If you summon for a boss fight have you really beaten a Souls game?

If you summon for a boss fight have you really beaten a Souls game?

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Nigger yes you can literally summon in offline mode. If you’re good and want a challenge on a new character go ahead and skip the phantoms.

No, unless the developer made it ridiculously easily to summon an npc

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>No you may NOT play with friends
>You have to follow my strict completely real rules or else you aren't an EPIC GAMER


you have not truly beaten a boss if you just attacked it while it focused down a summon and ignored you

If it's a mechanic thats built into the game there is nothing wrong with using it.

If you used the bottomless box glitch then you didn't beat it.

I snapped and summoned multiple people for Friede because fuck whoever thought she was a good idea. It seems I got filtered.

If you don't complete 100% of the game without leveling, equipment, spells, items and healing have you really beaten a Souls game?

honestly, i never summoned in any of from's games. i figured the games were made for solo play mainly. maybe if co-op was more strongly encouraged i would try. i treat MHW the same way. maybe im just anti-social

Friede is one the best boss encounters in the series. I really wish they allowed individual areas to get their difficulty increased with the boss respawning without needing to cycle through a whole ng plus to get to a boss you like. like dark souls ii

Lmao imagine playing dark souls how the developers intended by summoning scripted npcs that give you gestures and armor sets for beating a boss with them at your side. I bet you use a controller and not a keyboard with a trackpad too. Fucking normie.

>i treat MHW the same way
How long is your typical hunt?

About the same length of coop if you are good, the monsters dont have much as much health in solo

Not him but

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>it's another Yas Forums tells you how you should play Dark Souls episode.

I still can't fucking believe they didn't bring ascetics back for 3. Of all the things to not have, they skip on this? On top of not having shade signs or allow invasions after the boss has been defeated

Its because enemies dont run out of respawns and ng+ doesn't add enemies like 2 did

You can say you beat the game, the only qualifications for that are getting to the end
But I don't think you can say "you" beat that boss

What if I beat him in NG+?

ng+ is basically easy mode

No you didnt. Same goes for souls farming fags

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Friede's hot garbage. No boss should revive two times.

Solo? Then yeah, with the specific detail of "in NG+" which is sometimes easier sometimes harder than NG.

The distinction is at what point does "I" become "We."
If you have a password summon for literally the entire game that you're allowed to summon for, never even swing your sword once in that time, do nothing but hold a greatshield in two hands and walk backwards and hope not to die, and eventually you see the end credits, can you say you beat the game? Yes, although it is clearly not an achievement at that point, but you did control your character all the way through from the beginning to the end, which is how the game defines winning, so you won.
However, to use a small scale example, lets say your phantom kills a hollow while you're on the other side of the map, can you say "You" killed that hollow? If the phantom duels an invader and wins, can you say you won that fight? If he kills a boss and you didn't contribute at all, "you" didn't beat it, "he" did. If you did contribute and worked together, it still wasn't "I beat it", it was "We beat it." When everyone else is talking about "I beat it" your "We" isn't equivalent.


Using phantoms on your 1st playthrough is like falling alseep before you get drunk.

Yes, on easy mode.

no, people who rely on summons blow dick at the games

I like cooping with randoms in soulsborne because it gives me the comfort of a social interaction without saying/writing a single word. Is there something wrong with it?

honestly I think they expected you to summon for O&S/the lead up (or atleast some to summon)

You’re kidding right? The best boss revives at least 2 times

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>bottomless box glitch
What's this?

you haven't beaten anything if it's not at sl1, fists only and take no damage.

1st playthrough using summons = You're a shitter and i'm disgusted by you
2nd playthrough using summons = Based giga chad helping me get medals and shit

I wrong warped to the credits, I beat it

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Lobosjr I will donate I swear just go away please

Just use wex dust to get all the medals you need bro.

Finished it, yes. beaten it? No.
Using summons, be they players or npc's literally takes away the entire challenge.
You don't have to learn the bosses moves, you don't have to time dodges etc etc.
You can just run around in complete safety, wait for the boss to target the other person, then attack his ass.
>Friede is one the best boss encounters in the series
If it was only phase 1+3 I would agree with you. But phase 2 is complete shit and it ruins the entire fight.

I really think the only way you should get a trophy for beating a boss is if you do it without summoning.

>muh virtual game points


holy shit

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I didn't summon, and I beat it.
This is entirely because I don't know how anything in the game works, and I don't even know how to summon, just like I don't know how tf anybody was actually supposed to figure out how to get into the artorius DLC without a guide.

I've beaten every boss solo already but some just arent worth the trouble like pure mage build into Aldrich

I summoned some redditor from a discord server and just let him solo her, fuck fromsoft and fuck soulsfags

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Why yes I summoned Solaire at the climax of the game to fight Gwyn, how could you tell?

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Phase two is the best phase. 1 and 3 are just boring DUDE HELLA EPIC 1V1 HUMAN LMAO fights

Friede is shit because she's not designed to be played on Dark Souls' "clock", in a sense. She works like a Bloodborne fight much rather than a Dark Souls fight and that's why Ashes of Ariandel is so violently terrible. Then again, the fact they're still charging $59.99 + $14.99 + $14.99 for Dark Souls 3 (+DLCs) is also abysmal.

>Game is designed around summoning
>Don't summon for EPIC GAMER POINTS
>This is now canonized as the "Only way to play the game"

Dark Souls fanbase actually is shit.

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If you didn't beat the games with the starting stuff, did you really beat them?

I replayed the Souls games a couple of years ago specifically so I could fight every single boss and not summon for any of them, including NPC's.

So to answer OP's question, no. If you haven't beaten the games solo then you haven't beaten them.w

>pyromancer into demon prince
Would rather swallow my own load than solo that boss

>retarded faggot
>Triggershit image
Checks out.

It's in sale every month for $15 dlcs included
Bandai rarely drop the base price on their games

If you haven't beaten doom in a pacifist run, have you ever beaten doom?

Absolutely based. Never give up.

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I used a summon to beat O&S in DS1 and he basically beat the boss for me (I was just standing back and watched him).

Obviously I don't tell myself I actually beat the boss. How much can someone cope to pretend otherwise?

Wtf is a dark souls clock ?
Friede is an amazing fight with minor issues like the unnecessarily long phase 2. When wiping to phase 3 it can be a choir.

Using capitalisation in an attempt to undermine the 1vs1 human boss fights just makes you look like a moron. Everyone knows those fights are the best in the series, and your capital letters will never change that.

>ESL doesnt realize that Friede pretty much plays at the speed of a Bloodborne boss and not a Dark Souls boss

You beat it, but you never got good at it. I don't get how people can be satisfied by that.

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First time playing ds3, someone helped me kill nameless king. Thanks Phantom “Theives”

(I summoned three other people over 2 attempts and they all ended up dying long before me)

>if you ate meat did you REALLY beat nethack?

summoned a dude named Chunky Titanite after running into a bad stop-up fighting the Nameless King during a one-sitting 24hr run and he just fucking solo'd the Nameless King with a pair of doors while looking thicc as hell, absolute champion

What is your point ?

Wtf is this dumb bullshit
Dark Souls 3 plays at Bloodborne speed the entire way through. If you never caught on to that by the time to reached fucking Friede you may actually be retarded

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Ive never summoned in a souls game
I also avoid invasions best of my ability but will fight them if they arent trying to be a supreme dick and just stall my progress
I dont have any interest in playing them multiplayer
System does not feel built for pvp and getting help with bosses seems like itd be too easy just like MH is with help

esl niggers cant figure out the speed at which games play 10/10

>Use a built in game mechanic to beat a boss

Its very much in the spirit of the game if you ask me. Its such a cruel world and nothing is fair, summons are basically your way of not being fair to the enemies the way they aren't fair to you. Not embracing the summon is like the bosses not embracing their bloated health bars, its silly really.