Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

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He did nothing wrong outside Sima Yi

He's great in that Three Kingdoms series otherwise all my ancient China knowledge comes from TecmoKoei so blue man bad.

China's Oda Nobunaga

He ambitious

Quick rundown:


Long version:

Really long version:

Fuck you, Cao Cao predates Nobunaga by centuries

Is it cow-cow, tsow tsow, or chow chow?

M-muh ambition

He killed his uncle because he didnt want him to be sad



it's 曹操

he lost at red cliff

K.O. K.O.

Thats how I said it as a kid reading his name in the instruction manual to NES Romance of the 3 Kingdoms

What about that time he murderered an innocent family who gave him food and shelter because of his paranoia?

That's a novel invention.

In general? Magnificent bastard. In game? Fuck you Cao Cao stop attacking me I've beaten like 8 of your stacks but I don't even want to expand in your direction fuck of you piece of shit go bother Yuan Shao

he a good nigga


Not what happened
>Wèi shū states: Tàizǔ believed [Dǒng] Zhuó in the end would certainly be overthrown and defeated, therefore did not accept appointment, and fled back to his hometown. With several following riders he went to his old friend, Chénggāo's Lǚ Bóshē. [Lǚ] Bóshē was not there, and his son with their guest-retainers together robbed Tàizǔ, seizing his horse and things. Tàizǔ personally wielded blade and fought, killing several men.
>Shìyǔ states: Tàizǔ visited [Lǚ] Bóshē. [Lǚ] Bóshē was out abroad, but his five sons were all present, and prepared to welcome him with ceremony. Tàizǔ himself had betrayed [Dǒng] Zhuó's orders and so suspected that others plotted against himself, and personally wielded sword in the night, killing eight men and fleeing.
>Sūn Shèng's Zájì states: Tàizǔ heard the sound of them preparing food, believed they were plotting against him, and therefore in the night killed them. Then he was sorrowful and said: "Better I betray others, than let others betray me." Then he went.

It's a different guy.

So in 2/3 Cao Cao betrays them because of paranoia?

It was pronounced "cow-cow" in english by english voice actors for like 3 Dynasty Warriors games in a row. It will forever be "cow-cow", anyone that disagrees is a zoomer.

In no account is there ever a claim of "murdering an innocent family."

Fuck you. God forbid some of us actually know how pīnyīn works instead of being proud of being illiterate.

it's a good but shallow total war

only 1 of those says that Boshe or his sons actually did anything to Cow Cow. In the other 2 accounts he kills them because he "believes" they were plotting against him

>Fuck you, Cao Cao predates Nobunaga by centuries
That's not his point, you fucking idiot. Like Nobunaga, Cao Cao is somewhat demonized despite his good intentions.

>That's not his point, you fucking idiot. Like Nobunaga, Cao Cao is somewhat demonized despite his good intentions.
Demonized by who?
Liu Bie moralfag narcissists?

Romanticized, not a real event

It's pronounce as Xao Xạo but Xao xao or Tsow Tsow is probabably the closest you westerners can pronounce, but it's not far from right

It's the same dude, dude

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You're completely wrong.

It's one of the few Total War games with somewhat decent diplomacy. Also controlling warlords is far more appropriate then having a map of Europe and having 'France' as a faction in 1000 AD and only having Paris as the only settlement. Fucking hell

and diplomacy is it's only redeeming feature, the unit roster and cookie cutter meta are incredibly boring and shallow

A draconian leader, skilled administrator, an accomplished poet and a brilliant military commander. It's not hard to see why he captures the imagination of generations or artists/dramatists. He is an individual that resists simplicity.

He's quite similar to Zhuge Liang in their roles. Both were supreme chancellors, both had to oversee general government and military affairs. Cao was certainly more Machiavellian, but had he died from overwork like Zhuge Liang - he'd probably be remembered with the same honor as well.

Have you played it recently? The roster is much better balanced these days, with quite a few new units added.

Did nothing wrong

He's a goy. What more is there to add?


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He was better than Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang managed one province, Cao Cao managed nine.

Pretty sure Zhuge Liang himself would agree if he's alive today.

desu I would be livid if my favorite fuckboi general went in to sacrifice himself for my retarded fetus.

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Good movie.

he couldn't save best boy

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It's okay all of mine come from this anime

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That's not the point, you fucking idiot. Nobunaga was Japan's wannabe Cao Cao, because Cao Cao predated Nobunaga by centuries, and Nobunaga was a massive failure compared to Cao Cao.

get struck by lightning from zhang jiao

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

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I had a lot of fun beating him up as Lu Bu inTW3K

>Nobunaga was a massive failure compared to Cao Cao.
The Chinese Three Kingdoms era is basically make-believe fantasy shit only very loosely based on reality. It's far more fiction than anything, while the Warring States of Japan is reality and well-documented.
Nobunaga did well under the circumstances. Better than a bunch of semi-fictional Chinese legends ever did.

name a more based character

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We still know that Cao Cao was the one who set foundations that eventually allowed Sima Yi's children to unite China. Even long after his death, Cao Cao had ensured that the kingdom of Wei would prevail.
Meanwhile, Nobunaga was indeed the first to attempt to unify Japan, but after he was untimely assassinated in Honno-ji his realm quickly fell apart. Much of the actual unification was done Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a very underrated person in Japanese history imo.

One thing people often forget about Cao Cao's achievements is that the guy also managed to pacify the marauding steppe tribes and even integrate them into his famous tiger and leopard cavalry, especially when you consider that China has a pretty awful track record of fighting steppe peoples. He also managed to win a war against Korea, then called Goguryeo.
And all of this was happening while he was also fighting against Liu Bei and Sun Quan.

>I'm going to screw over the Chaos doing exactly what they want!


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kino trailer desu

>and Nobunaga was a massive failure compared to Cao Cao.
This fucking cope

>his realm fell apart
No it didn't. Hideyoshi defeated Akechi Mitsuhide within a month consolidating power, and had crushed all internal opposition within a year. The territories Nobunaga controlled and the military he built remained largely consolidated. Everything Hideyoshi had the work with was built by Nobunaga before him.
>Hideyoshi is underrated
>One of the 3 great unifiers is underrated
come on user, everyone knows who he is and what he contributed

I wish JRPGfags would be just as passionate about REAL history, as much as their stupid fantasy games which are straight up borrows everything directly from history.

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>It's pronounce as Xao Xạo
God pinyin is retarded.

>come on user, everyone knows who he is and what he contributed
He has much less exposure in media compared to Tokugawa or Oda for sure.

Because his character isn't as colourful as Oda Nobunaga, and the Tokugawa won the Japanbowl, so it's more common to have stories follow either of those two. Or use the Demon King as a villain. But everyone knows all three as set, and nobody underrates Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

anyway to pirate the dlc if you have the base game?


What are you talking about? There are multiple surviving accounts of the decline of Han and the three kingdoms that followed, at least two of which by official court historians living within one hundred years of the event.

While I can't comment on what Nobunaga was faced with, the mess that Cao had to front was about as bad as the crisis of the Third Century