I miss my childhood :(

I miss my childhood :(

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>Nintendo ds
> childhood

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kys underage fag

The DSi came out 11 years ago.
A 7 year old then can post here now.

I'm 19 idiot.

>DSI came out 11 years ago
>Still remember Gamecube at age 12
>Which came out 18 years ago
There are now newfags who were born 4 years before I was posting on Yas Forums.
I started posting here when newfags were 4 years old.
Oh god. Oh fuck. What's happening?

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This is now a Gameboy thread. No zoomers allowed. What is your favorite GB or GBA game? Hard mode: No Pokemon

Fuck off cancer.

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While it may not be particularly good, I have a soft spot for that lilo and stitch contra-clone with obnoxiously-unfun stealth mechanics.

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>somebody who posts animal reaction images is a pointless contrarian pseud
erry time

I was 11 when I got the DS. Turned 12 a couple months later. I don't really miss it since I spent most of my time on handhelds playing in bed when I was supposed to be asleep. I just do that now with regular games on PC/console which are better than handhelds in every way.