Why does Yas Forums hate Doom Eternal so much. It can't be that bad right?
Why does Yas Forums hate Doom Eternal so much. It can't be that bad right?
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I think it's just one guy who's extremely butthurt about it and spams the board nonstop.
Original Doom was incredible. Perfect balance. Fun and simple. Captured the essence of video games perfectly. Get in there and play, no bullshit. You make your own fun and the skill ceiling never ends. With the speed runs and all the content available for it, it's still being played today. It's like what Diablo 2 did for it's genre.
New Doom is average. It's not a bad game but it's clearly made for consoles with zoomers as the target audience. $60 is a waste of money for Doom Eternal. Took me forever to beat Doom because I could only tolerate an hour of playing it before being exhausted from boredom and repetition. Wow, Doom Eternal has more platforming, wahoo! One of the WORST aspects in Doom has been amplified. Boring zoomer game with no soul, both of them.
Shooting demons feels like you're shooting soft cheese with BB rounds. The entire shooting aspect of a First Person Shooter they get wrong. Fuck them and fuck this shit game. Waiting for Resident Evil 3 to play a quality game with soul.
It's not bad that's why Yas Forums hates it
This place exists now solely for the purpose of wishing for something to fail and then seething afterwards
bunch of contrarians
but that's a problem of the chan in general, i think the other boards are too contrarian as well
It's a lot of fun, actually
Yas Forums is comprised of poorfag teenagers that are too stupid/scared to pirate and depressed faggots in their mid-late 20s that called themselves boomers. Neither play video games.
It solves a lot of the "issues" with Doom 2016 and now people want Doom 2016
>More enemies on screen
>Levels are more open, making up for some linearity with much more verticality and better design in general
>Weapon variety is tantamount
I legitimately think some people hate it because of how cold the open is.
A couple minutes in and you're shooting screen fulls of imps, zombiemen and arachnotrons and they don't know how to handle the ammo mechanics yet and get buttmad because they're getting shot on all sides
What the actual dicks did autocorrect mean by this
Yas Forums liked 2016 while reddit and the mainstream were shitting on it for being too modernized. now the series is popular so Yas Forums has to hate it.