They fucked it up

>A hub world that utterly destroys the game's pacing.
>Lazy integration of pick-ups and collectibles (gaudy ass giant question marks, really?)
>Marauder totally ruins the combat flow
>Can be totally barred from ever getting the Unmakyr because you just want to get off the boring ass ship
>Turned based Hayden into a shitty support character
>Thought that a sequel to DOOM 2016 really needed to quadruple down of the shitty lore of Heaven and Hell?
>Filled to the brim with unnecessary new systems that taint the beautiful simplicity of DOOM 2016.

Anything else I'm missing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

FUCK MAN, I can't get over that they thought a DOOM game needed a fucking HUB WORLD

Yeah, you missed your dad

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>beautiful simplicity of DOOM 2016
DOOM sucked ass.

You suck ass, faggot.

keep crying, fag. doom 2016 is absolute shit compared to eternal.

>muh based angels vs demons plot
>muh heckin hub base

Based tasteless drone. Bet you unironically enjoy open world AAA trite.

quake had a hub world. what are you faggots whining about there?

>Every gun has two unlockable alt-fires
>Each alt-fire has two upgrades to spent points on
>bonus mastery ability when you purchase both upgrades that change gameplay
>Your Health/Armor/Ammo have their own upgrade tree-system
>Spend points to upgrade one at a time
>Getting both points in a branch unlock an additional upgrade that changes gameplay
>Rune system
>Spend points to unlock them
>only can carry 3 of the 9 available
>Radically changes the way you can play the game
>Suit has it's own token upgrade system
>Wheel of 20 purchasable upgrades
>Upgrades are 5 in different tiers
>Fundamentals:Ledge-Grabbing/Dashing/reload speed
>Exploration: Reveal Map/Secret items
>Enviroment: Less damage from toxic/explosive barrel/barrels drop ammo
>Frag/Ice grenade: Upgrades on amount/cluster
>Your Spaceship has it's own upgrade system
>Cores collected throughout missions can open locked doors that contain currency for the above systems
>Ship opens up after every mission and requires exploration everytime
>Able to unlock a new weapon/item everytime you return to trip
>Combat systems in place that lets players use certain abilities to get the items they need the most
>Health:Glory Kills
>Ammo:Chain Saw
>Currencies are earned through the Demonic Corruption meter and Mission Challenges
>Different types of encounters fill each pip
>Each pip rewards a point
>Mission Challenges can be pinned to your UI like an MMO quest
>Completing them rewards 1 battery
>Need 2 batteries to unlock one of the many gates in the Ship

Didn't realize this game was Quake Eternal, you ponce.

Yas Forums is like this with every new game that receives hype. Sad!

Quake isn't Doom, and if they're going to start introducing ghost kings and knights then they should be making a Quake 1 sequel

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Got it, so should nuDoom also use 2D levels and sprites for all the enemies?

I really don't give a shit. I played Doom Eternal to kick the shit out of demons and have fun. That's all.

Not an argument.

Not even coombait for ya?

ITT: Filtered casuals
Just beat the game on Nightmare, you all just need to get good and stop crying.
I do agree I would like to see the unlockables toned down a little and ammo buff, but still loved the game over all.

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I've been having a blast until taras nabad. I think there's maybe a little too much unlockable stuff, but it really didn't bother me much. I agree that the marauder is a bad enemy though, I really did not enjoy fighting him or the gladiator guy at all. And now in taras nabad they had that guy who was spawning all the enemies, it was just a horrible, horribly designed arena that had me trapped in corners and corridors and getting assraped constantly and unable to see who or what the fuck I was fighting and running out of ammo.

They got woke. I'm surprised how no one is talking about how the leftism in the game

How do you mention Taras Nabad and not mention the god awful swimming sections? Who the fuck thought DOOM needed water levels?

Are you being retarded on purpose

Marauder is a bad enemy but at least they almost always put him alone or with very few enemies.
Now for the summoners I pretty much always save my BFG/Crucible for them.
You swim for like 30 seconds tops and all you have to do is a charge, what the fuck are you crying on about.

same people who thought that doom needed bowser's castle maps and peach's castle

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30 seconds too long. This game is filled with trite like that to extend the playtime. Game length is like 8 hours, only 3 is spent in full-on combat.

I play the game for free on codex and its so weird of a game the story ,character is bad gameplay is repetitive ,music is between godlike and terrible,good action but bad pacing ,platformer and puzzle are a nuisance.I give it7/10 but if i had to pay for it 6/10 this game look like free to play fps that you download in the xbox store.

Source: your ass.
Stop crying at non issues and trying to find fault at everything. Tell me, what part filtered you? I can give some tips so you can learn to enjoy it as well.

Yeah I forgot to mention that. I actually like the platforming in general, the swimming section was hot garbage. The entire level of Taras nabad is hot fucking garbage so far. The arena with the summoner was just the worst fucking thing I've ever experienced in a game, and the way you open up the path and secrets is really obscure and fucking annoying.

Honestly I was having the time of my life until taras nabad. Only other time I was really annoyed was those sections where you get stuck to the ground with the purple stuff. who the FUCK thought that was a good idea?

>game all about movement and speed and shit
>stick you to the ground, disable jump, disable dash


OP will always have shit taste

Based retard. Probably played on Hurt Me More lmao.

>angels vs. demons
it literally isn't

>Giant mech in the hub
>Don't ever get to use it

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>>Filled to the brim with unnecessary new systems that taint the beautiful simplicity of DOOM 2016.
The only real new system is dodging (Based) and enemy weaknesses (alright). All the other shit (like flamethrower/ice grenade) is just replacing the useless equipment from doom 2016 with more useful shit

>purple stuff
It was just a brief section that forced you to think differently. I liked it but just because it was restricted to that level and section alone, though.
Maybe it would have been better if they saved it for a little later.
Taras was actually one of my favorite maps, because it was at that point where I got most of the arsenal and upgrades that mattered, but I can see why you would hate it.
Nightmare, nice name calling though.

Are you serious? That can't be true

t. on the last 2 missions

This made me sad, I felt like it had to be there for a reason

This is different. Even if it weren't, you know a bad game is going to come out eventually, a game Yas Forums doesn't like that is ACTUALLY bad and there will still be a stupid faggot with your exact same post in every thread. This game is actually a huge fuckup IF you wanted a sequel to doom 2016. If some learning challenged helmet wearer was intrigued by 2016 but couldn't play it, then this game is their dream come true.

so what's a good link to get the cracked version h-haha please

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>but couldn't play it
the game is harder than 2016

It's easier in every imaginable way outside of Marauders.

>ask why Eternal is bad
>"it's not Doom!"
Ive probably played more 1993 Doom than most of you contrarian teenagers and i dont give a fuck. It's been 25 years and an entirely new development team, of course the game is going to be different than the original.

I was thinking "is Doom Eternal the Evangelion of Doom?" and then I saw that, with the retracting bridge, and had to say, "I guess it is."

Results don't impress me in the slightest. Once again it's just one or two cry babies who got filtered and started making these threads instead of learning the game.

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Hub world was neato, stop getting so anal over every little thing. I enjoyed the references and cool shit in there, like how you're able to play old doom music in there or the picture of him and daisy

>the beautiful simplicity of DOOM 2016
expert b8

Yeah all these upgrade systems, weak points and cheats really forced the player to get good and try. It's amazing how there's only one way to correctly play the game or you lose one of your extra lives and reanimate on the spot immediately and press C to use your infinite chainsaw fuel to regain all your ammo again.

You're fucking retarded. The game is only harder than 2016 if you intentionally flout the developer's handholding.

Nu-doom never was really doom, obviously. The gameplay is more like a single-player evolution of quake 2/3.

I will say that Eternal seems to have the Doom2 issue when the devs learned how to make levels and encounters that are designed to fuck over the player.

If you say so, man. I just played through it in preparation for Eternal and died way more often in 2016. Both playthroughs on UV.

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>using cheats makes the game easier
pretend I posted a brainlet wojak at you

Yas Forums does understand this. sometimes gameplay styles changing is for the better.

I don't care, it was garbage. It made me fucking angry as I was forced to move like a snail while getting raped up the ass my multiple enemies. There was a section where I failed a platforming element and fell into the purple stuff, hell knights and demons spawned and began raping me and all I could do is stand still and waste my lives while I tanked the damage and killed them. Absolutely garbage design and whoever thought of it should be castrated.

Cheats are in Eternal and not 2016. Cheats in Eternal do not prevent progress. Pretend I posted a reverse uno card picture.

>Tried to pander to nostalgiafags by linking classic doom with nudoom
>Doesn't even use the right armor from 64

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Who the hell thought dash should be the damn circle button?

Then, you agree with him. Nice post genius.

>using a controller to play an FPS

Playing Plebternal almost made me wish for a Nuclear Winter.

Or Witchfire.

>>A hub world that utterly destroys the game's pacing.
The fuck are you talking about, there was always a downtime between missions in Doom 16. And in Eternal the action in the missions is almost nonstop. You're nitpicking.

>Anything else I'm missing?

Yeah. You can always fuck off if you don't like it.

you know its gonna be a looter shooter right

The marine on the cover isn't meant to be Doomguy but they don't give a shit, it's all surface level references

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I HATE the verticality and platforming. Ruins the game for me. I hated it in DOOM 2016, and I hate it here. I refunded the game on Steam.

I just want to blow demons up and not fucking have to jump around a level trying to reach the next BS fetch quest key/battery/lever/etc.

>Stay at mid range, avoid his long range attacks
>Once he's going to attack and you see the green eyes, shoot him one time with the SSG, switch immediately to the Balista, shoot him one time with it
>Repeat this 4 times
Marauder is a fucking playa, get your fucking shit together

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> I will say that Eternal seems to have the Doom2 issue when the devs learned how to make levels and encounters that are designed to fuck over the player.
I think this was only Sandy Petersen thing

and still will be miles better than this abomination. Fuck, even Bordergays 3 is better than this.
iD is dead.

>Hey how about we have a new enemy
>How about he has a shield that always faces the player and blocks everything in the game even the BFG and it can never be broken
>On top of that if you get to close he hits you with his shotgun or sword
>If you get too far, he spams blade beams from his sword
>He also can produce infinite spectral wolves that have sketch hitboxes and heat seek the player without error forever until they're hit
>The only way you can defeat him is by countering one specific attack with a silly green eye flash that only happens if you are within a specified zone that isn't too near or far from the creature.
>Just to be sure, he also has resistance to Super Weapons.

The devs really jerked themselves off when they made this one. At least the Doom Hunters are fair. Marauders require complete focusing and playing a game that DOOM isn't supposed to fucking be. Bravo Bethesda.

Still wears similar armor in-game

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>second level
>gigantic fucking annoying pits of sludge that stop you from jumping, dashing, slow you down immensely
literally why

>beautiful simplicity of DOOM 2016

But it was shit though. So was Zoom Eternal. The only real Doom is classic Doom, preferably played with the quality of life improvements and gameplay additions of Brutal Doom.

It's antithetical to doom's gameplay design, which is all about being aggressive and blasting the fuck out of bad guys. You should never have to fucking WAIT for an enemy to attack you, and in the meantime other enemies in the arena are attacking you. Terrible design.

Witchfire has soul. This game got the soul sucked right out of it, courtesy of Zenimax and it's demon hordes.

>just finished the khan maykr boss
making the drones take 3 bars of fuel to kill and not having any fuel was fucking cancer, having to wait 30+ seconds for ammo to respawn while trying not to get tingly feet from touching the fucking ground while beams and all the other shit coming at you was trash
i dont even think i want to do a 2nd playthrough on nightmare now that fight single handedly ruined the entire fucking game for me more then the marauders

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he said
>It's easier in every imaginable way outside of Marauders.
which, while ambiguous, means either:
>doom 2016 is easier, with the exception of mauraders, which are hard
>doom eternal is easier, with the exception of mauraders, which are hard
given that the maurader does not exist he obviously meant the latter

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nice bait


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Anyone who likes 2016 but not Eternal is genuinely braindead

>fortress of coom

Just git gud, my first fight against him lasted exactly 30 seconds.

You're supposed to headshot the drones for ammo

My only complaint is this actual nigger making entire arenas of enemies fucking unbearable to fight. At least with the totems you can fucking run up and hit E, but you have to actually fight and kill this cunt.

That sewer encounter made me literally alt+f4 the first time I tried it.

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Brutal doom is for zoomers & other plebs.
You play Doom pure. Sigil is pretty gud, Romero had the last laugh after all. And Daikatana had great gameplay & ideas. Engine was crap though, Quake 2 crap.

> Brutal Doom
> improvements

>And Daikatana had great gameplay & ideas.
agreed until that part

You're such a fucking smoothbrain

Brutal Doom is what when you take the Beth formula and crank it up to 11. Pure dogshit.

Honest question, if Doom is a masterpiece that has "aged like wine"... why does it need 100+ mods to keep it alive?

>only Sandy Petersen thing
Someone never played thy flesh consumed.

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Meme teim

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the artbook is full of mechs, you see destroyed human mechs and demon titans within the first 5 minutes of the game, there are ruined mechs and dead titans throughout, the icon of sin is obviously titan-sized, yet you don't actually use a mech. What the fuck.

Here's a handy webm demonstrating this.

Attached: it's not that hard once you know what to do.webm (640x354, 2.93M)

I didn't have any trouble beating him you fucking stupid nigger, it wasn't fun. I play doom because it's fun, you dumb fucking stupid nigger. Fighting marauder isn't fun, because you need to fucking wait for his stupid fucking green light to flash so you can do damage. It's fucking stupid and so are you.

I fucking hate this guy, stupid piece of nigger shit. Always save a BFG for his nigger ashhole

>decide to do every level pistol start before eternal
>mfw E4M2 and E4M6
those really do grow hair on your balls

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It doesn't. It uses sourceports because they constantly "tweak" it from the original, vanilla playstyle with changes from damage to momentum to even fucking modifying the maps. Go play the BFG edition doom1/2 ports (or the eternal ports if you'd rather, same shit), then the original via gzdoom. Just getting through knee deep you'll notice massive speed and movement differences, items looking different, guns aiming differently, and more.

>All that waiting

Maybe it's imperceptible to you, smoothbrain, but that shit looks so slow and cringe. What's sad is that was a pretty fast go too. Terrible design!

simple as

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>32 seconds filled with waiting for a single enemy to let its guard down
How do people defend this shit?

suck my dick

The only enemy i had a real problem with are those hidden tentacles in the fleshy parts.
Now THOSE are designed to frustrate the player.

I don't care. Bad design. Garbage enemy. Not fun to fight against.

Wtf is this crap even
Star Wars saber flying dogshit console poop

It's the Banjo-Tooie of Doom games

>32 seconds
How is your adhd user?

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>That sewer encounter made me literally alt+f4 the first time I tried it.
>first try spend the BFG clearing out the initial clusterfuck
>can't focus down this literal flaming faggot down between that gay fucking shield and his buffed summons knocking me around like a beach ball
>subsequent tries save the BFG shot but get gangbanged back and forth by the grab-bag of heavies that start the arena
unironically hit the desk, my hand hurts

No user, those are meant to keep you engaged as you move through the level! Are you saying you're not an ADHD-riddled zoomer who can't handle walking down a 10 meter hallway without spamming m1?

Are you brain dead? Balista or Heavy Cannon with sniper mod the drones, they are the best pinatas in the game. Just shoot for the head.

>Ah yes, the thrilling fast paced action of Doom! Perfectly reflected in modern times with waiting half a minute to kill a single enemy! Truly a masterpiece!

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I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm surprised it's as good as it is desu.

You can't bring down the marauder's shield, you need to wait for him to attack and counter.