Animal crossing tips and tricks thread

Should I really her or try another island?

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You are on the Normal personality pool at the moment, meaning you will only encounter normal villagers in your tours until you accept one, so look at this
And see which ones look good
Celia is far from the worst option IMO

>invited Celia, Ozzie and Maddie from islands
How'd I do?

Take what you can get chances of you finding the neighbor you really like seems slim.

fuck ive just been inviting everybody
what number does it cap out at?
there's no way to dismiss people either?


Best way to consistently catch Tarantulas is just to sprint up to them and hit them with the net.

Also, this island was being really generous with the damn things until I caught the 4th, and suddenly there aren't any more... Wonder if the game dynamically adjusts bug/fish appearance rates based on how many you've recently caught.

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>the more I play the game the more I wish I chose a different island loadout
please help me

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No I've seen some with a shit ton of them after going to one of these islands.

if it's anything like old AC games, you can't directly tell them to move out but if you push them around and smack them with the net over and over they'll get mad and leave after a few days
it makes me feel like a piece od of shit so I never do it

Every. Single. Time.

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I just ignore them sure it takes long but they eventually get the idea and decide to move without you feeling like an asshole.

im pretty happy with my island but having two southern rivers is starting to trigger the tism
but i got kid cat so no way in hell im resetting

Remember you can eventually do landscaping . Although you can't change where rivers start and end you can change them in any other way you want

For what I've tested there's an average of 2-3 bugs active on the island. If there's no tarantulas, make the other bugs flee until a tarantula spawns (generally you want an island with a "ring" for the tarantulas to spawn there) then repeat

is there any bell dumps early on other than paying off the house?

I've been on islands that are non-stop Tarantula city. 3-4 active Tarantulas at all times.

Attached: TarantulaSpoils.jpg (1280x720, 166.52K)

OP here.
I decided to try again and got lily this time. Nice

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>gf started playing late evening yesterday
>dosen't have a house yet
>grinded almost 400k bells
autism is one hell of a drug

I found some penguin named Aurora, b-b-b-baby.
Should I invite her or pass?

how the fuck even

Dumping Dad Rock

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is there a list of max progress/what you unlock on every day yet?

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Do you only get the tarantula island at night?

The fuck, forced personality pool is a thing?

It could be a seasonal thing?
The game still has seasons, right?

autism and fishing

>Bliss and Caroline are different entries
For what purpose

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Sorry to bug the thread but

Tarantulas are more active at night in AC, I'm pretty sure.

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>Wall patterns can't be seamless like floor patterns
Disappointing. Also check it out

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Unless Switch supports dual boot dual booting, which I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

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How could you even use them? With the Design Pro thing??

how are people getting tarantulas? best i can get is salmon

Yes, and you have a one-design limit. As in you have to tediously send messages to your switch.

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>go to island tour
>pray for an island with sort of a spiral in the middle
>sprint head-on towards tarantula and net them right away so they can't attack you

It's that easy.

Man, more furniture options cannot come soon enough. I hate having a boring room with a mishmash of whatever random junk I have so far

Should I be buying all the stock I can in Nook's Cranny so it can be upgraded sooner? Or does it work differently this time around?

island tour? i cant get to an island tour yet, I'm on a day 2, the dodo bird only offers to let me go visit other people

how do i delete patterns?

Does anyone actually like lily? I skipped her over and starting to regret it.

Tarantulas are only active at night, so yes.

There are still seasons, it's based on which Hemisphere you choose. Though I doubt getting an island with only Tarantulas has much to do with that, aside from whether or not they even spawn to begin with.

Buy nook mile ticket from that machine in the main building where Tom lives. It’s rng for islands so good luck

Had her in New Leaf and she was by far my best villager

>Started with Mira and Frobert
>Just recruited Nana and Boomer

I'm gonna make it bros

So is everything 24/7 now? Just started playing Friday and I noticed Timmy's tent store is open all the time.

congrats m8

Until they get the Nooky Cranny shop

What are their hours then?

once you have the store built it closes at night but you can make 80% of the profit by dropping it off in the bin outside after hours

what the fuck, apparently every mystery island has a piece of furniture in one of the trees??

Yo how do i make transparent design for face paint

Can I get some help from people who design in these games more than I do?

I wanna try and make the best Hisoka I can, but I don't know what to do about making the midsection look good (can't transparent the bottom sides of the tank to shorten it). If you guys had any ideas, I'd appreciate it.

I plan on buying black heels and better white shorts, and also resizing the heart/diamond when possible.

I fucked up real bad not naming the place Greed Island

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So do I buy the house with the loan, or do I earn the money beforehand? Is there really a problem with the loan?

>couldve fished for coco if i knew it was pool-based before this thread
celia is a cute bird so its not a total loss but i am a little miffed desu

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>Gamecube Animal Crossing
>Back when I didn't have internet access
>Mysterious, cozy, atmospheric
>Always discovering new shit, was hyped out of my mind when the snowman came to life or when I met Wisp

>Animal Crossing as an adult
>Restart the game multiple times to get an optimal layout and my favorite villagers
>Look up the best ways to do everything in the game, don't discover shit by myself anymore.
>Spoil events and characters and take the mystery out of the game for myself so I don't miss anything

Gaming as an adult is suffering. I just want to be a clueless kid again getting immersed. I hate that I have to play optimally in every fucking game including Animal Crossing now. Anyone else suffer this autism?

The last colour on the palette bar at the top applies transparency

oh god DAMNIT