My first memory of Gamestop is them shitting on a 10-year-old self for trying to return a bad game...

My first memory of Gamestop is them shitting on a 10-year-old self for trying to return a bad game, insulting me for doing so.

Anyone upset it's closing all stores and probably will never reopen?

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nah brah they're an essential business they'll stay open forever even if they sell board games without the biggest names in it

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just wait until the next generation of game consoles sell without blu ray drives

I bought a pretty nice novelty Tee from them recently
But no I wouldn’t mind if they closed, so long as I still had a reliable source of physical copies (assuming I’d want them)

>them shitting on a 10-year-old self
I hope you mean that literally.

I recall a bitchy employee saying to me:
>Why are you returning this game? You don't like if? You think we're a rental store?
Fuck Gamestop.

Well why did you return the game? They aren't a rental store.

I always had good experiences to the point where some based nigger gave me a full refund like three weeks after I bought a game I hated.
I rewarded him with another (more expensive) sale using the refund

Nah fuck GameStop, I feel bad for their employees though. I miss GameCrazy though.

They did the same thing for me when I went to return PlayStation All-Stars 2 for the Vita. The game was so shit I made it a point to be as obnoxious has humanly possible until they caved in. Bought Jak collection for the Vita with the return money which also ended up being shit.

I also remember buying a brand new PSP. The first one was broken. I returned it, and they gave me the display model. It was buggy and had obvious scratches on it. Again, I bought it new.

Fuck Gamestop.

One good thing to come of this virus at least.

GameStop just had its business license suspending in PA for being fucking twats. They are done.

That just sounds made up.

>bought used shit game based on box art for ~$30 (some FF game)
>play a bit, decide it's shit and want to return it
>get dad to take me back, he's annoyed about it
>they tell me they can't take it back, but I can trade it in if I want
>get excited imagining literally trading a game for a game (I was like 9)
>they offer me like 3 bucks for it
>dad tells em to fuck off and takes me home
I don't even remember what happened to that game or what it was, but I never went back to gamestop unless it was to look around in the mall
thanks for reading my blog, gamestop is a fat, greasy turd that won't flush

Also, a good friend of mine worked at Gamestop while attending college. His store manager convinced him to drop out of college to become an assistant manager. My friend did so, became an assistant manager, and had to quit and become a janitor at a hospital because he had no other career options.

>Yas Forums hates gamestop
you know what i just realized how much i like gamestop
they're pretty alright

You had the game for over 30 days at that point if that was the case.
But that was probably so early in the companies life they hadn’t placed that policy. Not sure if they even still have it tbqh

No, completely fucking true. It pissed me off once as I realized it while younger. The product clearly was a display model that they handed off to me (presumably) because I was younger.

>Convinced to drop out of school to be an assistant manager
I also worked at Gamestop for a bit in college and at no point did I want to make my souless, menial job a career. Sounds like your friend is retarded.

I’d believe it. I shop there occasionally because it is convenient, but I am extremely careful and specific because they will try to fuck you over on their own occasion

it was wayyy before they let you return them, it was around 2000 or so

I'll be sad that there will no longer be a dedicated video game store in my town.

>he thought he could become the GameStop regional manager and play video games for free

I remember the first ("new") PSP they sold wouldn't even play any fucking games. It simply would load forever and was laggy. So I returned it, and the "new" PSP they gave me was all scratched up and looked exactly like the display model. If I were an adult and that shit happened, I would have been furious. But, no.

I have no love for Gamestop itself. Now the stores it took over like Babbages, Software etc., Funcoland and all that, sure.

I was a frequent Gamestop shopper, but only for convenience sake, new games within walking distance. But after awhile I couldnt even justify that. Every walk through the store was fighting clothes racks and funko pops and then you were locked into a mental battle with the cashier trying to force reserves and warranties. It just wasnt worth the trouble, when you can get it from Best Buy online delivered, often with cool extras (it's the only place carrying RE3make steelbook as far as I know).

I was never a Gameatop "fan", and it wont be missed. I'll continue to support the local places for retro stuff as long as they hold out.

GameStop revolves around video games. Obviously it's going to create 'interesting' situations. Everyone I know tries to avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

Went in to buy a game. Greasy neckbeard hands me a used and disgustingly abused game with GameStop stickers on it. That'll be $55. No, I want a new copy. $5 more is insignificant at that price point and GameStop doesn't get the money. Not to mention the bonuses you get with the game such as a month of Xbox Live Gold which is worth that $5 extra alone.

He goes on to tell me that if I don't buy used I can't refund the game. I don't get GameStop Good Boy points and don't save money. Whatever. Then I get asked if I want a GameStop card. Obviously not. Then he asks me for ID because it's a mature game. Almost lost it but you have to remain respectful. Was thinking you fat fucking neckbeard I'm older than you. My one fucking mistake was giving them my contact information because they bait you into it. You know as if it's required if there's an issue or something. The fucking spam. I didn't even consent or know you were going to send spam. How is this shit legal?

Fuck this place. Can't wait for their going out of business sale when they go bankrupt. Hopefully this situation is putting even more pressure on them and making them die faster. The last and final time I went to the store, aside from the bankruptcy sale in the future, was to get a PlayStation 4 Pro in white because I guess it's exclusive to them for some reason? Black consoles are disgusting. Bought that and never came back.

>being this emotionally invested in a business
>be me
>keep my stuff in good condition
>go to store when they have a trade in promotion for bonus %
>test my shit and it works
>trade in for credit because cash if for htf "people"
>exchange for steam, nintendo, ps, whatever bucks
>politely decline preorders or subscriptions
>wish them a happy day and leave
I'm not spending time and money shipping through and paying fees to eBay or PayPal to save $10 or using craigslist and dealing with scammers or autistic retards

Not him but I had them do this shit to me, like three times total. They'd sell me a new game and I'd check disc and it was faintly scratched. They did that kind of shit all the time, pissed me off to no end.

>remember being young and taking a bunch of games to gamestop because the only other used game place in town never had anything I wanted
>we have an eb games that was better but it closed down several years prior
>gs offered me like 2 bucks for about ten or so essentially new barely played games
>was probably 9 or 10
>never went back

Mine is when Chris-chan maced an employee, crazy moment.

My Electronics Boutique store turned into a Gamestop. Was awful once the shift occurred. All the stories in this thread involved post-shift.

One thing I liked about GameStop was when I was a kid there was a store in my area that had this big box at the center of the store with a bunch of used PlayStation 1 games. My parents got me like fucking 15 games for $10. Until I realized that if I wanted to save or do anything I needed a memory card. Shit talk about a fucking scam. I swear those things would cost more than gold itself.

I think they were so pressured to sell new so the sociopaths fucked with kids.


>Shit talk about a fucking scam.
are you retarded?
>I swear those things would cost more than gold itself.
like 5 bucks used from the same store you were already in

>go to gamestop to buy crysis so I can play the mechwarrior mod
>get carded even though I was like 24
>don't have id because I was also neet
>cunt at the register asks if the woman waiting outside is my mom
>start projectile vomiting spaghetti
>slam game on counter
>mumble something about not wanting to take my money
>turn 360 degrees and sprint out the store
fucking gamestop. to make it worse I ended up buying the game on steam only to find out the digital version came with securom so I never even installed it and steam won't give me a refund.

From my friend, former Gamestop employee:

>There was a really bad snowstorm. Like the worst in years. Everything shut down. My manager told me I had to go in. I protested, no avail. I went outside and the roof of some of the carports at my apartment complex had collapsed it had snowed so hard. I couldnt get my car out of the foot and a half of snow on the ground, so I called my boss.

>Told him I couldnt get out. He said he couldnt either and would talk to the DM. I had a great relationship with the DM so not a big deal. Call 15 mins later. "Dont you live nearby?" "Uh like a 30 minute walk but its insane out there, you cant expect me to-" they did.

>It took me almost 2 hours. I had such a bad asthma attack I laid on the floor for another hour before I could work. The only people who came in were three high schoolers in a truck. They bought less than $10 worth of games. It cost them more to pay me to be there in the first place.

>Not long after my asthma attack finally subsided, they called the store and said they were closing us early after all.

>And I made the trek again...

>That was THE moment I knew for sure Gamestop didnt give a shit about its employees and resolved to leave.


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> Uh like a 30 minute walk but its insane out there, you cant expect me to-" they did.
>It took me almost 2 hours. I had such a bad asthma attack I laid on the floor for another hour before I could work.

Are they fat?

>hello, I'd like your finest PSP please
>register jock rings it up
>manager asks if I want any games
>say no, I'm gonna install CFW and download them all
>manager gets furious
>register jock tries not to snicker, fails
>ask for a bag and my receipt
>go back way later for
>hello, I'd like your finest n3DS please
>manager starts ringing it up
>I look at the SKU, which was required to determine if a model was hackable, tell manager I want a different one
>manager gets a different one
>I look at the SKU, say not that one either
>he says that's all he has
>say ok
>walk down to FUCKING TARGET
>buy three hackable n3DS systems
>walk back to FUCKING GAMESTOP
>poke my head in and tell the people in there that FUCKING TARGET has a bunch of n3DS systems that are hackable and will let you check the SKU and wave the bag in the air a bit
>manager begins acting strangely
>go back to FUCKING TARGET, return two of the n3DS systems

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They cucked me out of buying state of emergency by telling my dad it glorified 9/11 and shaming him for buying it for me as a kid. Fuck you gamestop.

I can't wait till they fail.

bros....are pre-orders still able to be picked up?

I remember EB Games before merging with Gamestop. I went in there and picked out a PS1 game, it was 2 discs I believe with a dragon somewhere on the back cover it but those fuck heads only gave me 1 disc. I Ended up returning it for Yu Gi OH Forbidden Memories but man does anyone know what game that was? I felt like I was robbed of experiencing a possibly mediocre JRPG.

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First story was good second story made you sound like a retarded autist


the real tragedy here is that if gamestop closes down how will we find out if they have battletoads? we should all call in tomorrow to double check, just one last time, and then call the police and tell them gamestop is violating the national emergency AND that they still dont have battletoads.

It's nice to see stories I posted ages ago be called copypasta.

How does buying digital codes like PSN and Steam cards work on Gamestop's website? Do I get the code immediately or do I have to go to the store and get the physical card? I have store credit and want to get it out in case they shut down.

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>go in with bros
>talk about the games as we browse
>laugh at the shit merchandise and gear
>go home and buy vidya online
That's basically my experience with brick-and-mortar game stores.

why the fuck would you want this to happen

>why the fuck would you want this to happen
beside discs are the worst of the worst of physical media and have been holding console gaming back and propping up cancer stores like gamestop for decades. video games should have only ever stayed on cartridges and/or gone digital. fuck discs and fuck you.

>he doesnt want to actually own his games
>he doesn't want to buy a game and play it immediately
>having to switch between multiple discs is too much effort for him
actually kill yourself

>>he doesnt want to actually own his games
>>he doesn't want to buy a game and play it immediately
>>having to switch between multiple discs is too much effort for him
>actually kill yourself

games are software. i have over 20 tb of games saved. i dont own them. cd roms/blurays/dvds are just an inferior storage medium compared to HDD space on any device that can use both HDD or discs. if you think your ps3/xbox/ps4/etc discs OR consoles are going to be worth anything in a few years you're a fucking retard. digital is the way to go whether you are a pirate or a consoomer. especially for consoles as time progresses and each generation of console becomes hackable/emulatable/ported to pc and gain all the benefits of the faster hardware/ability to be loaded from larger and larger HDDs.

the only kind of games you should want physical copies of are cartridges because of unique form factors/nostalgia factor and even those are being phased out in favor of digital copies on modern cartridge based consoles like the nintendo switch.

any fag with a collection of discs is as dumb as fags still sporting music CD roms or dvd movie collections.

>>he doesnt want to actually own his games
no game lets you own it, they are all just licenses to play the product.
>>he doesn't want to buy a game and play it immediately
not sure about the switch, but you sure as fuck can't do that on xbox or playstation anymore. discs are little more than activation codes to begin a download.
>>having to switch between multiple discs is too much effort for him
why the fuck would you ever have to do that outside of past gens? modern games are bad at compression but I can't imagine the bloat a game would need in order to need two blue rays to fit all it's shit

the days of "owning" your game and popping it in and playing right away stopped like 10 years ago.
PS5/neXtBox will probably have disc trays, good chance there will be models without them since no one really needs them at this point. But the gen after those two will defiantly not have disc trays or anything for carts to plug into. All online downloading and purchasing.
Fuck gamestop, fuck second hand markets, and fuck the video game industry in general. It needs a good hard crash to wake the chumps making this schlock.

>Anyone upset it's closing all stores and probably will never reopen?

No. Ever since they tried to sell me a game they took out of the box for full price is the last time I bought anything from them. They are no better than Blockbuster. Glad Blockbuster is dead and that GameStop is about to join them.

>if you think your ps3/xbox/ps4/etc discs OR consoles are going to be worth anything in a few years you're a fucking retard
Lmao, the Xbox 360 came out 15 years ago. Still playing it.

>have friend growing up
>ends up coming out as trans
>now works at gamestop
the memes are real

>Lmao, the Xbox 360 came out 15 years ago. Still playing it.
and is your 360 hacked/modded so you can play all your games for free? if not, you're a retard. and either way, no 360 disc is worth more than a couple dollars used, if that and maybe a handful of games worth more than that new in box.

>Still playing it.
jesus, I'm sorry man. that's rough

>they are all just licenses to play the product.
the game dev cant break into my house and steal my disc. literally anytime they wanted microsoft, steam, etc. could revoke any digital rights you have and you have no game anymore

>discs are little more than activation codes to begin a download.
which you can do directly from the discs in a few minutes after which you can begin playing unless you want to download an update.

>>discs are little more than activation codes to begin a download.
>which you can do directly from the discs in a few minutes after which you can begin playing unless you want to download an update.
literally not true with 90% of xbox one and ps4 games. you end up having to download the bulk of the game's data from microsoft/sony's servers.

I have literally never had to do this, and my internet is bad, so i would definitely know.



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