Why is it such a piece of shit?

Why is it such a piece of shit?

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works on my machine

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Anonymous 03/21/20(Sat)20:06:22 No.500152389
Why is it such a piece of shit?
Anonymous 03/21/20(Sat)20:07:03 No.500152468
works on my machine
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because you haven't updated in years

Attached: pcsx2 2020.jpg (404x200, 54.87K)

Oh it runs the games fine but not without a shit ton of input delay and various audio/visual oddities

But fuck it's the input lag that kills it for me. No other emulator has this problem

This People always shit on it but never say what doesnt work.

The entire thing is patch work. It runs a giant if statement to manipulate the emulator based on the game

And yet it runs everything I throw at it.

I have a backup ps2 in the basement but never had to get it out.


kek why would I lie? never claimed I tested a lot of games, just that everything I tried worked.

Had performance issues before but after my upgrade last year everything is smooth af.

>test 2 games

There is many games that still don't work fully without messing with the settings and/or enabling hacks.

Such as:
24: The Game
Armored Core 3
Armored Core: Last Raven
Armored Core: Nexus
ATV Offroad Fury 3
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Blackhawk Down
Burnout 2: Point of Impact
Burnout 3: Takedown
Burnout: Dominator
Burnout: Revenge
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 3
Champion: Return To Arms
Champions of Norrath
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
Crash 'N' Burn
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Team Sabre
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 5
Flatout 2
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai
God of War
God of War II
Gran Turismo 3
Gran Turismo 4
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Jak & Daxter
Jak II
Jak 3
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
NBA Street: Vol. 2
Need For Speed: Carbon
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Need For Speed: Underground
Need For Speed: Underground 2
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Ratchet Deadlocked
Rogue Galaxy
Shadow of the Colossus
Shaun White Snowboarding
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves
Sly Cooper 3: Honor Among Thieves
Soul Calibur 3
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals
SOCOM II: U.S. Navy Seals
SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy Seals
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Combined Assault
Star Ocean: Til the End of Time
Tekken Tag Tournament
Tourist Trophy
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
Warriors Orochi
Warriors Orochi 2
Xenosaga 2
Xenosaga 3
Yuyu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner

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You still didnt name a game that doesnt work either user.

>without messing with the settings
Oh wow I have to change some settings.
Fucking retard


>without messing with the settings

>he still uses 1.4.0

I haven’t messed around with this in a long time. Did they ever get Radiata Stories running smoothly?

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>meanwhile emulators like dolphin, GenesisPlusGX, ppsspp, mGBA, and bSNES are nearly plug and play and you rarely if ever have to mess with settings

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>tfw I still keep around my old modded PS2 and a CRT to play those otherwise unplayable games on this shit

hurry up and and fucking make it dolphin emulator tier so I can get rid of it.

I saw some footage of it at HD resolution fine so probably yes youd probably have to tinker with it though

That game has been running smoothly for like 10 years. In the past year or two they fixed the shadow rendering and improved performance quite a bit, but they also "fixed" the DOF which makes the game look worse quite frankly.

>Mega Man X7
>need to roll back to an old version from fucking 2011 just to have working sound

Dolphin requires just as much fiddling which is odd because it has like 100x less games.

Okay look, dolphin and ppspp are fucking god tier I agree.
But taking them as standard and saying PCSX2 is trash is unfair.

N64, Xbox and PS3 emulation are in a much sadder state.

>God of War

Runs smooth as silk.

>Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Dude that game runs perfect now your just lying.

I've had more issues with dolphin.

Burnout 3 black sky bug is not fixable at all and morons just keep repeating same lies about switching rendered which doesn't fix shit

Nfs Hot Pursuit 2 always freezes a memory leacks the shits out of your pc when cops catch you or when you are catching someone as cop.

Worst and most overhyped emulator ive ever seen nothing seem to work at all.

>it's another illiterate Yas Forums user complains about something he wouldn't be consuming about if he could just read the wiki/compat list

>Why is it such a piece of shit?
As far as I know it was not properly developed for multicore CPUs and it was also not focused on emulating correctly, instead it focused on getting shit to work fast. Making it not optimal for modern CPUs and was developed to work on a few games, but the core was lacking making it hard to work for games it was not specifically developed for.
Please tell me if I am wrong.

Dolphin is a piece of shit.

>PS3 emulation are in a much sadder state.
Bullshit rpcs3 works great i've been playing Persona 5 at 60fps with no bugs or broken shit, Ridger racer 5 zero issues, Wipeout HD Fury 100% fine, Jojo Eyes of Heaven works great (except 30fps lock since at 60fps it's double speed)

Recently tested that don't work or have game-breakig glitches, Mafia, Mademan, The Godfather, most burnouts, almost every FIFA, THP8, Scarface, Guilty Gear Isuka.

You are wrong.

i don't know why you would even want to play X7, let alone with the sound on unless you enjoy flame hyenard's incessant screeches

works on my machine.

I remember save state scumming Disgaea with it back in 2006 or 2007 or so, spending 1-2 minutes to get 1% steal chance items in the item world. Got the Arondight sword so early that it had higher stats than all my team combined.

>Dolphin requires just as much fiddling as pcsx2
Anybody who's actually used Dolphin knows this isn't true, what an awful lie.

>having to browse a wiki/compatibility list at all

>these emulators aren't as good either which somehow excuses pcsx2 being shit

Now here's the compatiblity percentages for pcsx2, straight from their own website.

Attached: IMG_20200321_205609.jpg (371x1156, 101.68K)

I can add to this list:
Hitman Contracts
Call of Duty 3
Hitman 2 Silent Asssassin
007 Agent Under Fire

Why does it need a compatability list? You don't need that for most other emulators.

Run it in software mode and you won't have visual oddities.

Dunno about the input lag, I never noticed that.

>Soul Calibur 3

That game is broken on the original console too. IIRC it deletes your memory carts or something like that. Bigtime broken.

Explain. I played through a ton of ps2 games with ease on it and that was on ancient releases.

Attached: bad opinion juice.jpg (480x452, 26.08K)

And here's Dolphins. Case closed. And reminder that Dolphin also factors in Virtual Console titles and homebrew stuff into their percentages, so that 34.4% of games are perfect are actually the Wii/GC games people actually care about.

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Any way to get AO in PCSX2?

Just look at the Dolphin wiki, it is true.

I've only noticed what feels like input lag in Jak games and Dirge of Cerberus. Other games feel fine.
I think it might be because those games have really intricate movement systems.

>he doesn't get the nightly builds
you deserve shit performance, faggot

>too dumb to tinker with settings yourself or resort to several forums where the optimal settings/tricks have been well noted
You deserve to die.

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The case isn't closed though, the PCSX2 chart hasn't changed in years. Most of the playable games are "perfect" too.

last I checked(when it first came out) there was some issue making it only useable for screenshots. Maybe that's changed.

>Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
i just finished a playthrough on PCSX2 just last year

>Need For Speed: Underground
played this 2 years ago, no problems

>Tekken Tag Tournament
this plays fine, just check a box in the settings and the game runs perfect

fuck your list

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>the PCSX2 chart hasn't changed in years
Liar liar pants on fire: web.archive.org/web/20190513210929/https://pcsx2.net/compatibility-list.html

ITT: false flagging faggots defend an un-intuitive piece of shit

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>all downloads on the site are 1.4.0
>my build of 1.5.0 is from 2016
I don't even know why 1.6.0 is tagged RC, we all know they won't release another version until like 2024.

Go through and see the "last update" dates.

>mentally ill depressed loser projects on Yas Forums

>Anybody who's actually used Dolphin knows this isn't true, what an awful lie.

Paper Mario has alot of issues.

Or you can just compare the two pictures side by side.

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Are you literally too fucking stupid to navigate a series of menus/sub-menus? Did you mother drank during pregnancy or have you been sniffing paint-thinner since you were a child? Maybe you should just stick with original hardware, seems like pressing a button and inserting an object into a rectangle is more up your alley

Might as well ask in this thread, I just recently started PS1 emulation yesterday and I was wondering which emulator would be the most compromise between accuracy and running well? I tried Mednafen and it looks and feels like the real deal (I remember ePSXe had too fast THPS2 menus back when I last tried it) but I'm wondering if there's anything even better & recommended out there?

It's fine, and fit for purpose. If PS3 emulation were as good I'd be happy. Most things work fine and tweaking settings is no harder than getting an oldish PC game running on a modern system.

Imagine lying about something that an user could easily google and get a link to post that irrevocably proves you wrong.

Are Pcsx2-fags always this dumb? Why do they hate convenient emulators?

Dolphin still has more issues than PCSX2 in the popular games

Yes read my post now. 11~ games have been updated in years which is exactly my point you literal retard.

Retroarch for shaders or Mednafen.

RPCS3 is the jankiest emulator. I've never seen more regressions using any software.

>legend of zelda TP
>right click properties
>check a box
>it works now
what kind of shit do you have to do to fix a popular pcsx2 game?

PCSX2 is amazing! You just have to pop in the rom! then see if it starts and isnt jumbled garbage and if it runs atleast above 30 fps! If not then scour the internet for your very specific game to look for forums with posts dating back to 2002 and hope the image attached is still available! Ofcourse even so this still might not work for your very specific build so tweak around for hours! PCSX2. It's such an adventure!

I played through the Xenosaga series on PCSX2 a decade ago. You're a fucking lying nigger.