Lenneth deserves more to be in smash than byleth!

lenneth deserves more to be in smash than byleth!

Also valkyrie profile thread i guess

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are you even implying smash players even know who Lenneth is?
half this board doesn't even know who she is

would have been cool

lezard best villain

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You know what would have been cool? If fucking Squeenix hadn't ran the franchise into the ground. VP2 is gotta be one of the worst sequels in the history of mankind.

doesn't this game have a mobile port? Is it any good?

Im trying to seduce Yas Forums into playing her masterpiece.
But isn’t working
At some point of the story i didnt understand if he was so obsessed with lenneth that he wanted to become her

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I mean some user convinced me enough to add it to my backlog when they said she's their only real wish for smash months ago
I just don't know which version to emulate or if the mobile port is any good. If it is it'd immiedently become a game I'd play since the only other thing I do while waiting is play ff1

Well i haven’t tried the mobile versions desu, but since its from square enix i can say that i played the Dragon quest mobile versions of almost every game.
And they all were cool and had even more features. So i would definitely jump in!
And if you still doubting there is still youtube to check out

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was the gacha game good

Still waiting for them to return in star ocean so I can get my wife
It's fun but I want a new game or a rebalanced port like star ocean got for the first game.

I post this when I see threads

how do I make sure a qt valkyrie would come for me when I die bros?
I'm a christcuck but i'd probably convert to LARPaganism if I could get a Lenneth gf.

Don't think it's possible to engineer the levels of melodrama necessary intentionally. Your only choice is to basically become this guy

Become an alchemist but also study necromancy with no one suspecting it

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what are the chances that a childhood friend of mine was secretly a valkyrie?

What's the full image? That's some good art

Thank you user. I have no art for VP yet so have a Revy

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How is the PSP port compared to the original game?

0%, they don't fraternize with current or future Yas Forumsirgins.

I had the original PSX game, I had it store at my parents house with my original PS1 and other games. My mom had the awesome idea to sell my shit on a yard sale, she sold the PS1 with all the games for $40.

Valkyrie Profile sales on average around $300+

That must suck user but you still have the memories with you! Have a piece of art

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>lenneth deserves more to be in smash than byleth!

t. Lezard

Iirc the PSP version had 3D cutscenes and that was the only difference. I think.

Thats the full image , have another one

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It’s was a treasured game to me, I play the shit out of on high school summers (1999-2003)
I found the game out of sheer luck on a EB store, I bought it because it was from square enix, and I was fixated with FF games at the time.
I had no clue what I was getting into it, but it was love at first play, it was eye candy and looked glorious on the TVs of the time. The anime cutscenes, the magic spells, and the voice over. To this day the music it’s awesome (same composer from Golden Sun, and Dark Souls) I regret loosing that game, but oh well someone scored the lottery when they realize what they got.

I'm still mad we never got Hrist.

Tidings Fools,

I am called Lezard Valeth, and I despise every one of you over-indulgent, want-wit pawns of fate. You who spend every waking instant of your immoment "lives" basking in your vulgarities. The poisoners of the world are among you. Are you only wont to fulfill your most base of inclinations?

In truth, the brazen pleasures of whoresons like unto yourselves only creates in me the greatest abhorrence.

Think you me assailable by one or all among you? It is forlorn hope you bear. I am the one destined to destroy Odin. I will become God, your God. No base creature among you possesses the power-- the fate-- to obtain what you truly desire. Yet my Lady Valkyrie will be mine forever. Even now my heart dances as I think of her; So divine.

Your existence to the benefit of nothing is soon to end, and from nothing to nothing you shall return. Think on this, lowling.

Now, gaze ye upon this image. It is I and my Goddess.

Attached: me.jpg (500x487, 81.01K)

>you can dismember creatures in vp2

Pretty sure tits too big there.

Hrist was pretty stacked compared to Lenneth iirc.
That's Hrist btw.

>mfw FF XII got a release before this

why didn't square port this over XII?

Attached: Rare Drop Final Fantasy XII.png (1516x1032, 2.52M)

very pay to win for the characters and if you want to compete in the rankings. As for story like all mobile games its fanfic tier writing. Also the gameplay was trying to be like the ps1 game but comes off a lot worse than that.

youtube.com/watch?v=gNakdY0DCv4 this shows that you need those pay to win heroes to compete

If you can't fuck your waifu, become the waifu.

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VP2 is a really good game, and a really good sequel as well. It expanded on VP's genius gameplay by adding a whole new dimension to it and increasing it's depth. It's even more fun to play than VP1. The story is alright too. It started off pretty good, but after the climax when Lezard steals Gungnir it gets slow, but peaks again when Lezard is encountered again in Tower of Lezard Valeth. It's more traditionally structured that VP1's story, and einherjar recruitments are far worse in favor of focusing on the core characters. I understand why they did it though, wouldn't have made much sense thematically for it to be just like VP1, due to Silmeria's differences compared to Lenneth. I like VP1's music more, but I like VP2's OST a lot as well. I blame Tri-Ace for killing the best JRPG series of all time. They aren't dead yet, so maybe one day we'll see another VP game. It's Hrist's turn...
I think he was talking about the mobile PORT of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth...
what the fuck is this

>I think he was talking about the mobile PORT of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth...

my bad whenever someone mentions mobile I always think of the gachas. I forget that sometimes they release ports as well

the has some neat original characters and i'd like to play it not only do i not have the energy to deal with standard gacha bullshit, but the english version is going to die any minute now, and the japanese version is in japanese

I agree with you that the english version will die soon since a lot of the players left after the support ignored the bad connection bugs.

But at the same time if they are following the Japanese version then it requires little to no effort for them to keep it running they had an update with all the japanese text changed after a day to english.

Forgot to mention if you do PLAY it. In this current event reroll until you get black valkyrie from the 500 summon as she is the best character from the current banners. Also don't bother trying to LE your weapons on events unless you have saved up at least 80k gems

Because any mainline Final Fantasy is more popular and guaranteed to make more money back than Valkyrie Profile. I'm not trying to make some fandom war shit or argue about quality, it's just kind of a really bad question.

Why wouldn't they re-release FFXII? I love Valkyrie Profile but FFXII deserved it even more considering it had a Japan-only enhanced edition we never got

>being an emulatorlet in 2020

Played the mobile port about half a year ago.

Really cool game.

And yes, she absolutely, positively deserves it more than Bleh.

the remaster has far more features and an actually legible UI so this is a dumbfuck post

Ye must desire respite from thy empty existence.
Thou shalt have it.

Attached: celestialstar.png (811x538, 453.25K)

Silmeria best girl

You're all dumb dumbs, zodiac age is on steam

I am he who hath entrusted his soul to the eternal vortex of time.
Ye know me! And if ye do not, ye shall be made to know me!
It shall be engraved on thy very soul. Lezard Valeth.
If ye shall accept the brand of Hel upon thee, thy sanctions shall in turn be lowered.
I shall grant thee the deliverance of thy soul, and ye shall come now before me!

Attached: Lezard.jpg (768x576, 198.42K)

Convince me to play Valkyrie Profile 2

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it's almost as good as VP1

Silmeria a cute

It can be a bit overwhelming game-play wise for brainlets, and the story structure compared to the first game alienates some people. If you want to know more about the recruited characters backstories, then some reading and multiple playthroughs are required.
I liked it.

Where is Hrists game?

>game features time travel or something
>instantly lose ability to follow the plot


>Convince me to ruin the franchise for me forever
I wish I had never played that travesty.

None of your garbage literal who anime bullshit should be in any game that's considered "a celebration of gaming". Cloud, Erdrick, and Crono are all that should really be in the game.

"I grow tired of you!"
t. Arngrim
Also *ahem* Fuck Odin.
>literal anime who
Go zoomzoom some where else kid. Also Ark from Terranigma should have been added before all three.

Is there a JRPG character stronger than Lenneth Valkyrie?

And I'm referring to Lord of Creation Lenneth Valkyrie with the half-elf and half-god body (with the ability to infinitely grow in power) equipped with her Glance Reviver and control of mulitple einherjar, complete control over all human souls, as well as being extremely skilled in swordplay, use of bows, and magic in general.

>you're a zoomer if you don't play this really obscure anime RPG from 1999
Way to show your insecurity, retard. Lenneth is is not a widely known character and crying "zoomer" is not going to change that