>haven't even been in quaranteen for a full week yet
>already bored of videogames
Haven't even been in quaranteen for a full week yet
theyre super shit yeah
The quarantine means I have even less free time because I have to do all the same shit but online where it's twice as inefficient. Being able to work on my backlogs would be nice.
Gaming so only fun when its combined with a busy and fulfilling life for me.
I dont understand and even pity people who have nothing going on other than 10+ hours of gaming every day. I had 5 days immbolised at home due to an ankle injury and was desperate to go outside after day 1.
god i wish i could be on quarantine
my job is an essential business (shipping company)
so i gotta fuckin go to work. i told them im prolly gonna quit tho.
>I had 5 days immbolised at home due to an ankle injury and was desperate to go outside after day 1.
Fuck off extrovert
>Have been in quarantine for about a week
>just started playing video games today
>mercy mercy me.mp3
that's how you know when you are a casual
the majority of people who think they are actual gamers play only a few hours a week if they are lucky and if they had a week or even a month of no work they would be bored within a week.
i am a gamer
finished surge this week after having it since 2017 since was planning to play the second since i bought it
decide to play code vien as a pallate cleanser....play it and get death stranding the next day since it was onsale and been playing that for the past 3 days
even tho ive never had a job i still have a backlog
burnout is a thing, either for a genre or just normal burnout for a week or month/s
normalfag lol