Do yuri really improves games?

do yuri really improves games?

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I wanna be cucked by a women

No but this does.

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Only if it's a Japanese developer, westerners are retarded subhuman faggots

>Gentle Femdom
Terrible taste.

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what a silly question. yuri improves everything

best taste. There's nothing hot about ballbusting or pegging

Learn english you fucking spic

I miss when girls kissing was unusual and exciting.

as long as it's cute girls and not ugly landwhales.

This, but only when the girl is also cute and funny.

Jesus fuck, why?

No, but yaoi does.


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Both improve games.

god I wish that were me


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Only half of this is acceptable
the part about dmc4 is the best part

t. Literal manchild

That's not even femdom
It's just a dude getting the shit kicked out of him

when will yuri show us his yuri collection

it's a bunch of pictures of himself so I dunno

for me it does, but your taste may differ
and that's TERRIBLE

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me in the middle

soon i would imagine

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Depends on the game. Pokémon? Yes. Something like Doom or Quake? Not so much.

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No that's not realistic or sensical

girls can't love girls

Who gives a fuck about realistic? It's not like real women can even actually love you.

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fan art doesn't make a game better

Girls can only love girls.


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Shit fetish learn to be a man


Fuck, this literally makes me sad, are we really fucked this much that the thing we secretly desire the most is just being loved ? it hurts boys

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what is this from?

I feel you

if it makes you feel any better, women are just as miserable as you are

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Maybe in some muslim shithole. The world has never been more tailored towards women.

The most degenerate fetish a man can have; actual affection and appreciation.

Truth. Women hate other women and most of them will tell you themselves. Even their divorce rate is sky high. They always come clamoring back to the cock.
False. There are very few lesbians that actually exist. Only taxi cab drivers in big cities and that American talk show host Ellen whatever. Most do it for attention or trauma. Still can be a fantasy though if you wish.

What men describe as love cannot be given to them by a woman that's not his mother

Your mom will give you that unconditional love, where no matter what mistake you made theres always a fix. All your flaws dont matter to her, because you're her shining star

A wife's love is a love for how you act and what you provide. She will not be there at your lowest of lows, she will not appreciate your strangest quirks. As long as you can provide her stability and resources, she will "love you". If you cannot provide these for too long she "suddenly falls out of love"

You must realize this and accept this. It's our destiny as men, to be given true love in our youth and to never find it again. Searching through life and women for something that doesnt exist

Cute girls improve games. Yuri is simply a side effect of including more cute girls.

The worst part about this is that it's true and I think we all know it instinctivly

This is true. What devs should aspire towards isn't exactly yuri, though yuri does help, but cute girls. A good game with cute girls will always be better than a good game that doesn't have cute girls.

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>A wife's love is a love for how you act and what you provide.

>Game has yuri
>It's complete shit
Every time. So no, not really.

that's usually because the devs focus on the girls first and the actual game 2nd. assuming the girls alone will attract buyers and they're usually right so why bother much with the actual game. Blue Reflections for example.

You are wrong.

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This is why you're really fucked up if you didn't marry a childhood friend. At least you have something close to this if you marry someone that knew you as a child.

No, it's gross.

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One panel isn't enough to convince me, maybe if you gave the full name...

Blue Reflections was all around shit though. It couldn't even do yuri right. The only good thing about it was the music.

That's a massive fucking tongue. its bigger than most dude's dicks.

Shes a frogposter

I don't know, does it?

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yuri is garbage, I'm not a cuck, I want to fuck the girl, not get cucked by one.

you can't just an imagine like that without providing a sauce

Yuri inherently isn't that bad but yurifags are some of the most obnoxious people that exist.

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Are you too retarded to google search?


reverse image search never works for me if thats what you are asking

tags: female: domination_loss

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> he self insert