Bannerlord tread

>Comes out in 9 days
>No thread on it
>Not even a price tag on steam yet

Attached: bannerlord.jpg (1152x720, 148.27K)

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Nah it's coming out alright, a lot of games have no price tag until the last few days.Some don't even have one until the games out.

How's Corona in Roachland?

this close to release a game will always come out. but usually its also last minute crunch time for finding bugs. so at worst it will be a buggy jank fest. at best it will be a buggy jank fest

I thought it was already confirmed to be delayed because of the virus?

its getting early access released so of course it will come out, they'll cash in and they'll handwave any issues no matter how dire. that said, I'm excited to see it

Will there be actual SP content cause I'm not buying this shit to play MP.

But ofcourse!
The beta was MP only but the game itself is SP as well.

The only game i can muster any excitement for, if they delay it I will make the division of Turkey after ww1 look like a stroll in the park

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EA is the SP release.
That's why it's the one people care about.

Who are the Rhodaks of Bannerlord?

Thankfully there are no mountain niggers in Bannerlord. But lorewise the vlandians are their and the Swadian's ancestors.

We know it's between $39.99 and $49.99 USD, supposedly 49.99, and it comes out on the 31st. There's not a whole lot to talk about. People are playing the beta, and that's about it. We don't know how much or little content there is in the single player, other than some basic shit like kingdom creation not being in yet. No mod tools for a "while" so probably only basic quality of life shit or bug fixes coming out for a good few months.

We're done talking. We are ready to ride out.

Part of me still kinda refuses to believe it's actually coming out.

>everyone is in quarantine
>turkroaches dont have the decency to release the game early
I hope the Syrians invade them and fuck their shit up.

The original mount and blade was released in a similar fashion. Hopefully there won't be a $60.00 Bannerlord followed by Bannerlord 2 a few months later.

their roadmap stretches to mid way through fuckign 2021 before they're finished putting in content, so at least you'll get a year of shit. My money is on them just releasing a dlc that has all the extra features in it.

What's the game about, OP? Sell it to me and maybe I'll play it...

If the mod tools are good enough Taleworlds will end up getting BTFO'd by the Floris or PoP of Bannerlord, making any sort of dlc pointless. I'm fine with module DLCs anyway, if they're good enough.

i swear to god if this game is shit after 7 years i will quit video games.

There's no mod tools until they're done with the roadmap, which is why I don't understand why anyone's excited. the original m&b was absolute garbage, warband was when it actually got decent, and it STILL took months after warband's release for it to not crash every 30 seconds.

How's horseback lancing feel in this game if anyone knows

the multiplayer is all we have to go by, feels basically the same as warband, it's awkward as shit and aiming is very difficult because it's locked to a small square of aim before you break it. Also dampens your handling on the horse when you're in lancing speed loads so I hope you're going in a straight line.

I pre ordered it on instant gaming for 37€, they never failed to deliver. But yeah, 50€ for Bannerlord is really pushing it. They might be overestimating how much people want this, especially considering the beta has been very unstable, they have been doing playtest on Siege and that thing is a mess stability wise. If the EA isn't stable people will refund and leave a bad comment. Warband fanboys are probably going to shit on it as well.
I really hope they release modding tools and let people do custom scripts for MP, MP is a rp sandbox game at its core. Hope they don't forget that.
It's also lacking voice commands and voip, which is a bit worrying to me...
Still shocking that's all they could deliver in eight years, but there is nothing else to play anyway.

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>>Comes out in 9 days

The lack of voice commands for basic communication is enormous, but wasting resources on voip when 99.9999999999% of people use discord and wouldn't hear you, much less respond isn't a big deal.

Rest of it though, yeah. It's a mess. I spent so long being excited, and here we are, on the cusp of release and I find myself not really interested in it anymore. I think it took so long I finally grew out of it.

Watch it be shit and full of bugs and mechanically feel too different from MnB to get a mod scene. Please dont


If this turns out to be shit I'm going Unabomber.

MnB is one of the successful games ever. Zoomers dont know but Mount and Blade already had a sizeable following in fucking 2006. There is no way the sequel will be good.

I dunno seems to me 3D Positional Voice is a must have in that types of games. I don't use discord when I just want to join a pub and have fun.

Seems to you, but again, not 99.9999999999% of people. Did you never play napoleon wars, or any other warband multiplayer lobbies?

Of course it's going to be shit it's early access, now if the release sucks you can quit video games.

I'm thirty two and have been playing Warband since release. People adapted to the lack of features, doesn't mean it should become the norm. I dunno seems pretty shortsighted is all.

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My point is that people have ALREADY adapted to it, and adding in features now is pointless because everyone has already adapted, and would not make use of it. it would be a waste of their resources.

I got DooM Eternal but only feel like playing Bannerlord. Holyshit if it gets delayed.. I dunno guys...

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yes taleworlds close until the corona virus still spreading around

Yeah, because Bannerlord isn't going to attract new people that expect the bare minimum... Let's agree to disagree, you seem pretty low iq so I'm probably not gonna change your mind.

maybe they get more shit done from home than at the office tbqh.

If you think bannerlord is going to attract any semblance of a major new playerbase, you're fucking retarded. Anyone who applied got into the beta, and it's already dead as shit.

Imagine being that dense...

I'm going to pirate it, I'm not paying $50 for an indie early access game. If the things they add before release and the final game are really good, I might shell $50 then, but I'll most likely wait for sale anyway.

Warband is not a popular game, and never was. Expecting an early access, buggy release with less content than warband, at 10x the price to sell better, well, I don't know what to tell you other than you're fucking stupid.

Buggy jank fests are good things in this day and age. They'll get patched later anyway plus we get entertainment from the fucked broken piece-of-shit version of the game.

Everything is customizable and adjustable, that's why modders will flock to it regardless. You realize Warband had garbage modding support, right?


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Jesus Christ... Yeah, it just sold 6 million copies and has 16k player picks literally 10 years after release. How low IQ are you? like seriously what kind of two IQ digit are we talking about here?
Moreover you argument that 3D Voices is not needed because Warband players are used to the lack of features and Bannerlord isn't going to attract new players anyway is beyond dense and stupid, I'm at loss of words... How the fuck are you supposed to attract players tbw, if you are consciously ruling out important features because your old user base has adapted to their absence... What the actual fuck kind of low IQ inbred piece of shit dense turd logic is that? Please do kill yourself, stupid trash.

not him but your a fucking retard and you should kill yourself.

>it just sold 6 million copies

Dumbest coonoid nigger post on Yas Forums.

I feel that it's way too tricky and awkward. Unless I'm missing something you have to do a stab towards the enemy for the lance to be able to connect at all.

I can't understand why they didn't just copy Mordhau's system, which feels great.

Yeah, because it's so unpopular right?

Wake me up when they port Prophecy of Pendor to it

It's literally the 58th most played game on stean as we speak, 10 years after its release (really its 12 since bannerlord was just a patch essentially).
Here's the list of games with fewer players than warband

Attached: Steam_6Y0RETdorL.png (405x862, 72.55K)

why the fuck do boomers always use ellipses in every other sentence?


wishful thinking tbqh

was a joke actually, but nvm...