AI Dungeon 2 was just the beginning

So Gay Ben thinks AGI will hit videogames within the decade. He predicts we'll start seeing games where the NPCs will react like humans and everytime we booth the game up we will start having different experiences even 2000 hours in.

What do you think? I don't know how this will even be possible considering we can't even map the human brain digitally so expecting an AI to behave and act the same as a human seems ludicrous using 1's and 0's

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i don't see why not. 15 years ago most people didn't even have internet. useless entertainment technology flows fast when there's enough money in it

>He predicts we'll start seeing games where the NPCs will react like humans and everytime we booth the game up we will start having different experiences even 2000 hours in.
God i hope so, humanity will end not with a bang but a content sigh

If videogame characters are as smart as humans, having them exist in a game is slavery and should be illegal.

The the npcs will act like npcs?

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All we did is build infrastructure. The internet protocols were figured out 50 years ago.

Gabe is saying an unsolved problem will be solved in 9 years. His prediction is just nonsense speculation based off nothing


We are still stuck with machine learning aka bruteforce + pattern recognition on a bigass set of data. Sentient or smart AI seem like it’s still a dream.

Bullshit. Unless someone spends the next 9 years coming up with a template ai for everyone else to use, the amount of work it takes to make a good ai is vastly outside the time frame of a single game's dev cycle.

Look at Battle Royale games (Fortnite), where the player's input is so limited that players can't tell they've been matchmade with bots half the time. This is the form that AI is going to take in video games. They're not going to have a full-on conversation with you about how your day was, they're going to feed top lane and ping question mark when you miss your skillshots.

>corona kills most boomers
>average IQ plummets down
Makes sense, Zoomers are dumber than the average scripted enemy.

It'll be funny when all female NPCs will act like whores

>the wheel was figured out 50,000 years ago
>all we did for the steam engine was build infrastructure

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being as smart as a human does not mean they would be as self-aware as human.

>Carmack already been working on AI and Gabe wants in
>Gabe also talking about brain interfaces and hyping up the future of VR

I know exactly where this is all going and I like it

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won't happen for the mainstream because the majority of players don't actually want to be challenged outside of meme status shit like darksouls

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Community: Valve, can we have the Heavy update for TF2?

Valve: No, we're fast tracking the singularity

>we can't even map the human brain digitally
Full-brain emulation or neuromorphic AI are one of the proposed avenues for AGI, and full brain emulation is one that will definitely work if all else fails, relying only on incremental advances on our ability to map the brain (although that's quite some distance away, right now we can't 100% implement the brain of even a simple model species like C. elegans).

However, most approaches to AI wouldn't require us to understand (at least at any deeper level) shit about what intelligence actually is, never mind how human/primate/vertebrate brain actually functions: instead, the goal would be to create AI systems that figure stuff out on their own. If you want an AI system that (in the future) would be specifically human-like (in its interactions, not necessarily the structure), there's also solutions to that, such as training it in parallel with a discriminator AI that penalizes it for unhumanlike behaviours. That kind of algorithms certainly exist, since they are implemented in vertebrate and cephalopod brains, although implementing them would seem to be at least several breakthroughs away (learning from small amount of examples, memory, etc).

might be. but he's billionaire who's been working on that shit all his life (well at least before making knives), so i'll just blindly assume that he knows something about what he is talking about.
9 years doesn't sound too out of the realms of possibility. but my not based on anything whatsoever guess would be more like 14 years

>9 years
Lmao. This is the most retarded thing I have read on the internet this year.

Is this a difficult challenge?
It looks pretty complicated.

The human brain can calculate at the exaflop level
That's 10^24
Our fastest supercomputers don't even come close to that

:ice cream? god I love ice cream!
: ya , my favorite flavor is vanilla
: Ya, that stuff is good, sometimes I dream about snowboarding through a valley of vanilla ice cream.
: Ice cream? god I love ice cream!

Gaben is an out of touch joke at this point

I absolutely believe this. Literacy, common sense and basic knowledge have been tanking in the last few years. We're dumbing down everything to the point where it won't take much for AI to be more intelligent.

you have no idea

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AI dungeon 2 is a fucking failure and it has no concept of protected static information. I've had so many boners utterly ruined by that dumbshit slowfuck retard garbage AI cause it overwrites context information with ongoing dialogue.

It's also super autistic when it comes to evangelion for some reason, yet it has no idea what The Simpsons is.

Gabe also thought Artifact would be a success. I would take anything he says at face value.

Whats the point? Games are streamline experiences. This shit is good only for some bullshit open world sex games.

now THAT is how I expect AI to play

Who cares what gabe thinks? He's a lazy fat fuck who does nothing but sit on his massive money pile. Vidya NPC's having human intelligence is a fucking stupid idea but someone like carmack would be a better subject for such a question. But if you want to know how to make millions with digital hats then gaben's your man.

Gaben has been right more times than has been wrong. He was right about cinematic first person games, esports, online economy systems/MTX, and VR. The only things he got wrong were really the Steam boxes/controller and Artifact.

Video game AI exist in constrained environments. You don't need to digitally map the human brain in order to emulate the behavior of a human that's been put into a box with set rules and goals. The bar is much lower than real human intelligence.

the truth is he's just marketing his new VR game

>zoomers actually believe this

>He was right about VR
what did he say?

Not even close, current machine learning is a local maximum
It's better than what we had 10 years ago, but the approach we're currently optimizing will not lead to AGI

We'll need a completely new methodology for that shit

It's not what he said, it's what they did. They pushed high-end VR to the mainstream and it's going to get even bigger, especially as the tech gets cheaper while advancing at an exponential rate. Making HL: Alyx exclusive was smart a sfuck because if people weren't interested in VR before they sure are now. Facebook releasing cheap, standalone devices that match the desktop headsets from two to three years ago also helps.

Self-awareness, consciousness (whatever consciousness actually is - I disagree with some details of the original formulation but Integrated Information theory seems to hit pretty close to mark), and whatever it is that might make an agent morally considerable, very probably aren't in any way necessary to achieve general intelligence, even at level far exceeding human ability.

And good thing too. Since our goal obviously is to improve human welfare, that goal isn't well-served by creating an agent whose needs also need to be satisfied at cost of some human welfare, never mind some utility monster taking complete moral precedence. It'd be as stupid as creating a hammer that suffers (morally relevant) pain when you use it to hit nails.

Think of the average human playing a video game. That's not a high bar for intelligence.

>imagine measuring yourself in flops
My brain will always have more wrinkles than yours ever will, CUNT

His weed must be out of this world.

Will we have HL3 in 9 years, Gabe?

>gamers are dead and that's a good thing

You can have the deepest ridges in the world, but you're still a beta.

>in nine years everything will be an annoying prick like akinator except it will ask you if you're out of tide fabric softener

if you would have been alive for more than 9 years, then you would maybe noticed how far this shit has gone in a flash. damn underagers thinking that they know anything. you're so used to updates on everything constantly that you don't perceive anything.


Idk man, Valve AI seems a bit dumb to me.

we've yet to see where this will go

I swear that guy must be legitimately retarded. It's not even a matter of going good at video games. He tried to jump over the pillar from the ground for like a minute, then tries to jump from the cube, then he goes back to the pillar. It takes him minutes to try and employ the dash.

AI Dungeon made me remember that weird freeform game from Ender's Game
Something like that seems pretty possible even if stuff will probably be weirder than a Lynch film. Making something that only passes the turing test part of the time is good enough for vidya and we have chatbots that are getting robust quickly and voice synthesizers that are passable.
The real barrier is someone with the resources giving enough of a shit to make it happen.

which will come first, proper ai or OP learning english

>motion control is the future you'll see
>VR is the future you'll see
>AI is the future you'll see

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Those chat bots are still really fucking bad, I don't know man

AI in games will never be as smart as humans for one single reason

they make games as easy as possible now for the dumbass audience who refund games with even the slightest challenge, what use would a smart NPC have in this environment?

What kind of idiot would give rights to 1s and 0s? You make it sound like robots and AI should be illegal.

It will probably be longer then 9 years for TRULY human NPCs

That's "AI" designed to be a punching bag in combat-based power fantasies.
An actual smart NPC could have applications for other underutilized genres or just to flesh out RPGs and such. Video games don't specifically have to be about outwitting an AI.

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nigga people think WOMEN deserve rights

Your brain is 1's and 0's just biological. You literally live off of electric shocks in your brain taking the 1 path or the 0 path,

people think FICTIONAL WOMEN deserve rights too

>what use would a smart NPC have in this environment?
Things that do not turn up the difficulty like simulating an economy or general worldbuilding,

I just want a strategy game with a half decent AI that isn't buttfuck retarded

the problem with human level AI in games is we'll have to hack them to make them down syndrome tier in order to cheat the game

I think games in the future will be LESS complicated, NOT MORE. Games already take 5+ years to develop with constant delays and budget mismanagement. The industry needs to stabilize and learn to keep a schedule. Not try all sorts of crazy shit.

The brain is just a reciever. Materialist faggots will completely fail at emulating the human mind despite mimicking brain activity digitally. Only noise will come out of it.

Seems a bit too optimistic, but I do think that we will be able to get much more natural NPC behavior in terms of how they react to their environment, rather than what we have now which is basically all scripting. I haven't read what Gaben actually said, I don't think we'll get NPCs which you can have arbitrary conversations with and that pass the Turing test, but we should get NPCs which are much more convincing than what we have today at least.

We're already starting to see centralization in photogrammatry assets with stuff like quixel
Something like this for audio, AI, etc will become standard I think. At least for realistic games (which are the expensive ones to make anyway)

Where is the soul located?


the heart

>Carmack + Valve
i'd be okay with this, they both need to get back to doing shit anyways


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Why can't zoomers just shit up?

Are you going to kill yourself once it happens?

>most people didn't have internet in 2005

As smart as nigger?

yes, soon

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