Why does Yas Forums hate Doom Eternal so much. It can't be that bad right?
Why does Yas Forums hate Doom Eternal so much. It can't be that bad right?
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I think it's just one guy who's extremely butthurt about it and spams the board nonstop.
Original Doom was incredible. Perfect balance. Fun and simple. Captured the essence of video games perfectly. Get in there and play, no bullshit. You make your own fun and the skill ceiling never ends. With the speed runs and all the content available for it, it's still being played today. It's like what Diablo 2 did for it's genre.
New Doom is average. It's not a bad game but it's clearly made for consoles with zoomers as the target audience. $60 is a waste of money for Doom Eternal. Took me forever to beat Doom because I could only tolerate an hour of playing it before being exhausted from boredom and repetition. Wow, Doom Eternal has more platforming, wahoo! One of the WORST aspects in Doom has been amplified. Boring zoomer game with no soul, both of them.
Shooting demons feels like you're shooting soft cheese with BB rounds. The entire shooting aspect of a First Person Shooter they get wrong. Fuck them and fuck this shit game. Waiting for Resident Evil 3 to play a quality game with soul.
It's not bad that's why Yas Forums hates it
This place exists now solely for the purpose of wishing for something to fail and then seething afterwards
bunch of contrarians
but that's a problem of the chan in general, i think the other boards are too contrarian as well
It's a lot of fun, actually
Yas Forums is comprised of poorfag teenagers that are too stupid/scared to pirate and depressed faggots in their mid-late 20s that called themselves boomers. Neither play video games.
It solves a lot of the "issues" with Doom 2016 and now people want Doom 2016
>More enemies on screen
>Levels are more open, making up for some linearity with much more verticality and better design in general
>Weapon variety is tantamount
I legitimately think some people hate it because of how cold the open is.
A couple minutes in and you're shooting screen fulls of imps, zombiemen and arachnotrons and they don't know how to handle the ammo mechanics yet and get buttmad because they're getting shot on all sides
What the actual dicks did autocorrect mean by this
Yas Forums liked 2016 while reddit and the mainstream were shitting on it for being too modernized. now the series is popular so Yas Forums has to hate it.
Sounds about what I'd expect
Quarantine must have the shit posters bored out of there skulls
its a vocal minority
It's honestly a better game than 2016, and I really liked 2016. I replayed it a month ago. After playing Eternal I'm pretty sure that 2016 will feel slow, simplistic, and easy. The slayer gates in Eternal are fucking incredible.
It helps not to take the story too seriously. In my case every bit of seriousness they add just makes it funnier so I don't mind it. I keep expecting the khan maykr to say that she'll bring my pet bunny back if I stop. I also like all the cheesy shit like the entire doom fortress, oldschool pickups, and the non-immersive keys. It's shamelessly a game.
Not enough coomerbait for them
where can i go to discuss games?
jk just discuss vidya wherever you want and don't be a retarded elitist thinking that one board is far superior to other boards
It's an organized shitposting campaign being conducted by discord trannies who are upset by the initial media from the game that compared the demonic invasion to refugees and also called them mortally challenged.
with your friends, that's it
Yas Forums used to be the best place because of the anonymous nature of it, but now that nature is ironically it's greatest downfall. That's not to say places like reddit or resetera are any better, their hivemind moderation via downvotes and admin abuse are still serious issues. It's just a shame that it's come to a point where, at least on big boards like Yas Forums, the anonymity allows individual schizos or autistic groups to completely ruin discussion for certain games. Usually it's just on launch but for some games like FFXV it's literally indefinitely thanks to horrifyingly dedicated autists. The best and most elegant solution to this problem is thread ids, it'd cut down the thread derailing while maintaining the anonymous nature of the board. Either way it's fucked as it is right now and that's what matters. So like I said, go discuss games with your actual friends. If you don't have some then make some.
No it's unironically faggots from other boards that come here just to shitpost and get pissy whenever they see actual vidya discussion going on
literally just talk about video games and people will respond to you about video games
don't wander into shitposting threads, do nothing to get the topic focused on games, and then get made that people aren't talking about games.
Only good reply in an otherwise mongoloid thread.
>the skill ceiling never ends
If the orginal Doom was a good as people are saying then people would still be playing it today.
god I hope no one responds to this seriously
>Yas Forums hates Doom Eternal.
No, it's another mentally ill Barry/Michael episode. The threads never have any meat or constructive criticism; just pure, unadulterated autism.
the only worthwhile places to actually discuss games on reddit are patientgamers and truegaming. And even then reddit is still reddit.
Yas Forums is a mixed bag and you might get a decent conversation going if its about a beloved series like Dead Space, classic Resident Evil or Metroid and oddly enough Animal Crossing. Otherwise modern any new games or nu versions of games are half people just shitting out stuff theyve read, complaining about nonsense and otherwise derailing threads, cause people cant be happy that other people are enjoying shit.
/vg/ is just weird.
They're trying too hard to make the game "badass". It feels extremely forced.
Did you not play the original Doom
The best place for game discussion on Yas Forums is /vg/ right when a game comes out. After a few days that place becomes horrid.
>Shooting demons feels like you're shooting soft cheese with BB rounds
The only time shooting ever actually felt decent in the original Doom was if you had one of the power weapons, and you very rarely ever got ammo for those. More often than not you were using the shitty shotgun that took ages to kill anything.
There was a strawpoll in a few threads asking if it was good, ok, or shit and it was 2/rds "good" when i checked. So it seems that the detractors are just way more vocal.
Ok, so? Does that seriously detract all that much from your experience of a game wherein one angry man kills demons by himself?
Well because its a lot of weird art and people forcing discussion. You dont need a general going for a game constantly, it makes the conversation hard to follow as people talk about whatever pertains to the game months or years after release. It has no cohesion.
At least if someone makes a MH thread right now it has a focus so its easy enough to follow and take part in the discussion.
>Romero and Carmack laugh heartily in the distance, summoning flocks of black seagull that shit incessantly
It wasn't what I expect of a Doom game. That's about it.
When I play Doom, I expect to go around tearing demons new assholes, and what does Eternal have you do?
It has you juggle cooldowns.
Fucking cooldowns in a Doom game. What? If I want to juggle CDs I'd play a fucking MMO.
>Does that seriously detract all that much from your experience
It seriously does when they stop the action for 10 minutes to uselessly build up a boss fight instead of just letting you fight it.
I personally am just tired of doomdrones flooding the board 24/7 nonstop for the past year or so.
I gave Doom Eternal a shot and it was just boring.
Mindless high budget garbage.
It's cool I get new weapons and shit, but why the fuck am I platforming?
Why is the HUD so fucking ugly?
Why are there so many fucking cutscenes?
Why the fuck is Doomguy talking?
Why does the punch do 0 damage?
Why do I have to resort to the chainsaw to refill my ammo?
Why the fuck do enemies spew out neon color lights?
Why the fuck is there a HUB WORLD?
Why the fuck is it filled with disingenuous memes and references?
Why the fuck is everything so much worse than Doom 2016?
Fuck you shit eating niggers, this game fucking blows and shows how creatively bankrupt those fuckers at Bethesda and id soft are.
The gameplay loop of LOW AMMO, LOW HEALTH, ALTERNATE EVERY WEAPON AND ABILITY AD NAUSEUM really reminds me of the loop of BOTW. I hated it at first but it's okay now that I'm used to it.
I expected some campiness but it's a bit excessive and it sours the experience for me. Just wish it would quit crashing every other level. Feels pretty average so far about halfway in.
They were probably just expecting Doom, easy mistake to make.
>too many button make grug brain hurt wahhh i wanted to play big boy difficulty! grug is big boy
post a webm of you beating slayer gate 4 on nightmare or your post is invalid
Jesus christ, man.
I would call this intentional and ironic
it is at once cool and dorky, and (imo) the dorky-ness is cool
It's this. People who don't play games but still spend most of their time being part of some "gamer culture" that's about watching others play every new game that comes out on youtube and twitch, then shitposting about how bad it is for a couple of weeks.
The people that like it just get called shills and shitposters by the vocal minority.
Try it for yourself.
It's harder than 2016 and frustrating at first on UV but then you just start getting it. It makes you swap weapons way more but I still never used shit like the rocket launcher or ballista. It honestly isn't fun to play on the easiest difficulty.
Probably because its harder than 2016 by quite a bit.
There was a thread just shut down by janny trannies for some reason where some whiners were getting absolutely destroyed while complaining that the regular punch wasn't an effective combat tool, in a game with a ton of instant kill moves.
The worst part of Eternal isn't the gameplay its the thematic parts. Its like 50% hexen and 50% doom.
>dorkyness is cool
same type of people who think lil dicky is good music.
>There was a thread just shut down by janny trannies for some reason
That's a sign that the shitposting comes from a discord group.
They mass-report every thread where they get BTFO to keep the narrative consistent.
Mods and jannies don't actually watch the board by the way, they've given up long ago.
They just delete whichever threads get reported the most.
To me, it seems more like the people defending the game are the vocal ones. They're so incredibly aggressive, it's like a cult.
So far its pretty good, but not as good as 2016
Multiplayer is great though, cant wait for more content in that (although they better make that shit free)
Looking forward to the season pass content too
I wish my shotguns had more ammo too, only 24 shells fully upgraded is some shit, i think 2016 had 40 shells fully upgraded
>Probably because its harder than 2016 by quite a bit
Drones who are pushing this stupid narrative are fucking pathetic
The game holds you hand through and through
>Why does Yas Forums hate Doom Eternal so much. It can't be that bad right?
That's because the people playing the game are too busy doing so and the people who come here to complain. Seriously, what were people expecting other than seethers making their "OH NONNOONONO" or "What went wrong?" threads?
They don't fucking play videogames and they probably never would've bought DOOM no matter how good the product ended up being
All you did in the old DOOM was walk through rooms and shoot demons, it's the same fucking thing as the new DOOM, what fucking skill ceiling are you talking about
"Gotta keep them separated"
Like a restera discord or something?
60 actually, if you attempted to juggle guns even a little it was nearly impossible to run out of any ammo type except if you were spamming turret chaingun or siege gauss cannon. And even then both of those are so lethal even on nightmare that by the time you're dry the fight is over and you can chainsaw a possessed to rocket right back up to full.
All this platforming is fucking retarded. Am I playing bing bing wahoo or DOOM?
>still no porn
What was the last game before doom that managed to trash the board so hard that it temporarily eclipses the smash threads?
Even samozbor id:heaven is better than zoom eternal.
Check again coomer