
It's over.

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shut the fuck up retard.

Speaking of anti-consumer, who do you trust more between the two Major Gaming review companies

> Gamespot (Random Order)
> 1. SoulCalibur
> 2. Zelda: BOTW
> 3. Zelda: OOT
> 4. Chrono Cross
> 5. Final Fantasy VI
> 6. EarthBound
> 7. Metroid Prime
> 8. Link's Awakening
> 9. Symphony of the Night
> 10. Grim Fandango
> 11. StarCraft: Brood War
> 12. Bayonetta 2
> 13. Rock Band 3
> 14. Journey
> 15. The Wind Waker

> 1. Zelda: ALTTP
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Portal 2
> 4. Super Metroid
> 5. Zelda: BOTW
> 6. Final Fantasy VI
> 7. Super Mario World
> 8. Super Mario Bros 3
> 9. Tetris (GBC)
> 10. Half-Life 2
> 11. Red Dead Redemption
> 12. Super Mario 64
> 13. Grand Theft Auto V
> 14. Symphony of the Night
> 15. Halo 2

they literally admitted they don't care about sales. that's just a veiled way of saying you don't give a shit about consumers while sounding self-righteous and passionate. "we're not in it for the money" is such a huge meme. surprising it took people this long to catch on. most gamers are retarded and will not catch on to shitty business practices until their favourite company inevitably pulls a fallout 76

>valve is anti CONSOOMER

I watched her video, she's a whiny bitch who thinks that Valve being a private company is a bad thing.

>listening to a woman
Jesus Christ OP, are you that desperate?

Based, holy shit at the amount of pcbros in the comments.

>I create boondoggle apology for the polite existence of a social opiate. [Engadget Senior Editor] [She/her]
Literal Communist.

IGN has more lowest common denominator games, although Portal 2 and HL2 are two of my favorites.
GTA V I expected in their list because there's a massive GTA V IGN crew. Fuck them. Kill-on-sight every time.

>those earrings
Opinion discarded

Gamespot easy.

>he doesn't know gaming "journalism" is just outsourced PR
zoom zoom botherer.org/2012/10/24/games-journalists-and-the-perception-of-corruption/

>all that zelda
>Final fantasy
Disgusting list

>make game for vr which is not that popular
>hurr valve ie evil durr
mentally challenged

So the gist of the video is because Valve makes the games they want not the games fans ask for, that makes them anti-consumer, I mean sorta yeah but its not worth complaining over

Fuck off Epic Tencent Shill.

Video is absolutely correct. Just look at the comments of Valve drones rushing to the rescue of their monopoly gods.
The truth is that Steam should not have a center stage as a platform just by virtue of existing. Developer cut and DRM, literally getting money from doing nothing.

Lass is talking like Valve is the fucking UAC

Actually it should because Valve spent decades building up their rep, while every major publisher said that PC was a dead platform.

Valve earned their spot by being loyal to the platform with their investment in Steam and other tech. Now the same companies that said PC is dead are crying that Steam is so popular.

>doing nothing
Except establishing and maintaining the biggest market on this platform.

I understand what you're saying but that's not what anti-consumer means. It's about restricting your choice of existing products and services through onerous barriers and also about reducing any recourse should you be deceived or scammed. In that sense Valve's near monopoly status and some of their refund policies can be seen as somewhat anti-consumer. Of course their competitors mostly just want to do the same, and their policies tend to be worse.

This will be as shit as Doom Eternal.

>see an ugly woman
Yeah I'm not watching that.

Someone tell me what she's crying about.

>literally getting money from doing nothing.
Steam gets new features nearly every month. Meanwhile EGS has been out for nearly two years and still doesn't have a shopping cart.

>noooooo they need to pander to meeeeeeeeeeee bawwww

tell me why should i care what some e-walfare meme shouter clickbait artist on youtube says about any game on any platform in any year?

Let me save you the click lads.
This slut is completely bent over taking that Epic dick. Endlessly shits on Steam while viciously blowing the EGS like a little girl at a candy store.


This. They started it, now they reap what they sow. I for one, am glad that integer people like Tim challenge them on their bullshitery.

Attached: Tim - Steam exclusives.jpg (750x777, 321.31K)

This. Data is backing up his claim.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-22 Tim Sweeney on Twitter JK6115 MonaIbrahim Aurunemaru Of the 11 Places to Release Your Indie Game, one[...].png (598x338, 29.83K)

Isn't she one of those actual EGS shill though? I mean the narrative she speaks is almost too similar to the fixed narrative we've seen from EGS shill last year with the whole anti-consumer angle.

>logical consumerism


wow it's uncanny

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>valve is anti-consumer
>valve is toxic pro-consumer
Which one is it, journofaggots?

These. It's over for Valve.

Man, these points are all retarded
>wahhh the storefront which took 10 years of constant good PR, sales, and backend work is a monopoly
>when every other big company on the market shunned PC and didn't bother investing in the market
>wahhh the developers aren't making the games I want
>wahhh the parent company is starting and stopping projects like every other company ever
The only real points she has is
>off-loads moderation to community members
But considering how big of a storefront Steam is, the logistics of getting a large enough team to moderate it isn't exactly easy.

If they were actually doing nothing then it would be easy to take their place by just doing a few things better than them but EGS couldn't do that even with moneyhatting.
Keep spouting your meme buzzword, thought.

Why do female journos and community managers all look like STD-ridden whores?


Say something nice about her Yas Forums.

>The truth is that Steam should not have a center stage as a platform just by virtue of existing.
Steam provides tons of services. And introduces new ones constantly. Which other DRM has something like Remote Play Together?

>off-loads moderation to community members
What is even the argument here? That social media can't shame Valve directly into banning offending posters on the community boards?
Or that she can't get hired for a PR job at Valve to ban people herself?

I believe the idea is that Valve is a big company (it's pretty small) with a shitton of money (true, but I'm unsure how it compares to some of the megacorps who have storefronts the size of Steam), so them outsourcing moderation to community members is basically a penny-pinching measure. Basically "why are they getting free moderation when they should be paying people?"

I've never bothered looking into it, so I don't know what benefits (if any) community moderators get, but I feel like doing it for free is kinda shit for a company who seemingly makes so much. That being said, I just looked at their moderators page (steamcommunity.com/discussions/moderators), and the "proper" Valve employees make up over 1/3 of the complete team, so it's not that bad.

When she started explaining what steam is I stopped watching.

I mean tf2 basically proved that but whatever.

why I get Anita vibe from her?

Devs should handle their own steam forums. If anything, Valve just needs more customer support staff.

>their own games are exclusive, so its okay that we snatch up products like these other shitty companies

Maybe it's because 1 of those Places to Release Your Indie Game developed pipelines that make the process incredibly easy and literally add value to your game in form of emotes and profile backgrounds.
But that can't be right, because Valve does literally nothing and probably just coerces these people into releasing on Steam under threat of violence.

I absolutely despise fat kike gayben but there's nothing more based than answering to no one

>Devs should handle their own steam forums
I'm pretty sure they already do unless they just decide to ignore the boards entirely.

I tried warning people as soon as this acquisition was made public that they will be the downfall of Valve.
>Valve acquires San Francisco cucks
>all of a sudden Steam library overhaul for the worse
>try being betas and pull naughty wrong think games off Steam until Gabe steps in
>company changes its community dialogue drastically, becomes more open
>HL:A is written by SJW faggot
>drops old voice actress, retcons the whole storyline
This is only the beginning. Wait until Gabe retires and the company is left in these faggots hands. It will all fall to pieces. I give the company 10 years time before it's completely dead.

Attached: whatwentwrongwithnuvalve.jpg (584x2334, 307.17K)


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>make VR video of half life alyx
>IRS starts knocking on my door

>Yas Forums has deteriorated so far it simps over opportunistic thots
Wow it's like Anita Sarkeesian but for poor people who never buy games and then get mad that devs ignore them

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I only trust Aggravated Pédro. He’s the only one who has integrity and passion for video games in the land of shills. His reviews give me the true rating and details of a game so I can make my final decision. These šoyboys didn’t even mention the bullshit in Mortal Kombat 11. Was going to buy it and was like eh... Maybe on sale.

>>Maybe it's because 1 of those Places to Release Your Indie Game developed pipelines that make the process incredibly easy and literally add value to your game in form of emotes and profile backgrounds.
This is peak delusion. People use steam because everyone uses steam, and everyone uses steam because it was the first one with a popular game release. Devs release there because that's where 95% of the marketplace is.

I heard this triggers you, so i'll start posting it on all your threads too

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>do some retardes shit in 2017
>get a year later
>it's now my new employer's fault

"Answers to no one" is considered something bad only in current gay pozzed "culture" that was born out of merging capitalism and socialism and revolves around being as inclusive and faceless as possible and creating plasticized inclusive faceless products that can be liked by all so that suits could maximize bottom line.
If you stay true to yourself and your vision, you definitely will not be liked by all. There will be people who hate you, and you'll make less profit. However it should be proprietor's own choice to decide what to do with his work, and this harlot attacks gayben like he is committing sacrilege against some ultimate truth.

fuck consoomers
im tired of people sticking up for retards who have so little self-control, they can't help but support shit they don't like with their own money. if the average consumer is this retarded, we shouldn't have freedom and these people should be put in a camp.

>should not have a center stage as a platform just by virtue of existing
Microsoft's windows is in exactly the same position and I don't see many of you faggots raging about that
I am supporting the alternatives to steam that appear to be playing a fair, like GOG or maybe Humble Store. Even itch.io if I find a game amnongst all that shovelware.
If Steam's monopoly is so awful, why are then more people not supporting decent alternatives?

Nothing is stopping them from using Steam in addition to those 10 other platforms but for some reason they don't?
Also, I'd like to see where he got those numbers from for 2019 to begin with.

THEY tried to destroy Valve the same way they destroyed every other fucking company but the environment is particularly hostile to their brand of sabotage

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