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waiting for the zoomers on Yas Forums to apology

thank you twitter for ipad for giving us another great twitter screencap thread

he was unironically right

>that's why they showed all the extradimensional threats in every trailer
Kojimafags are some of the most pathetic gaymers

How does he do it?
MGS2, MGS4, now DS. Every game of his that tries to establish ah hypothetical situation in the future ends up becoming true

Surely nope.
Nope, nope, nope.
Kojima is just hugely Overrated

Well, v/v? Are you ready to apologize to Mr. HiDEUS Kojima now? Go ahead, admit you were wrong.

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La creatividad

Invisible threat my ass

Still ain't playing a movie.


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Why apologize?

I never stopped believing in Hideous Kojumbo.

Its invisible to people who don't have the right equipment

Game still has a shit story with nonsensical characters

aren't there tons of other games that have had plots revolving around global epidemics? how is this prophetic at all?

So is Coronavirus just viral marketing for Death Stranding?


I hate how detailed that picture is.

You dare question Kojimbo?!


because they didn't come out right before this happened. And if you actually read the op image, you'd realize that's hardly a descripton that fits the average "global epidemic" game


Apologize or else

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I still don't understand why they nominated a game that wasn't even out yet.

>Yas Forums - Video Games

>viral marketing

It's also completely homosexual to everyone regardless

Kojima IS video games faggot

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I have nothing to apologize for I love the game.

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yet none of them are as relevant as Death Stranding

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>Still seething four months later

lmao do some more reviewbombing to cope, ESL-kun.

so can kojima predict the future or did he plan all this?

it was all a plan, after he butt fucked obama

First day on Yas Forums? I'll clue you in. OP just wants to have an of topic thread about the corona virus and threw the newest and closest game into the OP as a front for it.

Non of them involves the effects on logistics.

I thought this was a twitter cap from Kojima for a second


If kojimbo was really smart he'd put it on a 50% off sale right now.

Doesn't make the game fun even if the game reflects something that has happened countless times in our lifetime. Bad weather, virus, whatever.

>mfw I work retail and I'm basically one of those NPCs who runs the distribution centers
>if I stop coming to work and putting toilet paper on the shelves, no one in my community will be able to wipe their asses anymore
>mfw I'm literally holding back the shitpocalypse and saving the world

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another day, another ESL-chan thread. Please kill yourself already.

>When people encounter an idea they don't understand, they raugh. This is the price to pay for holding the mirror to their face. The reality you try to show them is something they want to hide away from.

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>bases game on a Kevin Costner movie to make predictions about Trump dividing america
>gets credit for predicting a virus
Bravo Kojima

>omg so unrealistic!
>wow hackjima, how could you make this trash game?

Right about what?

Something being possible in the real world doesn't mean your game is good. If it did, all fantasy and sci-fi and cape shit would immediately flop.

What did MGSV predict though?

It's the 2020s and Kojimaposting is now a sustainable meme. I don't mind actually.

>What did MGSV predict
That was based on Pontypool, a zombie movie.

It's the least movie game out there. Every second, you're micromanaging something

Thats the second time this faggot predicts the future. How does Kojimbo do it?

Kojima is always right, though.

This doesn't fix the shit gameplay or broken dialogue or overall bad story.

Maybe us wagies who brave the storm will get a plaque some day

Death Stranding fans are so dumb they couldn't understand the game until a slightly similar experience happens to them irl. I will apologize for nothing.

So America's been dead all this time and she made the Coronavirus because she was lonely?

The bat that was eaten was an extinction entity. Chinks didn't recognise the umbilical cord on it

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Should have listened to LA CREATIVIDAD
Serves them right.

Yes. Also the social commentary about isolated incels fits corona to a T. Coincidence? I think not.

>le epic female president

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I like kojima but honestly I agree

sons of liberty is my second least liked metal gear but the story was spot on

They're about zombies.
Death Stranding is about social distancing, isolation and preppers.


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I hope the next game he makes is about making 2d girls real haha

Is like the Nostradamus of vidya