When was the last time a video game made you cry?

When was the last time a video game made you cry?

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The best stories are those that make you feel

me on the left

Disco Elysium.
As someone who is 31 and still think of his first (and last gf) since the break up at 19 the game resonated with me a lot.
I don't want to give spoilers but yeah, listen to the inland empire and shivers people.

I have never cried because of a game but I cry to anime all the time.

no game has ever made me cry. however the halo reach trailer did make me kinda sad

This afternoon.

death stranding

Danganronpa 2

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I'm playing Ghost Trick right now.
On chapter 13 and i can just feel it coming.

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What was it that went wrong for you man? I’m 22 now and haven’t had a gf(my first and last as well) since I was 17. I have a feeling this is gonna stay the case. I feel lonelier than ever lately.

I'm not normfags, what movie?

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 1

I used to watch this shit

Have you played Your Turn To Die? If not, you should. It's basically Danganronpa but darker. Same feels and all

I don't know, I have many theories.
We met each other online around 15-16 back around mid 2000s, pre social media. I think she had a different guy imagined in her mind, she found out I was not my online persona (a tyler/jack situation if you know your fight club) and she left. I was also not her first while she was my first.
She always seemed so fickle to me, I assumed I would fell in love with someone else and she would bounce from guy to guy..but the opposite happened
She already began to like someone before she dumped be, she began to dating him at max 3 months after our breakup, and she is with him still., for 10 years, will be 11 at the end of this year. While I never found anyone else, I didn't even fell in love with anyone else

I don't know I just accepted reality as it is, in that way im less angry/sad than in my 20s but it hurts, can't do much about it

Play Disco Elysium, and realize figurines won't bring her back

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Splatoon 2 back in august

Can he be stopped?

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if im a tranny im a tranny

Guy in the back is all me. Imagine caring so much. I wonder if they disdain him.

What even was the context of this
It doesnt look like an execution because no one expected him to turn around and cave another's head in
but they dont retaliate even after he did it

Neegan is the new Rick/Shane.

The main character was under threat of death if anyone interfered.

>realize figurines won't bring her back

Dude that’s crazy, you’re like me from the future. My only gf had been with someone else too but she was my first. And right after we broke up she dated some other dude like a month later. I don’t know if they are still together though because I deleted all social media because I don’t want to see her or that guy again. The funny thing is even though we had a really nuclear breakup I still kinda hope she’s happy, even though she probably hates my guts.

Hadn't TWD already jumped the shark by this point? How could anyone care?

the mutt empire needs to burn

guy with the Bat was gonna kill all of them if Rick interfered so no one expected him to randomly bash in the head of an Untouchable main character

anybody have the brazil 1 germany 7 edit?

shivers is based, doesn't give too much advice but when it does it means it.

Really do play the game normally once but then cheat it and have all stats maxed out, a very interesting experience seeing all skills fighting each other. (given more skill points you give more extreme skill personalities become)

Thats something males should imitate more, females are far more prone to let go of the past and look into the future, I won't say you will forget her in time, but I do know I should have given more chances to others rather than being stuck with her. You can still date others but keep her in your mind still, do remember that.

and I'm an exception most people find someone else, its also bit of a luck I guess.


Altair dying in Revelations probably

These are some pretty serious Tekken fans.

Have you never been emotionally invested in something, ever? I mean yeah the show fucking tanked after season 2 and it didn't get better from there but even the trashiest shows make you feel something if you've been a regular viewer for years.
Like Supernatural, for example. Godawful show, but I've been watching it since its inception and sometimes they have moments that pull at the heartstrings. And thats a show that has less punishment for Death than fucking DBZ.

>some normalfags crying over TWD
>fucking onions! Muh bread and curcus! Consume product, goy!
>yakuza thread or some vn shit discussion
>nooo not the hecking Rikiya how could they hold me bros muh feels

Klonoa Door to Phantomile, but I can't even talk about it without furfags ruining it.

XV being shit made me sad


Everybody knows weebs are subhuman hypocrites. Dont take it personally.

Based chad in the other room not giving a shit

The first part of Undertale almost did it to me

>Other room
thats a Mirror

>what was the last video game you played in front of an audience and acted for clicks


There's a difference between "reacting" to latest popular media with a camera pointing at you and crying over video games alone.

>Have you never been emotionally invested in something, ever?
Real life shit, not jewish fairytales

A few final fantasy games got me pretty misty eyed before.


No one asked you, based Schizo

Nioh 2 just last week.

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>And thats a show that has less punishment for Death than fucking DBZ.

No way in fucking hell that's true.

You're not strong enough to do it.

y r u so sad?

off the top of my head, the 2 Main Characters have:

>Survived The Biblical Apocalypse
>Survived being possesed by Lucifer/Michael
>Dying and Going to Hell
>Dying and Going to Purgatory (Monster Hell)
>Dying and Going to Heaven
>They killed The Mother of all Monsters
>They killed Cain
>Survived the Effects of the Mark of Cain (endless Bloodlust)
>Killed the Angel of Death itself, so a new concept of death was Appointed specifically to account for them and keep them alive because theyre important
>Survived Losing their Soul
>Survived Turning into Demons
>Survived an Alternate Universe
>regularly fight Angels and Demons
>Survived Leviathans
thats just what I can remember.
They're currently Trying to Kill God now.
its a lot less interesting than it sounds.

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The end of PMD Sky

>crying over vidya
We're reaching soi levels that shouldn't be possible.

a video game has never made me cry. I just can't get into any plot or story when it comes to video games. All i see are mechanics and shit to do. That's one of the reasons i fucking hate jrpgs

Not him but yeah I've been emotionally invested in pets and shit but not a tv show to THIS extent. The one bitch is literal crying to the point of pure agony.

That's because it's fake.


Death Stranding.
It wasn't even an explicit story moment. I sat down in the bunker after the urgent delivery to the mountaineer. A structure was playing music in the background and I decided to play with BB. He just wasn't there...

Lou... It just ain't the same without you...

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