Feels relieved it's finally over after an unfun boss fight

>feels relieved it's finally over after an unfun boss fight
>"wow this game is so good and challenging, it really gives the player a sense of accomplishment

soulsborne fans are the most annoying humans

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Other urls found in this thread:


DS2 is the best game in the series.

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That particular sõyshit is a blight upon soulsborne fans, or any kind of group he worms his way into.

Watched this guy's videos on Pathologic and Lovecraft but don't remember anything about them other than him being very rambly and bipolar.

Did he ramble about marxist shit in his Pathologic vid?

this type of fags are why the general public think gamers are cringe losers


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imagine thinking that the brown shirts would let this onions boy fag anywhere near Hitler

Yes, what the point of stating random facts?

>>feels relieved it's finally over after an unfun boss fight
>>"wow this game is so good and challenging, it really gives the player a sense of accomplishment

My entire experience with Doom Eternal thus far.

Nah, it was mostly just
>this game is genius because it sucks
Over 2 hours.

> after an unfun boss fight
Maybe some people just like different things than you user, have you ever though of that possibility?

video games and theoretical communism is an odd fit, don't you think? It's very interesting what a strange assortment of characters the 'guy uploading himself playing video games' concept has produced.

But they arrested him and stuff. He clearly doesn't mind that

>i didn't have fun
>therefore it's not fun


Gtfo Harris.

I liked the Champion Gundyr fight. Abyss Watchers would be my favorite if it was later in the game/they had more health


what games are fun to you

all the blind let's plays of these games i've seen, people constantly rage and scream at the game, only to praise it as one of the best they've ever played at the end. it's ridiculously retarded

Candy crush

lol what a retard

i knew it

People do the over-the-top reactions for views and because it's what the mouth breathers that watch LP's expect. Games are good if you think they are good, games are bad if you think they are bad.


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>Mauler destroyed hivbomberguy
>Mauler has now fallen himself
>hbombergoy still going
Ironic, isn't it?

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Hitler straight up stop giving fucks after the war, he went balls deep.

Idk why but this image needs to have lens flair eyes to make it complete.

>spend 10 hours whining about how some guy in an hour an a half video expressing his opinion isn't being objective enough
yeah what a great response

>Mauler has now fallen himself
Please elaborate

hbomberguys videos are pretty good unless you're right wing, but they're a tiny minority that can be safely ignored

>Mauler has now fallen himself


hes balding

I've been seeing this tard's videos in my recommends even though I know for a fact I put him on my video blocker blocklist. Suggestions?

>actually mean it?
Apparently he used to hang out with the Metokur edgelords and drew Naruto Porn, real moral voice that's worth listening to.

>games are better if i've been told they're masterpieces and how much of a casual pleb I am if i don't like them

Not really. I mean, fuck hbomb, but Mauler's whole schtick is being a pedant, and even then, he isn't even entertaining about it.

>Mauler has now fallen himself
lmao, keep telling yourself that

how do you end up becoming bald? you only talk about videogames, the fuck are you getting so stressed about?
is this some metokur curse?

not that user but all he does these days are those dull ass streams with his furfag buttbuddy.
or is he still bitching about star wars?
i never liked the guy so i dunno, user might have meant something different.

>how do you end up becoming bald?

t. Elon Musk

No. The true cancer of the retarded Fromsoft-only fetishists are the PvP tryhard retards that treat the games like fighting games. Those are the true mistakes of our species.

His flat earth and global warming vids I really liked, even if I don't agree with all his political opinions.

I blame PewDiePie, he's the one who opened the floodgates of faggotry on the internet

>/leftypol/ always pushing politics
>cries when anyone else mentions anything they disagree with that's barely political

wow, i didn't know elin musk became rich by making youtube videos, that must be stressful

ironically he's more charitable in the flat earth vid than he is in the dark souls 2 vid

This 100%. Making Sekiro single player only was the best decision FromSoft ever made (although i wish they atleast kept the player messages on the ground)


>kills all replayability
>best decision
once you've gone through the game once with a quality build, there was no other reason to ever touch a souls game again (unless you like magic) besides pvp.

It’s always dysgenic looking genetic dead ends (a lot of trannies) that end up being commies

>just get lucky when you're born lol
why do people who say this always have double-digit iq's

Amazing video, right here: youtube.com/watch?v=coNQAucXoNM

>breadtuber doesn't even know basic history

The entire reason the brownshirts even existed is because communists would show up to their meetings and violently disrupt them

Honestly, I haven't seen many political extremists from either side that look too good. They're almost always ugly/stunted as fuck or hiding some mondo skeletons in their closet.
Dunno what it is, but it's almost always the case.

what's it like being a shitskin?

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I think your the one with a double digit IQ friend. I never said it’s wrong to be a genetic freak just that a lot of them tend to be commies.

>communism is bad because I was told it is


>He didn't git gud

I'm glad you finally outed yourself. I thought the Soulsborne hate threads were just people that didn't like the game. Turns out you were a shitter the whole time.

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You might be right. LARPers are just really cringe and gay.

I never even said communism was bad you retard. How many times do I have to repeat myself. GENETIC DEAD ENDS TEND TO GRAVITATE TOWARDS COMMUNISM.

>the zogcog accuses someone else of having fabricated beliefs

They say beauty is repetition + variation so all the ugly people are fringe outliers both politically and aesthetically.

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>uses the term "commie," a common negative descriptor for someone who's a communist
>"I didn't say its bad"

The genetic dead end is you.

Isn’t it time to dilate right about now?

For you it is.

>just practice, bro, it'll get better
>play games for hundreds of hours, beat dark souls 1 and 2
>series is still bad and unfun
"Gitting gud" is essentially doing the developers work for them. Maybe they should make their challenge actually fun and exciting rather than just relieving when it's finally over and you never have to struggle through it again.

God, you're a faggot

>nooooo dont insult my favourite gameeee, it cured my depression

>leftists still think hitler was a wimp even though he was a war veteran

>play games for hundreds of hours
holy shit you suck

Your looking good in this pic bro I heard you got your “period” today.

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Just because you were on the front lines and hid the entire time, doesn't mean you are heroic.