Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

>no azur lane

Attached: 1584811533619.png (1305x1946, 492.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor Post.

Attached: 62890a8d9cea1d54d2596a80e1c83867594b093a.png (884x605, 318.83K)

Requesting Nell from Advance Wars turned into a mutant resembling a Hallucigenia sparsa with the spikes replaced by her legs like in the edit that I made.

Attached: Hallucigenia Nell.jpg (1234x1189, 420.31K)

Rockman.exe accidentally falling into Roll.exe's chest. One of his hands is firmly mushed into one of her breasts and his face is planted into the other. Roll.exe of course has a very shocked embarrassed look on her face.

Just something cute an innocent yet slightly perverted.

Attached: Rock-&-Roll.jpg (604x573, 168.92K)

Requesting Justin (middle) recording Nana, Saki, and Mio (left) naked (covering themselves to boot) with an iphone. Have the Privates (right) laugh at the naked sergeants as well. Nana, Saki, and Mio will yell “JUSTIN, we’ll get you for this!”. C’mon, I want to see the girls naked (especially my waifu, Mio)! So get to it, pronto!

Attached: 2EF83446-8EA4-42E8-B340-74A7A70A6967.png (1455x735, 783.18K)

what is wrong with you?

Uh... ????

Requesting gay Ori/Moki porongraphy. Preferably, Ori sitting on a Moki's lap like this: files.catbox.moe/0asy2l.png

Attached: mokiori.jpg (1655x1540, 963.99K)

Requesting Kohaku Hearts in a white bunnysuit.

Attached: Kohaku Hearts.jpg (3360x2374, 1.15M)

Requesting the Security Officer from Marathon looking annoyed as the Guardians from Destiny pester him about their new loot.

Attached: 1584630068566.png (1024x1669, 2.57M)

Requesting Mama Raikou and Shuten Douji doing a double buttjob while wearing these yoga pants.

Attached: Gacha Qns.jpg (850x1118, 163.85K)

Requesting dark mind 2, make him a demon since zero 2 is an angel

Attached: 105BB218-D039-44FF-96F3-6284FD23D4DD.jpg (4096x4096, 685.01K)

Let's see what you can come up with Yas Forums. Oh one of my pics is the OP. Nice.

Attached: Master-samus-Guy-MkII.jpg (2540x2200, 1.07M)

Requesting Magitek Box - Sabin wielding mechanical boxing-arms crafted by his brother Edgar. Maybe in the form of an imitation of the official promo-artwork.

Attached: Magitek Box.jpg (2333x2615, 757.67K)

Requesting werebandicoot Ami with 8-pack abs. 10-pack abs are also acceptable

Attached: Ami.jpg (1169x505, 262.61K)

Requesting a fusion of Tharja and Dragon's Crown Amazon firing a giant purple spiritual skull from her axe

Attached: Muscle Wizard of darkness.jpg (2389x876, 319.04K)

Requesting Edelgard in a similiar style/fashion as the reference images.

Attached: Edelgard Geisha.jpg (1944x2649, 1.22M)

This year's Spring collab theme is "Picnic in the cherry blossom fields"!

To participate, your submission needs to be:
*of vidya origin
*strictly SFW
And preferably:
*with transparent background

Anyone can participate as long as you put effort into your submission and as long as it is drawn by you!

Deadline is on April 11th at 11:59 PM PT, late submissions after the deadline may not be accepted.
Countdown to the deadline: countingdownto.com/?c=2922941

Expect the background to have a lot of free space, picnic blankets, cherry trees. Camera angled upfront, slightly from above.
I'm a bit busy, so expect the bg in a week or so.

Reply to this post with your submission or if you have any questions.
List of submissions: imgur.com/a/O6nAPrp

Attached: spring collab.png (824x600, 168.29K)



Requesting Mallow in a qipao tied up and gagged preferably with a team skull bandana used as the gag.

Attached: 4FF9B6FB-6D32-403F-93B6-A4D1A9B3227A.png (2581x1452, 3.96M)

Symbiote Juri and Symbiote Mileena(Classic teeth, no lips) making out on a couch from sexual tension tongues included.

Attached: cutes.png (1432x1152, 515.16K)

Requesting Tio having those little antenna on her head toyed with as she blushes and (figuratively) short-circuit's from all the overstimulation, as if its an erogenous zone for her.

Attached: Tio Grandia II.png (1200x937, 1.31M)

Requesting Chihaya Mifune angrily saying you promised to fuck her tits in her country dialect

Attached: 517-349blov.jpg (1252x1000, 238.54K)

Requesting Megaman being given an icecream and/or a hug from an user.

Attached: 1569116487263.jpg (850x750, 65.77K)

Lucina getting her ass pumped full of a 2 liter of Pepsi.

Attached: Pumpedfullofpepsi.jpg (943x560, 85.59K)

Requesting Enterprise from Azur Lane with short bob cut hair and looking cool and cute. No ship parts required.

Attached: Enterprise.png (1500x2040, 1.55M)

Attached: 1552275499257.png (355x290, 89.18K)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: Screenshot_(267).png (271x390, 208.18K)

Requesting a fusion of all 5 of these Neptunia CPUs or just Neptune and Vert Included their normal forms in the picture too.

Also for Tomb Raider and Drawful 2 are free for any Anons who are interested and didn't know

Attached: nepu fusion.png (3637x957, 2.6M)

Requesting two (2) vidya characters screaming based and cringe at each other

Sonic and Shadow
(Sonic y Sombra).

Requesting Heat in his Avatar form fighting Red to protect Sera.

Attached: ANOTHER-WORLD.png (504x365, 134.38K)

Requesting Y'shtola in a sexy and elegant black evening gown + heels combo like on the left.
Preferably in a similiar pose coupled with a sultry, if slightly arrogant gaze.

Attached: Yhshtola (FFXIV) Dress request.jpg (2709x1824, 520.95K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" playing videogames and raging because she is losing, sitting on a sofa while holding a PS controller or sitting on a chair while playing with a keyboard on a desk, yelling the classic "YOU CHEAP ASS MOTHERFUCKER!" to the screen.

Alternatively, just playing videogames and enjoying it.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: MarielMaidOutfit.png (1268x788, 924.88K)


Attached: 12510371_916206375115314_794271782471102055_n.jpg (810x810, 63.25K)

Requesting Milla Maxwell and Velvet Crowe comparing their midriffs. No specifications necessary.

Attached: Request.png (648x406, 373.92K)

What the absolute fuck?

Attached: Kekarot.gif (239x200, 437.75K)

Or maybe make him a sideways angel or demon, I don’t know

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just slaughtered a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: 1564009746543.jpg (774x1032, 192.33K)

>even mspainted a visualisation
I miss Kujalla and bishopbb. Would've bought life to this body horror request.

Attached: when the shitpost hits just roight.jpg (600x568, 42.01K)

Requesting Sephiroth as a Stand-up-comedian

Attached: 1583109647101.gif (726x786, 1.8M)

Requesting Mila from DOA blushing showing in her lingerie

Attached: mila lingerie.jpg (1982x1700, 1.08M)

Velvet should have abs and Milla should have belly pudge.

Requesting Lysithea and Male Byleth swapping clothes.

Attached: Bylysithea.jpg (1920x1080, 170.29K)

Requesting Doomguy and Demifiend either crossing paths & facing off in hell or ripping and tearing their way through it together.

Attached: SMT x Doom.jpg (2209x5141, 2.7M)

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: bruno-sa-de-araujo-gina-unreal.jpg (1920x2715, 959.3K)

Requesting Rouge the bat drawn like how you think she would have been designed if they made her during the Sonic CD era.

Attached: BasicallyIwant90'sRouge.jpg (1618x816, 365.37K)

Requesting Duvalie with a bob cut

Attached: 8122E916-542C-4458-823F-5EC7BA440325.jpg (1480x1480, 458.72K)

I'd like to see this.

Requesting Haru leaning over wearing tight fitting pants, like yoga pants or tights with her ass looking inviting enough to smack it.

Attached: Smack it.png (1904x1338, 1.46M)

Requesting Melony playing a game on the Nintendo Switch with her kids please.

Attached: Melony's kids.jpg (2598x2379, 907.85K)

Hope this helps.

Attached: Zero_Suit_Samus_SSB4.png (1200x1200, 586.02K)

requesting a cozy izmir sitting beside Gran while they sip on hot chocolate, or wearing a kimono fashioned after her dress and ice powers drinking some tea

Attached: izmir hot chocolate.png (474x512, 369.65K)

Requesting Setsuna in either of the poses on the left, or a similar one, while oblivious to the fact that she's revealing her panties.
Either wearing her normal outfit (preferably with no boots on, but keep the thigh high socks) or the one on the top right.

Attached: Setsuna request.png (1500x1500, 1.82M)


This but the hot chocolate makes her melt.

Seconded this one because Y'shtola is my waifu.

requesting files.catbox.moe/e4tspi.jpg files.catbox.moe/neklst.jpg with Caleen, or a passed out drunk nip-slip drawing either files.catbox.moe/0kjzh4.jpg

Attached: Caleen04.png (1024x1024, 601.66K)

Use this as a better Samus x Doom Slayer ref plz.

Attached: 1543291752706.jpg (1280x1630, 322.89K)

Seconding this

Anchoring these 3 deliveries from last thread:

too late.

Draw her

Attached: remilia.png (512x383, 189.82K)

Figuratively its what she wants, she loves hot and spicy things.

Requesting Ness from Earthbound shooting a gun while saying “PK Fire!”

Attached: C86A2118-13A9-40A9-B519-943CA1B3169C.png (600x600, 162.72K)

Requesting male Kris (Deltarune) getting his butt rimmed by an user

Attached: Kris back front butt.png (4404x1833, 1.04M)

Akasha with shorter hair, like a bob-cut or just cut to shoulder or mid-back length

Attached: Akasha.png (1024x1024, 791.53K)

Yeah can we get a version with this one instead? It's way better.