DOOM2016 comes out

>DOOM2016 comes out
>gayest shit ever! stupid QTE glory kills ruin the pacing! you move so slow! the enemy design sucks! the music is trash! doomguy looks like master chief! i can't recognize the ammo!
>Eternal comes out
>enemy design sucks! it's too videogamey! it's too colorful! it doesn't take itself seriously! i am forced to use dash to move fast! what a letdown! Doom 2016 was such a good game how could they fuck this up so badly
State of this board, don't forget to seethe contrarians

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Other urls found in this thread:

They both sucked. Fuck zoomers so much

>no genderbent marauder sex where you can only stick it in when her eyes glow green

pick one


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Actually based

Zoomers are all out playing CoD Warzone and other battle royales but you already know this, zoomer.

Man, I can't wait for the new wave of female doom monsters sfm.

Only good thing that will come out of this. It's a shame that Doom (2016) nsfw movie never came out.

All versions of DOOM sucked.

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You have to use glory kills and chainsaw more often in Eternal then 4 though so this post is bait. It flat out requires you do so.

Can't shield against the dick.

Fippy bippy

>t. didn't play either game but swears they're bad because they're different from the originals
they're both fantastic games

>Yas Forums is one person
QTEs are a thousand times worse in Eternal than they are in 2016

Just finished it. It doesn't feel as bad at later levels. but that's also because you've accepted the ability spam and resource management mechanics. I don't like how it breaks your pace to go find some fodder to chainsaw every miniute. Or spamming Super shotgun chain combo on fodder to get armor. In general, it feels like they take away you're agency in the fight.

There are zero QTEs in either game.

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I don't care what you want to call the gay animation that plays whenever you need ammo it's retarded garbage

Please learn what a Quick Time Event is before making a fool out of yourself.

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Press Q to glory kill is a QTE as much as left clicking to shoot is a QTE. Look up what a QTE is before you post again.

Learn that the problem with QTEs and "glory kills" is the same in essence. It takes control away from the player, albeit briefly, and offers no actual challenge whatsoever. It's just press button for bad ass cinematic while you sit and watch. It's not entertaining when you have to sit through it a thousand times, each and every time you're stuck in an animation you can't skip.

That animation is literally shorter than reload animations in most of FPS games, what's your point? Glory kills ARE reload.


>nooooooo not my zoomy dooomy
choke on your soi, subhuman.

Every single thing I said is true. It's factual. It's not an opinion. I described to you exactly why people have a problem with it, and why they're describing it as a QTE. The similarities are too many to ignore, and you're going to get hung up on some bullshit semantics like what's happening in this game is somehow better than QTEs.

Why would you take the opinions of a board who doesn't play video-games and can only spout buzzwords and parrot others opinions to validate their own?

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I love Doom and Sigil and Doom 2 and the Plutonia Experiment and Doom 64 AND Doom 3 AND Resurrection of Evil AND Doom 2016 and now Doom Eternal. I love the entire series and no amount of contrarianism will stop me.
TNT Evilution can get fucked

Live based life

Nope, you're wrong as I correctly stated.

I accept your dumb ass concession. When you refuse to engage in a discussion it's because you're wrong and you acknowledged it.

My proof of being correct is right here I'm not going to explain if you can't understand the difference when it's as clear as day. Stop being retarded.

I explained to you why QTEs are a problem and why people are complaining about the gameplay in the new Doom. The effect on the gameplay is identical to QTEs. The presentation is different, but control is still wrest away from players so they can watch some cinematic shit happen that is out of their control.

QTEs are mandatory, glory kills are not.

That's arbitrary and untrue. Heavy Rain has QTE that are optional. This is brainlet tier trolling.


>This is brainlet tier trolling
I was just thinking the same of you. Doom has no QTEs, get the fuck over it.

I just don't see why you can't turn glory kill animations off and just have it so that if you kill an enemy with a melee attack you get the rewards

Kill any demons today, friends?

All games suck because I'm bored of the hobby desu

Cultist Base Master level was kino, straight up 2 tyrants in first arena


Reloading gun is QTE, it takes away control from the player.

Finished Master Levels on HMP, somewhat discouraged on trying it on UV after Teeth. I have enough wads and Doom 64 to keep me going.

>That animation is literally shorter than reload animations in most of FPS games
No it isn't and the previous game did away with reloading for good reason you retard

No it isn't you retard, the player is in complete control to move and look around while it's happening. The chainsaw literally stops everything you're doing to show you an xD so awesome animation and you don't regain control until it finishes.
I'm not even the guy you're responding to and I don't have a particular problem with animation or glory kills in principle, but Eternal overuses it so much it's retarded.

brain damage if you think that

hurr durr



>xD so awesome animation
I mean, yeah. Chainsawing through demons is fun, watching it happen is fun. Do you even like videogames? The whole point is to press buttons so cool stuff happens on screen. Chainsawing through demons is cool. The animations are visceral and satisfying.

Yeah if that's the case why can't I melee a basic zombie to death? It's supposed to be fun right? I want to be able to clobber a zombie in a few punches but for some reason melees literally do zero damage.
Good job on missing the point of the post by the way.

>If the game is supposed to be fun why can't I do anything I want in it?
yes, the fact that melees dont do damage is annoying but it is a miniscule gripe with an otherwise fantastic game.

>If the game is supposed to be fun why can't I perform a basic franchise hallmark action in it?
Fixed. It's an okay game and a disappointing sequel to 2016.

>pressing buttons is QTE
Fucking hate Fallout 1. All those fucking QTEs...

Only brutal DOOM is the only good game

>play Dark Souls
>QTE to parry
>QTE to riposte
Thanks FROM.

Yeah, remember all that time you spent punching demons in Doom 1 and 2? Oh wait, you didn't because it was an absolute fucking last resort when you had no ammo left, which doesn't happen in this game because you have a chainsaw that recharges every 15 seconds.
Nobody gives a fuck about the fist in Doom 1 and 2. You could remove it and give the pistol infinite ammo and the game would be better for it.

Oh no no no
