brain.

Nine years.


Live long enough and there will be cerebral regenerative therapies to bring you back to your 20s.

>If you're against globohomo capitalism you're supporter of globohomo communism!
>you can only follow those two ideologies that both built on materialism and globalism and both seek global domination but have somewhat different administration structure
It's okay to be retarded, however it's not okay to stay retarded.

> (OP)
>If Jack was on a Matrix, would you help jack off the Matrix?

Bro what the fuck are you talking about lol

Seventy-five years. I can pull numbers from my God given asshole too.

Anclaps get the bullet first no matter who wins, remember this.

It's easy just shoot yourself while the machine copies you.

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>anti adblockers
>implying you can adblock broadcasts
>implying you can adblock anything that isnt in cyberspace

>Companies don't give a single fuck about what you think or your daily life, believe me.
Retard spotted. They do care, that's how they can improve their ads.

What's so bad about having full BCI in nine years?

>Spray you with ads and take your money
Two things I absolutely am not interested in doing, thanks.

>Your government is 10 times more evil and powerful than the greediest megacorp imaginable.

My family are lobbyists. The government is completely bought and paid for by corporations. Case in point:
>Halliburton helps foot the bill for the Bush campaign
>Bush administration starts Iraq war
>Bush administration makes it so Halliburton is the only company allowed to bid on the contract to supply the military for the Iraq War

Also, in case you think this is all coincidence...
>Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton between 1995, and when he became Vice President under Bush in 2000.
>Even before working as Halliburton CEO, Cheney was Secretary of Defense under Bush Sr. During his time, he worked closely with Halliburton, and set them up with millions of dollars in government defense contracts

This is how the USA works. Anything evil the government does has to be OK'd by the corporations who need to profit from it.

There aren't any anti adblockers which can block ublock origin and noscript. As for analogue ads, those exist in communist societies as well, they're just state run.

I'm not insisting it's bad. I'm saying even if the technology is possible it would take a long time for it to become commonplace. Eccentric millionaires are not the video gaming audience.

What's so bad about ending world hunger and colonizing the Andromeda galaxy within 9 years?
Do you know what wishful thinking is?

>grab someone by the skull port
>place other hand on their forehead for leverage
>rip it out
I call this technique, "The Off Switch".

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>have chip
>go to work
>want to think about something
>electro signal power the chip
>chip start to play RAID SHADOW LEGENDS ad in my brain
this is what will happen
companies would love to change you into their slaves, now i remember that image with television with motion and voice control and how there was plan to skip mcdonald ad if you stand like a retard and shout mcdonald

Just be the corporation. Problem sovled

Who's the "we"? lmao. The majority of people who'll willing acceppt a chip in their bodies are zoomers. Everyone before them grew up without the internet/tech obsessed life.

I'm sorry the gens before you failed you, zoomers. It's not your fault. But if it's any consolation: there were boomers who tried to warn other boomers about this shit.

>Show a working device that isn't individually tailored to a single specific brain.
They never have been and don't need to be. The underlying structures are the same for nearly everyone and work the same.

I can't wait.

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The brain is structured to accept sensory data from very specific nerves, in a very specific format. To create the mind-machine interface, you need to
>figure out where every nerve in the spinal column goes
>what each kind of signal in each of those nerves means
>how to connect a computer to these nerves in a way that lets you send artificial signals
Bonus points for
>temporarily disconnect nerves, so that the brain is only getting your data instead of the actual body
Meanwhile, in the real world, they can't even cure transsexuality.
I expect it'll happen eventually, but I wouldn't lay bets on it coming in my lifetime.

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>warp drive technology
>some tiny wires and invasive electroshock therapy
The human brain is just a wet pink pulsating computer.

>fails because of the sheer power required to rip something out lodged in the skull

>Corps are where the money is.
What year are you from? Must be pretty far from here. Because here in 2020 money are already powerful enough to see themselves as shapers of public discourse to their needs.

>the point
>your head

It's literally like pulling a little metal nail. How fucking weak are you?

All we need is FDA approval. All the other technology is in place already.

>they DO NOT CARE about the individual at all at any point in time.
You're right.

But when they have a world full of minds that can be used for menial calculation work, what's stopping them turning on the memory inhibitors and locking you in a waking hell where you don't even understand that you're being exploited.

Imagine a world where you're 5 minutes away from being done for the day, all ready to go back to your VR waifu sim for the next week because you only have to work an hour to pay for it. And then, suddenly, your mind is reset back to the 60 minute mark, and you're ready to start your work hour all over again!

There is no VR waifu sim. You will never clock off. You'll be a slave until you die. And then, after you die, your mind pattern will potentially be re-used to create a virtual form of yourself who can suffer for an infinite period of time. So you're weighing up a potential few years of fun against infinite suffering.

Hell doesn't exist, so people will create it.

>he thinks it's like pulling a little metal nail
yeah maybe a fucking construction nail out of concrete without anything but your fucking fingernails.

Nobody would ever really do this right? Theoretically with a matrix like situation someone could torture the shit out of you and you would never be able to die. Technology like this is a nightmare beyond imagining.

Why are you creating murder fantasies for technology that doesn't even exist and will likely never exist in the form that you imagine?

>All the other technology is in place already.
Feel free to post said technology.

> infinite suffering.
you mean like we already have?

I think this might be happening now. Every minute im at work lasts an hour and a half and every minute im at home lasts mere seconds. When my weekend is over im not even really sure it ever happened.

go try and pull out neil harbisson's eyeborg i fucking dare you.
he's even told people to tug on it as hard as they can, it doesn't budge dude.


If you think the modern world is suffering, I hope you put your brain in a Google owned system. Because then maybe you'll understand the difference between being too incompetent and stupid to have fun, and literal hell.

>tfw your bro makes you experience 1000 years in the span of 5 minutes as a prank

slow down SLOW DOWN

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Just grab and pull. Are you seriously too weak to pull a single nail out of your body? Is a fucking simple bone comparable to concrete to you?
No wonder there's an incel epidemic.

so the same thing?