All this QTE shit is fucking gay and takes me out of the game, especially when it constantly teleports you around...

All this QTE shit is fucking gay and takes me out of the game, especially when it constantly teleports you around. There should seriously be an option to disable glory kills, the chainsaw and the flamethrower and just let enemies drop shit when they die.

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>press button
>receive bad ass

100% agreed. This shit ruins the game for me but without it it would be great. Already had the same complaint in 2016 but it wasn't half as bad then.

The whole game is cancer.

>There should seriously be an option to disable glory kills, the chainsaw and the flamethrower and just let enemies drop shit when they die.

There is. It's called stop being a little bitch

That's not an option to disable glory kills.

>have to chainsaw some zombie to get some ammo
>barons of hell circle around me and wait for the animation to finish
>get raped
great game design

Just equip the fast glory kills rune LMAO

In doom 2016 this was possible because there was enough ammo laying around. Now you are forced to use the chainsaw because the game doesn't give you enough ammo.

So I'm not the only one always running out of ammo in this game huh

That just makes it even more janky.

It's fully intentional and I think it was a last minute decision. If you look at the e3 footage, non of the weapons share ammo and there is much more of it. Fully maxxed out you can only hold 24 shotgun shells and in the e3 footage they had 30 or 40.

>cheat infinite ammo
>game is better

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Even when you fully upgraded the ammo capacity you're still carrying 24 shells.

You recharge one use of your chainsaw, just use it.

Just don't press the glory kill button. We told you this 4 years ago.

Still is not enough shotgun ammo. It's the main weapon you use and it has one of the lowest ammo capacities.

The point is to get ammo, bro.

No shit, but it's not fun.

Ruins the flow of the game.

how on earth is anyone having trouble with ammo in the game.

Except it's literally required if you want to keep shooting at enemies.

>The point is to get ammo, bro.
Confirmed haven't played the game.
You don't get ammo from Glory Kills you retard.

Kill yourself.

>have 60 shotgun shells max in Doom 2016 was was my main weapon
>never struggle with ammo
>in Eternal I'm juggling only around 20 shells which burn through like nothing
This fucking sucks.

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>Except it's literally required if you want to keep shooting at enemies.
literally can skip out on glory kills, you get health regardless

You are dumb. You need to use chainsaw, which is a glory kill, to get ammo.

What the FUCK happened to the design quality of this game? I just got to Taras Nabad and holy fuck, it's such a badly designed level in comparison to the rest. Actually the game has been going downhill after blowing up mars, been pretty boring. And Taras Nabad the first arena was fucking GARBAGE holy fuck. Who thought that arena design was fine? Who the fuck thought spawning twenty million demons all buffed so you can't even tell them apart because of all the glowing red particles? And so few demons you can use the chainsaw on. And the fucking big nigger spawning them all took so many fucking hits, the arena was a nightmare and I've been having a blast the rest of the game.

Am I just crazy, or did anyone else get really fucking pissed off with this entire level so far? Even the fucking secrets are hidden like a stupid fucking dumbfuck asshole designed the level.

Let me get this straight here, you think the game is fine as it is and adding the option of disable QTE would have made the game worse?

>You need to use chainsaw, which is a glory kill
No it's not.

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>Let me get this straight here, you think the game is fine as it is and adding the option of disable QTE would have made the game worse?
It doesn't really bother me, but I'd most definitely disable the QTE if it was an option as it adds nothing to the game when you've seen all the animations.

not him but it would have been substantially better if they didn't require you to constantly use the chainsaw to get ammo.

They can't just give an option to the players, imagine all the money wasted on animating all these BADASS glory kills if players skip them

It's slow as fuck just like a glory kill, and the criticism being levied is about how you're constantly forced to break up the speed to perform the same menial, repetitive actions just to regain ammunition. Why would you endorse forcing players to use melee attacks to regain ammo instead of letting them gather ammo through the use of skillful play (critical hits in hard to hit targets) or knowledgeable play (secret ammo caches) or just regular progress (normally placed ammo). There are plenty of ways to allow players to play the game the way they want to play it, but the developers are forcing everybody to play it the same exact way.

At the start of the game I would agree and I didn't like it, but I only need to occasionally chainsaw fodder halfway through the game.
Just chainsaw fodder between arenas and you should be good.

>but the developers are forcing everybody to play it the same exact way.
just like a souls game? (this game is going to be the talk of Yas Forums for 10+ years get ready)

Chainsaw is a piece of equipment that can be used to insta-kill certain enemies depending on how many charges it has.
Glory kills are finishers that can be performed on any already weakened enemy.
Not the same thing.

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What? You can play Souls games in a ton of different ways. Some are more effective than others, but the developers aren't forcing you to do annoying shit just to make progress. Imagine if in a Souls game the only way you could get souls from enemies is if you did a riposte after a parry. Since you need souls to progress you're forced to parry even though most people don't like to parry all the time. Get it now?

The topic of this thread is QTE shit being gay.

Just play on easy mode so you won't need to press so many buttons to recover health and ammo during fights.

I play the game for free on codex and its so weird of a game the story ,character is bad gameplay is repetitive ,music is between godlike and terrible,good action but bad pacing ,platformer and puzzle are a nuisance.I give it 7/10 but if i had to pay for it 6/10 this game look like free to play fps that you download in the xbox store and there is no replay value .

chainsaw and glory killing are the same god damn thing except one gives you ammo instead of just health. You even get the glory kill speed buff from chainsaw.

>Get it now?
so 10/10?

You're not reading what I'm saying. They're different. Read what I said you ESL fuck.

>that retard still parroting the meme that you could play NuevoDoom 1 without glorykills (outside easymode)

>use chainsaw
>use ammo
>now i have nothing at all
>hide in corner while chainsaw refills
hmm this seems not good

What's the matter, not enough coombait for ya?

>run out of ammo before chainsaw refills

just save us the time call yourself a shitter, ok?

Doom would be improved with some big tiddie anime demon bitches.

Downgrade in many ways from Doom 2016.

>hold right click
>fire auto shotgun for 2 seconds
>out of ammo
well fuck me for having fun i guess

there are other guns.

not on level 1. you get 2 guns, playing on nightmare btw. i guess i need to get further

Glory kills are such a faggy concept. Remember in 2006 when QTEs were played out? Thanks for bringing that back id.

I played on nightmare too. You shouldn't be losing ammo that fast.

when the game gives you constant cheats to make it actually fun even the devs know they fucked up big time

if it has no mod support I won't play for long

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>enable rune that makes you run fast after glory kill
>use chain saw
>get the run boost

it's a glory kill according to the game ;^))))

Better than having to hide and backtrack for ammo. You never have to leave the action.

it's still fun

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A context sensitive action is not a QTE.
A QTE is when a cutscene just arbitrarily wants you to push buttons.

The prompts and context for specific actions in Doom are consistent, predictable and well-projected.

But they're not QTEs and it trivializes what was once a pretty serious issue in games maybe 10 years ago.

They turned doom into a fucking platformer lol, might as well add Mario as an optional skin.

The reason why they're similar is the reason why it's a problem. It takes control away from the player, however briefly, in order to showcase a cinematic action. There's very little danger of failing it, and as a result it's not satisfying to perform. Having to do it over and over makes it lose its luster to the point where it becomes an irritating constant annoyance rather than something enjoyable. Making people wait a second or two over and over again when they're in the middle of an action game is bad action game design.

>better to have infinite health and ammo than having to be careful

NuDoom's system is just one step away from regenerating health.

Glory kills themselves aren't too bad once you get the speed rune, but unfortunately it doesn't work on the chainsaw and that needs to be used very regularly and has less animations

So I'm 2 hours in and I'm kind of bored. Anyone else feel that? If it wasn't for the metal, I'm not sure I'd be even half as pump as I am playing. Also the platforming can eat shit.


I told you nudoomtard are some of the most retarded when it comes to arguing and the most retarded when it comes to defending shitty game design. These fuck got BTFO in previous threads defending this retarded decision by saying
>hurr durr le don't use it!
Proving everyone who criticize the glory kill right when they say it severely breaks the game flow and brought absolutely 0 positive addition to the game. For fuck sake how hard is it to not put a single "le hardcore cinematic feature!" in AAA vidya?