Nikka Futterman is BOTH Chum Chum and the Khan Maykr
ITT: VAs With Strange Characters
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Shinobu in No More Heroes also played the sexiest witch girl in Scooby Doo and The Witch's Ghost.
>don’t blame us, blame the FCC. Which stands for faggoty cockblocking clanfuckers! WHEEEEEEEEEE
>Woah, didn't see THAT coming *whip crack*
>dude, voice actors actually voice multiple different characters, wooooooooow
why did fanboy and chumchum suddenly become a meme
i'm shocked anyone else even watched the fucking thing, i thought it was just a fever dream and not a real show
>Ah Yummy! Fresh Meat for my Pot!
>a discord screenshot of a twitter post
Someone kill OP
>>haha look thread I dislike, time to enter it!
Soldier voiced like, half the entire cast of Star Fox 64