Despite specs, devs are saying the PS5 is superior to Xbox Series X


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Like how?

What a coincidence that people (game journalists) and their businesses (game media outlets) that have a vested interest in this conversation continuing are providing us with vague articles that keep it going.

Sony. Can't. Stop. Winning.

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NX Gamer probably did the best PS5 vid so far.

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>”better in a lot of different ways”
>article doesn’t cite a single specific “way” it’s better
6/10 made me read

>It's another "MUH OPINION" piece with no data to start a console war shitposting thread.

T-flops only matter if you're not bottlenecked,
it starts to matter even more as time goes on.

Just look at these PCommies cry that their
"console equivalent" toasters can't run shit.

cant play bloodborne on an xbox therefore its shit

He said 3 sony 1st party developers said that it's got a fast ssd wow cool it's like when Microsoft employees clapped at xbox one reveal




Rich Masucci said the PS5's SSD is going to make the big difference. CPU, whatever, 90% of the games are going to be the same so obviously they'll design down. Same for GPU. But faster loading means that traversing an open world is less likely to have freezing/hitches.


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are we all going to pretend the weaker console doesn't always end up winning?

>another console pleb pissing contest thread
You will never be better than 2nd.

Bloodborne is shit

Sekiro is on xbox and thats all that matters with regards to from

Ps4? Plus the 360 ps3 generation was basically neck and neck

buddy, PS4 and modern snoy is garbage but BB is way better than Sekiro.
BB is actually the only PS4 game I didn't return for a refund.

SNES was more powerful than Genesis, too.

>Xbox cucks are so mad at getting clowned by PS5 they're bringing out the "NDAs" excuse again

Oh I am laughing

PS4 pro is weaker than ONE X and those pro models became the default.
PS3 is way more powerful than 360 and was getting wrecked by 360 for most that gen.

look at the profiles of the devs. Insomniac, Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch... A bunch of Sony devs pretending to be surprised about the specs even tho they had dev kits for months. This is desperation at its finest.

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Oh come on the one x was released after the generation was already decided and in theory the ps3 was more powerful but in reality they were pretty similar

OP you dishonest fuck! I looked into this article and all the devs praising it are those who worked directly with sony on 1st party games

Just making a point that I have never met a tranny who didn't grow up with a Sony console. I have also never met a faggot who didn't grow up playing Final Fagtasy.

The Wii still sold like crazy despite being weaker than both though.
>the generation was already decided
yeah but not because of performance, because xbone delayed and then cancelled literally every exclusive.
Oh and they tried to do always online DRM garbage at a launch but then backtracked.

I think the most damning thing about PS5 is the limited backwards compatibility.
They should have at least included PS1 or 2 or 3.
Who the fuck wants to replay a PS4 game?

>Xbros trying to damage control this
Smell the fear

So doesn't that mean the Switch will win?

Why do that when people can spend another 60 bucks and get remastered like ff7

it does, it already has basically.

>kotaku eceleb
Stop posting or you are part of this cancer

It's a handheld not a console senpai

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>Jason "Kike rat" Schreier as your source
>Quotes are from Sony first party devs
Man snoygroids sure are desperate. I thought it was gonna be 13TFs though? Doesn't really matter though as you don't need that much power to play a DVD.

Pay attention, it's outpacing the PS4.

>Snoyboys are trusting a lispy jew to validate their purchasing decisions
Good goys.

the games media is filled with snoy and nintenders

even when microsoft does something good it's like nah it doesn't matter because they're not muh childhood corporation. they don't even have to be paid off they will shill certain topics impulsively.

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Jason Schreier is in full damage control mode, since he was wrong about the PS5 being more powerful than XSeX.

The PS5 has superior diversity and progressiveness.

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bloodborne is literally the only reason to get a console these days. The day bloodborne is ported to pc is the day that consoles die for good

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It's not the storage speed that causes "freezing/hitches", it's RAM that matters for something like that.

reminder that xbox one series x will have LITERALLY zero games until at least 2022

The SSD speed on PS5 is something a few exclusives games might take advantage of in niche situations, but in a real world scenario, SX floors the PS5 comfortably

>literally shilling a ssd
>not the gpu
>not even the cpu but the ssd
the state of sony


holy mother of copes

>bottlenecking nvme ssd

Consider the series x had the specs of the PS5 and the PS5 had the specs of the series x. What would these conversations look like?

Bloodborne fucking sucked ass and I'm mad I bought a PS4 for it
>DaS2 is fucking trash and ditches every improvement DaS made over DeS
>BB doubles down on those retarded decisions
>Lets you farm healing items because "remember Demons Souls?"
>Has you warp back to a hub to level up for no reason because "remember Demons Souls?"
>Almost every enemies moveset is just flailing around with no sense of rhythm or stamina
>Exact same principle goes for bosses
>Warping from the beginning makes it so it doesn't feel like an adventure and instead a level select you just need to rush to an obvious checkpoint to unlock a level
>Retarded gimmick bosses up the ass
>Stats are literally pointless
>Bosses main challenge is not getting stunlocked by them wildly flailing around

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disagreeing with what

Hello Xbro.

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Nigga the strongest console won the last two generations in a row. Although that's merely more of a coincidence as Sony has never lost a generation and never, EVER will.

inb4 retarded burgers reply saying the PS3 lost that gen.

>install new RAM in computer
>no difference
>install SSD as boot disk
>computer starts up in literally 1/4th the time
>usually starts up so fast I don't even get to see the plaintext loader after the motherboard manufacturer logo, just "MSI" and then BOOM password screen

that's idort to you and he's right

Not that faggot (he's a faggot because he posted Tim & Eric Shit) but he's not even wrong. Just look at outlets like Easy Allies which gave a perfect score to fucking Last Guardian when even in their review they talked about how shit it's controls were, how mediocre it's gameplay was, how unimpressive the visuals were, and how bad the performance was. Those faggots are definitely paid off.

We wouldn't be having them, because there'd be no low hanging fruit for trolls to try and relive the 599usd days of ps3.

Meanwhile, every single mediocre meme movie with the Sony seal is considered A 10/10 Citizen Kane of Gayming.

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>(he's a faggot because he posted Tim & Eric Shit)

Yes Easy Allies is a prime example of snoy and nintender shills but they don't really pretend to be a professional media entity. They walk around with sony merch on.

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Loading an OS isn't the same as playing a game that utilizes several GBs of RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY to make sure the game is running properly. The only thing Snoys can brag about is having maybe 1 or 2 second quicker loading times, that's it.

lmao and here comes the victim complex, right on cue.

Well no shit, Sony "games" are focus tested to oblivion to garner awards. They're the vidya equivalent of Holohoax/Aids movies.

That's because you move from HDD to ssd. Even sata 3 ssd is much much better than HDD. But when you compare sata 3 ssd to nvme ssd, the difference is much smaller.
Hell, even ssd in sata 2 port will be much better than HDD on sata 3.

Read the URL in the screenshot, it's a response to Schreier's comments
DigitalFoundry has been adamant that SeX > PS5

>SeX > PS5
It should be, though it probably won't be the blowout Yas Forums is hoping for.

DF have been Xbox shills for years.
And there's another one.



This is a load of bullshit

All sonys SSD is gonna do is create buzzwords and give sonyfaggots delusions of grandeur.

All it REALLY means is you save 2 seconds on load times vs Xbox Sex

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>More cope

Whoever wrote this is an idiot, and doesn't know the first thing he's talking about.