RE3 French Spoilers

According to frenchbro
>you don't go inside of the clock tower, just have a bossfight in front of it, before Jill passes out from the infection
>no spiders
>hospital is in, Carlos part is supposedly great
>last part of the game really differs from the original RE3
>no parc to walk through
>grave digger not confirmed

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Other urls found in this thread:
>coolest name for a weapon in all history
>name not picked at random ("the Azoth is said to embody all medicines, as well as the first principles of all other substances. In late-16th-century Paracelsianism, Paracelsus (d. 1541) was said to have achieved the Azoth, and in the "Rosicrucian" portrait of 1567 the pommel of his sword bears the inscription Azoth")
>makes the battle memorable and earned (you don't just spam it, you earn it by beating nemesis legit first)
>the battle is gone and replaced with RE2r Mark II because zoomers need their vidddya to look like their netflics vomit

Oh god how I hate zoomers

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>Yeah, sorry for answering so late, I just woke up lol

>And yes, I finished the game in 6h30, 5h30 is because the game doesn't count the continues

>Nemesis des have multiple transformations, we end up in a lab, no Grave Digger

>the game will disapoint some, I'm also surprised of its shortness, but looking at the trophies there is one where you must clear the game in 2h, so it should have been expected since that's very speedrunny

>Positives : Nemesis is way more aggressive, the game is very well presented, Carlos is better written, the hospital part is very stressing, you rediscover the game since the events unfold differently from the original

>Negatives : way too easy with the dodge system, way too many things have been cut off from the original game (easily 2-3 hours of scenario missing), way too short, events unfolding way too fast, and Nemesis does not let you search around when he's after you

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>Positives : Nemesis is way more aggressive

>Negatives and Nemesis does not let you search around when he's after you

Bien joué la traduction l'ami

merci ma gueule
>mon visage quand

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I'm very disapointed by the fact that the gravedigger, the inside of the clock tower, as well as the park have been cut off. For the lack of spiders, as well. Wonder how the game is gonna conclude, but it does sound slightly disapointing so far. Same as with RE2 remake lacking some monsters and stuff towards the end, basically.
They should have aborted the multiplayer to focus entirely on the main game.

Seriously though, what do they have against the spiders? Or crows, moths and giant worms? Shit like that was prime material to creep people out in modern-generation visuals.

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They aren't realistic enough for a zombie game user, a zombie game.

This. I'm always reminded of that RE2 remake interview where they say that the croc almost did not make it in because "the team thought it would not feel realistic enough". WTF guys, it's a goddamn B-movie game. Of course mutated animals are fine.

>no park
>no gravedigger

jesus capcom, why even remake a game without the most iconic parts?

>Same as with RE2 remake lacking some monsters and stuff towards the end
REmake 2 botched the entire lab section at the end. Smaller locations, less unique enemy encounters wherein the stronger naked zombies should've been the Pale Heads from the minigames. Also missing Super Lickers. Also the A/B scenarios were made pointless since there's no continuity maintained between both scenarios unlike the original.

The spiders were merged with Drain Deimos. Instead of the humanoid insectoids they were before, they were literally shrunken down and made to resemble spiders now.

I dont believe anything until I will see it and play it. It might be just another hoax - the streamer didnt show the absence of clock tower or park. Its just words.

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The final area is the NEST lab instead of the industrial powerplant. Oh well, see you guys in a decade when we might or might not get a new remake that remains faithful.

Yes it's disapointing because the game is not 100% true to the original, but still worth cracking it

Too bad. You're going to take your shitty forced MP that will be active for less than 6 months before shuttering and you're going to like it.

En gros le jeu est juste un putain de downgrade de l'original ?

How come there's no Brad Vickers spoilers?
What the fuck is going on?
Does he just get his face raped and that's it?

The streamer showed that the Clock Tower exists but we don't know if it's actually a full level or not.

Gonna wait for a sale for this game.

Encore un français lol
Ouais c'est vraiment l'arnaque par rapport au REmake 2, surtout pour 60e

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Dude, common sense:
Jill goes into a coma, Carlos put her in the small chapel and goes on to create a vaccine.
They basically recreated the shortest route possible to that chapel/Carlos's bell room and that's literally it.

There talking about being in front of clocktower in the trophy

>They should have aborted the multiplayer to focus entirely on the main game.

to be fair that just your mind trying to cope.
cacpom would have delivered the same game even with extra time, RE2remake is proof of that

I mean yeah. He might have a slightly larger role like Marvin in 2 but hes bound to deepthroat some dick.

Putain de lol, c'est à peine si je me suis pas senti nique en prenant remake 2 pour 20 boules , mais la cest vraiment n'importent quoi. Ca sera un crack et pas plus

I immediately assumed we would fight him as las plagas next to Nemesis, which is why we never got Zombie Brad in RE2.

D’après Crackwatch c'est Denuvo le DRM donc va falloir attendre longtemps avant de pouvoir le cracker

Is it possible to "defeat" nemesis so he stops harassing you in an area?

The shitty multiplayer is made by someone else.

>no spiders
What are these, then? Never played RE3.

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Zombie Brad appeared in the stream. He bites/infects Marvin and you have to take him out as Carlos in front of the RPD.

Drain Deimos

too hard to rig/animate. they have no talent.

All the weapon in the game for those who wondering

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See Drain Deimos were shrunken down and redesigned to look more spider-like. Pic-related was the original Drain Deimos design.

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DrainDeimos. They used to be more humanoid looking flea-like monsters in the original, and have been retooled to look more insectoid this time

Where the fuck is the Samurai edge?

You lot know the muitplayer was outsourced right?

Well i'm guessing samurai edge didn't make it or will be in DLC only

yeah... guess I'm in full cope mode

So is the extended mag gun just a different glock?

So basically this game was rushed by a Team B while everyone else is working on RE8, right?


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Apparently yes, idk why capcom did this

Guess it's a pirate then.
A short campaign and some shitty multiplayer isnt gonna be worth full price.

still a waste of money.

This poster from demo can`t be just bait...

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the werewolf game?

I thought the lab was pretty good personally. The one thing they really botched was the A/b scenarios seriously what the fuck that was pretty dumb

What has been said so far makes me feel like it's gonna be a RE4 soft reboot. What with european rural areas, knights, and all that. Might be just fake rumors as well

Well maybe the french fag didn't find every weapons in the game or capcom is playing with our nostalgia

There is also suppressor for Glock he missed.

There has to be more, the assault rifle has got to be in it even just as an infinite version.

just hope it's not first person.

in the demo, if you die alot it asks if you want to enable assisted difficulty, and says youll get the assault rifle. So it may be tied only to that.

How do you know that user ?

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There have to be shit ton of other weapons, especially bonus ones.

Can you still kill nemesis and get the sick loot off him??

You can down him but he just drops more ammo and he revives like Mr. X.

True, the shootgun from the demo is also missing here

>lightning hawk again
Now that's just lazy. Did they just use RE2's magnum so they wouldn't have to model a magnum revolver?

In the original Nemesis can drop one iirc and you can also get an infinite one. Hopefully it's not just tin assisted mode for RE3R.


Pretty sure that shotgun in the pic is it just upgraded with a different stock.

I miss the old days when devs weren't afraid to waste time making a proper spider; the new engine must suck if they went 2 games without them.

Carlos uses the assault rifle

Lazy crapcom B-team
it was something to espect, even the zombie asset are the same as Remake 2

Its there, the same shotgun with different, folding stock, upgraded.

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That's a collapsible buttstock, not a folding stock

Really wish they took their time with this, whyd they feel they had to rush it out so quick after RE2?

You're right but spiders have always been fucking useless.

I don't think so, the shootgun in the demo look like an old shootgun
The one in the image look like a spaz 12

So you don't get upgrade for downing Nemesis now?
Are they just found lying about?

There is already completely ready magnum revolver for RE engine, and different than upgraded SLS 60 for Claire - the revolver of Brian Irons.

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when people praise you for removing things, It to be expected.

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J'ai le temps j'ai encore pas mal de truc à faire, là je suis en plein dans nioh 2.

Funny enough his revolver is also a reused asset from revelations 2.

Shut the fuck up donald_trumpxd


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I want those really dumb 5 star weapons from revelations; like the dragon shotgun.

Is the soulless remake bubble finally bursting?

Hopefully people won't be so surprised when FFVII is bad now.

Apparently the french dude said that all the lockers and puzzles in the RPD are the exact same as 2

Its the same Benelli M3 Super 90 semi automatic shotgun.

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They're not bad, just lacking.

can't photo scan them they fired all their artists.

I think a lacking game which is remaking a fantastic game is worse than a bad original game.

It only being around 6hrs and the cut sections are making me want to cancel my preorder.

It still looks like a good game but it makes me feel disappointed. At least with REmake 2 there were A and B scenarios making it around 12hrs for a first playthrough.

yeah we saw that in the stream yesterday

Well tell me it's not lazy to put asset form past game in new one, they could have at least give us new zombie asset for a game who cost 60$

even if it's a standard in game industry they could at least try a little

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Nah, the remake will always be superior regardless of missing content because of one simple thing: no fixed camera angles.

now THIS is the revolver we really need

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Faut que je test Nioh 2, aprés avoir terminé Doom Eternal bien sur

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>actually admits to it
Goddamn at least try to hide your faggotry even if a little