GAME OF THE YEAR. Suck it you weeb faggots, I dont give a fuck what you contrarian retards have to say...

GAME OF THE YEAR. Suck it you weeb faggots, I dont give a fuck what you contrarian retards have to say. If only every triple A game had this level of polish.

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TLoU2 will win, don't kid yourself

>a game being finished at release is a milestone for doom zoomers

what the shit were they thinking

>try my ass off, dashing, jumping, shotgun, rocket launcher
>horseshit dog shit constantly on my screen blocking vision
>massive flame attack from demons
>get auto-aim ranged bullshit to fucking death for being 1 foot from his range/dashed into and stunned

4 deaths later

>kill dog and every demon in room
>stand still with crossbow
>click when green
>click when green
>click when green
>click when green

literally beat him without touching anything but m1, when did the devs think ddr was a thrilling fucking fps mechanic. FUCK YOU CONSOLE PLAYERS NONE OF YOU CAN AIM SO I HAVE TO SLAY TO RYTHM GAMES INSTEAD OF BOUNCING AROUND LIKE A QUAKE CHAMPION FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

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You wouldn't have any games except your shitty mill sims stuck in perpetual alpha if it werent for consoles.

It'll win GOTY awards, which mean fuck all these days but Eternal will be GOTY in the hearts of everyone here

good bait

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I honestly think their goal for this enemy was to have some invincible fuck chase you around while you dispose of everything else in the room. Just always save him for last.

>thinking GOTY means anything
Either zoomer or consolefag.

Not a zoomer. Have a PC too but PC gaming sucks. I use mine for older games.

then they should have had his flying axe attack home in, it's fucking annoying to play social distancing with an enemy who teleports

*blocks your path*

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You're just getting filtered mate. Gotta try harder and smarter.

I liked the bossfight but they really shouldn't have reused him so much.

Honestly it's not even remotely in running for game of the year. The platforming in this game is fucking dreadful. You do more retarded platforming than you do fighting. I honestly have mo idea why anyone is pretending this game is good, 2016 was better in every way.

The super shotgun is so much more satisfying to use than it was in 2016.

If it even comes out this year

It's the New Colossus to DOOM 2016's New Order. Critics liked it more, but it's shittier in every way. 3/5, fuck the ship.


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>platforming BAAAAAAAAAD
>never explains why it is bad or dreadful
>somehow this stops the game from being easily one of the best action games of all time
The fighting is more prominent in this game than the previous one.

>c-critics like it
90% on steam reviews, mate

It's bad and dreadful because it's just seeing from poll, cling to wall and dash over and fucking over and over. I forgot everyone loved doom because of all the platforming, who cares about actual combat! 75% of this shit game is just jumping and dashing lmao. Sorry I made you cry user but the truth hurts.


Didn't realize I was playing Resident Evil

>underdesigned westaboo trash
k buddy

It's definitely good, only contrarians absolutely trash it. I can understand disliking it for a few reasons but overall the combat feels amazing, very active, the platforming is pretty good, the secrets are fun although considerably easier than 2016, and the artstyle and aesthetic are 9.5/10.
8/10 would be as low as I could go without kidding myself.

Early game on nightmare is basically CBT

use chainsaw you nigger how hard can it be?


absolutely fuckin based

If this happens I'm done with this industry

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You don't chainsaw big enemies. How retarded are you?

Eternal is fun but Ori 2 is the perfect sequel and easily GOTY. Silksong will almost certainly also be a masterpiece like HK.
Also the official award will definitely go to TLOU2, Cyberpunk, or HLA.

To be fair, the best way to use the chainsaw is completely opposite to 2016 so if you played that recently you can build up the wrong habbit. Once I found the grapple>chainsaw combo I never had any ammo problems for the rest of the game.


I thought this was a serious discussion

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Yeah, it was until you started posting I guess

wait till you play the Master Levels, he appears so much frequently, I wouldn't be surprised if I run into 2 of them at some point

of course its going to happen, naughty dog games have been the most journalist/award bait shit since uncharted

Saw your bait and there were no responses. I decided to donate a (you).

what, so you unironically believe the game award retards (The same ones that elected Overwatch GOTY in 2016 instead of DOOM) will vote for any other game other than the first half life have in 15 years?

but thats not TRVE DOOM user!!

I play the game for free on codex and its so weird of a game the story ,character is bad gameplay is repetitive ,music is between godlike and terrible,good action but bad pacing ,platformer and puzzle are a nuisance.I give it 7/10 but if i had to pay for it 6/10 this game look like free to play fps that you download in the xbox store and there is no need to replay it .

Yeah I don't even feel like shitposting, this game is fun as fuck

TLOU2 will win but Doom is the people's champ

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again, once you know "run away until you have him alone, then stand still and m1 when green" he;s fucking easy. why hype up a hero you literally dont need to aim or dodge. ive rolled every single one in the level and challenges with him after that first fight.

Doom 2016
>kill everything in the room with guns
>more than enough ammo
>save up chainsaw for big "fuck you" enemies that you don't wanna deal with
>hardly ever use it otherwise because need to conserve fuel and melee is good for knocking something into GK zone

Doom Eternal
>kill everything in the room with guns
>run out of ammo halfway through
>chainsaw automatically recharges to one pip now so use that and get more ammo periodically
>now get into rotation of 'have ammo = guns, no ammo = chainsaw a shitter then guns'
>melee is pretty much a quick stun button unless you have blood punch charged

It takes a bit to get used to, especially if you're fresh off 2016, but I like the balance a bit more and the fact that the chainsaw doesn't feel like you're wasting resources just to use

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Honestly the flow of gameplay is way better, and i hope we get an arena with a rogue-like mode where you fight infinite waves and build your arsenal back up. Maxing super shotty means infinite armor, plus the ice+fire+rocket combo lets you fully heal up with the "health from ice" perk. Plus the ability to search for collectibles at the end of the round is 10/10

The platforming with invis killboxes, glitchy grappling & the annoying/boring bosses is killing me though.

I honestly think it's an awful game but man the music is good.

I beat it earlier. It is a 6/10 from me.

Isn't Alyx an on rails shooter? It won't be blocking anything's path unless it was already programmed to.

Can't wait to see the fans seethe when they delay it cause of corona chan.

Are you retarded? It's not.

Listen I fucking love this game. Its everything I hoped for in a Doom 2016 sequel but I know damn well its not GOTY meterial.

Calm your fucking tits there sperglord. I don't follow that garbage cause I don't play VR games. Last I heard is that it was on rails, which wouldn't surprise me one bit.

You're intentionally being retarded.

Why did they turn Metroid Prime 4 from an open world game (per level), into some linear arena shooter (with horrendously unfair fights at the beginning of the game that would be best served at the END of others)?

Because the last news I heard, from Yas Forums, on a game I don't follow is that it was on rails? I didn't look further cause I don't give a fuck about a shit VR game. You're crazy triggered though. Your game is going to suck shit, by the way.

>game ran like shit even with tweaking settings (60-80 fps, eh I can deal with it), not so sure since everyone said the game runs like butter
>apparently hear that disabling steam overlay improves performance
>now game runs at 120-150 fps everything maxed out
What the fuck

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>Because the last news I heard, from Yas Forums, on a game I don't follow


>, but I like the balance a bit more

Yeah, I can't really help seeing game info when I scroll looking for things I actually care about. That one didn't occur to you? You seem like a VR fan. Can't wait for it to die off like 3D movies did.

Did people seriously struggle with the maurauder? The game literally tells you right before you fight him with a fucking pop up, stay at mid range, not too close, not too far, tells you to watch for the flash of green and attack then.

I used the chainfun, waited for him to flash, open fire and then dump as much ammo into him while he staggers. Easy as fuck, only took what, 5 or so staggers on ultra-violence to do this.

You're incredibly retarded for getting game info from shitposting troll on Yas Forums, retard.

You're really having a tough time with this, aren't you? I didn't look for the info, I saw it as I was scrolling past yet another thread on it and didn't look further. Cause VR is trash for idiots. Do I need to draw a diagram for you?

kek you are too funny my dude

don't you have a dental appointment to miss """mate"""

Just like people that think VR is anything besides a fad.

or just stand still with any of the higher damage weapons. Literally defeated in 5 m1 clicks, no other buttons needed. No dodging, no aiming, no brain needed.

He's just annoying as shit and ruins the flow of the game.
every encounter I've had with him ends with no other demons in the room and me just standing still waiting for his dumb ass shield to drop.

Wow the sonybro cope has been at full strenght ever since that conference