What are the worst trends in modern video gaming?
What are the worst trends in modern video gaming?
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Selling incomplete games at full price and then making the playerbase pay again for the finished product
It's beating a dead horse at this point, but loot boxes.
Why anyone would pay money for a CHANCE at getting something they want is beyond me.
wtf where are they organs?
I want to bust the fattest load possible inside Alannah's fat ass
games as a service
Is that Alannah from Funhaus?
Blacks and minorities inclusion
The trend of assuming the player is a complete fucking moron who can't think for themself. Ya that's most people playing vidya, but they can eat shit and not know the difference
First post, best post.
Nah it's Funhaus from Allanah
>Let's see how little content we can give the player, but still have them willing to buy at full price and ideally with extra paid DLC
>SuRpRiSe MeChAnIcs
Phasing out splitscreen
She has a tiddy pic leak years ago pre FH. I wish someone had it still.
E-sport pandering
There's been plenty already and all of them have been proven fake.
American sensibilities
E-celeb cancer.
For me, it's Alannah's deepfakes
>muh loot boxes. EA bad.
Go to reddit.
aged like fine milk
>SP gaem
>internet connection required
>decide to play it instead of MP because internet is being intermittent
>"You've been disconnected from the game server!
She discussed it when it happened. It wasn't fake. It was dark and shit quality but I still fapped to it. She wasn't that popular back then..
fanboyism defending shitty downgraded sequels and lousy console ports and every other game hopping on lame bandwagon trends because they can't create anything original and justifying microtrannies, day-1 DLC, et
there's way too many to choose just a few,and they vary by game genre
>thumbnail looked like a sexy MILF/GILF
>just some e-thot
Fucking gross.
>The Deepfake of her milking a cock with her lips
I haven't nutted that hard in a while.
not the worst but one that really bothers me are dailies in non-mmo non-mobile games. It just reeks of cheapness to me, and makes it seem like the developers need to coerce you to regularly play the game.
singleplayer requiring internet connection is also up there if not number 1
The modern consumer.
I'm afraid I'm going to need a link
I regret to inform you that you've been diagnosed with a terminal case of shit taste
How do I get a gf like this?
>selling unfinished games at full price and 'fixing' them later
>monetizing all aspects of a game
For trends with developers
>thinking your game should be cinematic art first and a game second
>Thinking that gamey or being like a game is bad or antiquated.
Artsy indie platformers
Public beta testing.
Early Access.
For preservation purposes, perpetual updates.
No, no, this is trash.
I'm referring to these
I'm stupid, didn't even bother scrolling up. Lol
Just b urself
All of them are there
>killed Bruce
>killed Lawrence
Who's next?
this and the requirement your game system be online all the time has basically excluded all my poor ass nigga friends from ever wanting to do coop with me again.
>muh contrarianism
>reddit spacing
You're going to have to try harder than that if you want to fit in, dipshit.
Go back corporate shill
Nnnngggghhh God she's hot
bumping just for the chance it'll pop up here
Forced walking sections where nothing is happening.
Any example?
>Why anyone would pay money for a CHANCE at getting something they want
You just described gambling. And speaking of gambling, it's literally a slot machine that doesn't give cash payouts in video game form.
>money goes in
>prizes come out
>failures are silent
>wins (rares in this case) are noisy with big shiny lights/explosions
Lots have already been covered here, but games that were designed around mini-maps and quest markers.
I tend to turn them off, but some games become super frustrating where you have to open up the map to find the right spot to advance. GTAV is a good example.
I'm playing Deus Ex Mankidn Divided currently, and I'm really happen that NPCs will also give you actual directions. It's very playable without the minimap.
God I hate them.
How every single new game just have a generic modern apple UI.
Back when Skyrim was still fresh, one of the first mods I got was the one that removes the quest markers from your heads up display. They don't give you shit for information to actually find the quests, so it's still a matter of opening the map, and just finding the map marker. Half the time they don't even give you a cardinal direction. It's just "go to [such and such cave]".
It makes sense in GTAV's setting though.
>"go here"
>set GPS to go there
>no need to get long ass directions that no one would give in the first place if you have a GPS
Just about every game that came out in the past 10 years that had DLC
Probably Adam
oh I hate this shit
mhw kept a lot of the old ui stuff so it's not too bad but I really dislike the new health and stamina bar
MHW abandoned almost every single bit of the old styled UI including the chunky menu and item sounds, it's a thoroughly modernized and westernized version of the series
>day 1 DLC
>no map editor
>no mod tools
>no community dedi servers
>cult fanboyism
>DRM locking you out of a game you bought
>always online
>data mining
Based and wtf where are they organs pilled
I actually hadn't noticed the item sounds being absent but it's obvious now that you mention it.
The bars really bother me though, I wish they spanned the top like before
any thing made by EA
Why is this allowed, imagine if it was a male shoving his bulge in some little girl's face instead.
>I wish they spanned the top like before
Less obnoxious UI is better, user.
alanah's a charisma vacuum and kills almost every funhaus video shes in. i miss bruce so much bros
it was never obnoxious or distracting
World's UI is the most obnoxious in the series, somehow having a map that takes up a quarter of your screen is less intrusive than having scoutflies everywhere that jerk your camera for you and having a minimap that's so cluttered you can't make out shit, the only saving grace it has is that you can turn most of it off
>he sees a hot chick, and his first thought is of old men abusing little girls
Nigga you gay
>old women abusing little boys is fine
Allanah is such a slut.
Make her angry and she starts to salivate and speak like a ranch aussie. It is fun.
People pretending JRPGs were ever good or even RPGs at all.
this. i feel like when i go back to older games i remember maps like the back of my hand, while i can't remember any map that uses a gps system.
Nigga you gay