You win this time konami

You win this time konami

Attached: bombergirl.jpg (1080x1080, 279.09K)

>coomer game
No thanks

Is a PC port actually in the works or has an user been lying to us for months, now?

that thing is the 2d equivalent of a blow-up doll


They will soon make a MGS with the waifunized cast.

>"Here hold this for me"
>*Inserts it in your mouth*

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What is this?

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Damn it PC port when

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A vampire.


I will now buy your game

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Based I just wanna COOM I fucking hate video games.

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They announced it in an official live stream, but don’t expect Japanese devs to release a pc port in a reasonable amount of time.

Post more feet

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*teleports behind you*

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>You win this time konami

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Whats the game about?

based and in the rightpilled

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i look better than you Lance trust me

What happened to Lucas Baker?

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Does that button say Belmond? Is that a typo or have they always been Belmonds? Did they change it for americans because lol almonds.


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this chick has disgusting wrinkly old lady feet

>retards actually thought this would be localized
Top kek. Maybe when Sony buys it.

>you will never be reprogrammed to only get hard to the smell of her feet
life ain't worth living lads

I fucking hope not. I just want to be able to play the game as is from my computer.

>Maybe when Sony buys it
At which point it will be censored to the point of being unrecognisable.
Hope you enjoy light rays, son.

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That's Belmondo.

Isn't the creator of pettanko park making a game with this cun? i saw some smug anal action on his dlsite blog or whatever

This one is pretty great.

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>that doujin by great mosu

jesus christ, I almost coomed myself to death.

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>the one artist that never does sequels or even revisits the same series twice

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Those comics are too good

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I've been waiting for this

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you guys like bombs?

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Why is she always letting her tongue hang out of her mouth?

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fuck off with your 3DPD shit, mongoloid

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damn those are some sweet ass saibahs

But he also did another Bombergirl doujin. Just for one of the titty monster characters.

I'll jack off to videogame characters but Bomberman is where I draw the line

god bless

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Good thing this is bombergirl

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This is not Bomberman, though.

It's a team based Bomberman in which you have to defend your own base and destroy opponent's one.


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Shiro is not white bomber

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Sounds cool. I'll keep my eyes out.

>Sony wants the Metal Gear, Castlevania and Silent Hill licenses from Konami.
>No interest in Bomberman

>konami finally makes a non pachinko mgs game
>it's just waifu shit
I will bomb konami if that happens

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It's incredibly hot until you realise that the next page is just the generic male mind breaking the girl with the most generic method possible and completely negating the femdom/teasing tag 999 times out of 1000.

It NEVER fucking plays out normally, I am so sick of this horse shit.


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4 versus 4 trying to destroy the enemy base
The game have classes Bomber,attacker, shooter and blocker
Every girl have a unique skill

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Gameplay actually looks fun. Basically bomberman if it was a simple moba.

Would a pc port keep that vertical resolution or be redesigned to work with a horizontal one?

The "slut" is keeping the series alive

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i will now coom to your game

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You fucking pleb homo, breaking the girl is what makes it good. Find your gonads and reatach them to enjoy 999 out of 1000 ""femdom" doujins as God intended.

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i hate how this will get posted and no one will know that the room belongs to the dead brother

Jesus fucking christ. Look at this fucking thread.
Why must I have to suffer this garbage heap of pandering to literal faggots who just throw money at cute girls?

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If you want a doujin in which loli conquers the dick, check out Atahuta's Prisma Illya doujins, or Charan Poran's C96 work.

>americans are so obsessed with black dick that they try to connect it to everything they see
really makes you think

This is the true
Just look at your heart

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