ITT: Post one of your favourite movies and others will recommend games with similar feeling

ITT: Post one of your favourite movies and others will recommend games with similar feeling.

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I recomend suda 51 studio in general

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Sam & max maybe? I'm not sure if there is anything like that really.

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Stunts wise, Driver: San Francisco.
Plot wise, Breath of Fire 3 or FFVI, they both have big plot sections dedicated to "getting the band back together".
Music wise, no game can compare. Their entire album is fucking great.

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Shadow Warrior (PC) 1997, not the shitty polygon rendered one.

Bonanza Bros (Mega Drive)

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ace attorney investigations

mortal kombat

Sleeping Dogs, maybe?

Don't rec me Jackass the Game, you spergs.

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True Crime

Interstate '76

Silent Hill 4 The Room

Tales from Off-Peak City

Disco Elysium

Goat Simulator

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I feel bad for the kids who've never seen this. God damn, what a great film.

I just watched it for the first time the other week. Definitely glad I took a chance on it, but Carpenter has never steered me wrong.

One of my all time favorite movies. Haven't thought about it in a while. Probably the perfect time to watch it again. Thanks for posting this, OP.

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Superman 64


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Silent Hill 2

I can't explain it specifically but I love this type of movie where it's just the heroes fighting their way through a single location in one day/night. Same thing as in Dredd and Snowpiercer.


Fuck, Dredd was a good time. Saw that with two friends on my birthday and we were the only people in the theater. You can tell Urban loved the role.

Also, I guess the best vidya to recommend for that is Die Hard Arcade, which was actually an original IP that was retrofit into the Die Hard IP for the west. Pretty cool early-3D beat-em-up.

Played the hell out of that in the arcades and you're definitely right on with that recommendation

Hotline Miami

The main thing with this movie is that once it's on TV, it's absurdly easy to want to continue and just watch the whole thing

Is there a vidya equivalent? Something you can always be in the mood to play and still feel satisfied every time?

sleeping dogs is pretty good!

maybe the warriors.

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Flatout 2

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That's usually arcade style stuff for me. I could play around an hour of Crazy Taxi pretty much whenever and enjoy it.

The best video game for Dredd is Dredd vs Death and maybe The Punisher.

Crackdown. Not the latest one.

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This ones classic. Game?

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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, the mobile port.

Is there any game with this feel?

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I meant for the specific action film sub-genre he was talking about, not Dredd specifically. Dredd vs Death is the obvious choice otherwise, especially in how you can fine/jail people for super minor infractions.

Watch raid rdemption.
As for vidya if you can stomach ps1 graphics, clunky controls and long cutscenes then mgs 1 is perfect, the story takes place in single night and you can beat it in one night. Same for ghost trick.

Watched it, played both of those, liked them all. The whole "one location, one night" thing reminds me of most of the Castlevania games too.


Batman: Arkham Asylum also takes place in one night; the sequels really stretch that and make it seem really impossible, but Asylum pulls it off given the scale of the riot and the confinement of the island. Always loved the detail they put into how fucked up Batman's suit gets as the game progresses.

Shadow Warrior
No More Heroes

Did we watch the same movie?
Yeah I enjoyed that one too. Got tired of the formula by the second game though.

Now THIS was a movie

Honestly, movies done in this style give the story lover inside me the best fuck I've had (in a metaphorical sense); Movies like that are so good.

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Max Payne 1 and 2

They both feel dirty
The protagonist is held hostage / forced into a terrible situation
The violence is visceral and blunt

Yes, I actually really like this movie. There's two obvious answers I'm expecting to get but I'd like to see if I get something else.

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Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. That's one of the two alongside Ace Attorney, right?

You don't watch a lot of movies, do you?

New Tomb Raider, Uncharted, or Last of Us. You'd absolutely love that generic third person shooter "story rich" bullshit

Detective Barbie

I was expecting Ace Attorney & Style Savvy but I'll take that, even if the Birdman game was also from Capcom (love the show as well). Haven't played either series but I've heard good things about both (always was surprised that there's a positive opinion about Style Savvy around here that's primarily in regards to gameplay).

Birdman is just a reskin of Ace Attorney, but if you're a fan of the show it's worth it because it's just the show with AA gameplay. Only played the demo of Style Savvy but I remember it being fun for what it was.

I do

Just not a lot have this kind of score, cinematography, tone or even feel to it

I'm just often left meh at films, but when that kind of movie comes along, holy shit I'm blown away, moreso than Kurt Kobain

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What’s the game that’s equivalent to Lord of the Ring 1978?

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Once I finally jailbreak my WiiU I'll check out Birdman then, probably a good intro to that style. If Nintendo makes a Switch Style Savvy I guess that'd be a good introduction.

If you say "Wall Street Kid" your heart stops and you die

Nu-Shadow Warrior, Old Shadow Warrior, Sleeping Dogs, GTA Chinatown Wars

Max Payne 3, Kane and Lynch

Nu-Doom, and the old Dredd game that game was alright


The most Hotline Miami movie possible
But also Killer 7 I don't know why, I just feel it

Kane and Lynch 2, Disco Elysium

Arkham City, Payday

Phoenix Wright

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Only post answers not connected to the franchise.

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Here's a doozy

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Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point

Comfy thread, and reminded me of Big Trouble in Little China.
Hopefully catalogfags don't see this post.
Quick question:
Is pic related possible?
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Resident Evil Revelations
Dead Rising 4
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection

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Appreciate it, user.

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Space Griffon VF-9

Doom 3, Dead Space,

LSD dream simulator, Psychonauts

Batman Begins is an okay movie, but come on now.

>getting rich
>wasting money on some bullshit
>degenerate stuff
As stupid as it will sound, the only way to pull that off is to play sims with some mods.

You know what, I get what you're saying



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