When does it get good?

When does it get good?

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When it ends

Based. Doom was never good and fuck anyone that says otherwise.

E1M1, downhill from there

e1m8 is kino

Based. Doom was never good and fuck anyone that says otherwise.

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I agree with this guy even if he's using a wojack. Fuck doom

Doomfags are the biggest souboys of all. They post "rip and tear" memes and pretend to be badass while posting about trans rights like John "Wife's Son" Romero.

Low-quality bait, but I will take it:

Doom 1 is kinda weak but teaches the game well. Doom 2 is were the fun starts and Plutonia is the gameplay peak. Then you go to custom maps like Scythe, Back to Saturn X and Sunlust.

Here you go zoomer. Also if you are a triggered Nu-Doom fan you are attacking the wrong crowd. Classic fans are mostly ok with Eternal. Doom 3 and Brutal faggots are to blame for the Yas Forums shitposting.

You're welcome.

> game that was previously widely well received does poorly with a new iteration shortly after a well received reboot.
Faggots on Yas Forums;
> Doom was never good.

there he is. le 2cool4school contrarian. you dont even play video games you dumbass poltard

My favorite Doom is Doom 3
Original 2004 release, not the BFG edition.

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are yall retarded? he's making fun of

Same. I don't get why it makes people so mad.

Finally. Somebody with taste. I hate these le ebin rip and tear lmaoooo john Romero is based crowd. They ruined doom

No he wasn't, dumbass. There's literally no joke in his post. He just doesn't like doom. And rightfully so. Doom sucks now


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>not Doom
The first two Doom games were just standard shooters with impeessive graphical flourishes for the time.

lol worst bait ever

3 killed doom for over a decade

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>nooo you can't have different opinions!!!

>standard shooters
>invented the genre

Stop being a retard.

Shooters have existed since Maze War in 1974.

You mean the doom 2 cultists decided to boycott the series until they got what they wanted

Episode 1 is good

Episode 2 has about half good, half bad maps

Episode 3 has mostly bad maps with 2 or 3 standouts

Episode 4 has mostly good maps with 2 or 3 bad ones.

Doom 2 is really hit or miss, starts out strong up to map 7, then quality drifts. the last 2 or 3 maps are pretty good.

Doom 3 is love it or hate it, more story-centric and mood-driven.

>muh serious duum!!!1!
Doom 3 faggots are the scum of the Doom community

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When you install brutal doom

>episode 1 is good
Stopped reading there

Brutal Doom is an unbalanced garbage mod.

my taste > your taste

I don't even play doom but voted that its shit to spread division within the community because I'm sick of you fucks taking up half the catalog with shit threads.

>invented the genre
Zoom zoom

Doom 2 is a glorified expansion pack

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>Brutal Doom is an unbalanced garbage mod.
Brutal Doom is an unbalanced fun mod.*

They hated him because he spoke the truth

it is but I love it

In theory, yes.
In practice, it has a huge impact on the game.
> Levels get actually good.
> Super Shotgun makes trash fights much more bearable (gunning down multiple cacofiends with normal shotgun is just boring)
> Addition of Chaingunners, Arachnotrons and Archviles makes for much better encounter design.
On paper it's just an expansion pack - but quality-wise it's infinitely better than Doom1.

* Addition of Chaingunners, Arachnotrons, Archviles and Revenants

It's fun for 5 minutes. After that it's just bloated mess of a gameplay.

Normal doom is just too slow for me

>On paper it's just an expansion pack - but quality-wise it's infinitely better than Doom1.
Plenty of expansion packs are better than the original game, the reason that it is an expansion pack is because it adds virtually no new content and asset flips everything.
Look at it this way, if a new Battlefield game came out this year and had exactly the same art assets, enemies and weapons as the last one but added one gun, three enemies and a new single player campaign cobbled together out of map assets from last year's game... would that be a new game or a glorified expansion?

>gets called out being a retarded bait maker
>*drops spaghet*
>y-y-y-o-you're le cope!

pathetic and cringepilled

Embarrassing. It's like when furries agree with each other that being gay is awesome.

SIGIL is when it gets good

Roughly 2016 or so

Oh look, more zoomer contrarians. You guys getting tired of shitposting Doom yet?

>I was born in 2001 but judge 90s games by modern standards
why are basedchads like this?

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And that's why it's so amazing.

wheres the "i haven't played it" vote?

when you do

The OG Doom is great. It came out before I was born but I still think it's very fun.

not voting

this game has a progression problem. it is the same problem I had with Hollow Knight. Everything is piece meal'd to death; it doesn't feel organic or interesting. A lot of the upgrades are there just to make the game less annoying eg. faster glory animations or better loot pickup. The game has like 7 different currencies for upgrades, it's fucking annoying to track of. Its like I am playing banjo kazooie or donkey kong 64.

"it's shit"

Don't be a faggot. Just because you like eternal (which I do too, mind you) doesn't mean you have to shit on the original games. Doom 1 and 2 are both fantastic FPS and they still hold up today.

wrong game buddy

post body, twink. lets see your non-basedboy physique

I never said I liked eternal. OG Doom is just dull.

Why are you asking for pictures od men? Faggot.

In the second game

>being so contrarian you have to pretend you don't get why so many people love OG doom

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if you're not a low test faggot, as soon as you click "ultra-violence" in the title screen

Because I don't. It's repetitive and dull.

Well that sucks that you can't enjoy it. Last night I was replaying it and it blew my fucking face off with fun and adrenaline. One of the greatest games ever.

>levels get actually good
Maybe in Plutonia, but shareware Doom is better than everything in Doom 2.

>It's repetitive
no shit sherlock, that's the point.
i pity you for not being able to join us in the fun, what kind of games do you like?

Post favorite .wad
Mine is Struggle. Its fucking perfect once you figure out its 3 keys/3buttons map lkayout

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Doomfags are like metalfags. Overweight suburban liberals putting up an air of exaggerated masculinuty to compensate.

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>This deficiency is actually a selling point
I swear Doomfags have the same consoomer mindset as Marvelfags.

>Doomfags are like metalfags; they enjoy fun stuff

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you don't change perfection, you just add more things to it


this desu

when you find hair on your ass