Why is Nintendo of America pushing transgenderism to kids?

Why is Nintendo of America pushing transgenderism to kids?

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you are you pushing your retardation to Yas Forums?

NoA had nothing to do with the developers releasing an incomplete game

Cultural differences.

What does the gender option even do? Change your head or body shape?

What are you trying to prove with the cropped faces?

Nothing as far as I can tell.

Sideways-looking eyes + cat mouth = transvestite

because nintendo is woke.

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So you're against having options in video games?
You're the reason why games are shit now.

Most of the eyes are sideways. You people are just as mental as the trannys sometimes.

>be medieval peasant
>hear pastor say that being left-handed is a sign of the devil
>any children showing signs of left-handedness must be beaten and tortured until it stops
>find a time machine
>travel hundreds of years into the future
>society has stopped being fucking stupid and tormenting people for being different
>left-handed children everywhere
>Could it be that there have always been left-handed people and they’re just free to be themselves now?
>No, Satan must have done it.

You actually don't really care about this. You're bored. You want a reaction, to feel some emotion. To interact with another human being, even if you must incite pointless arguments and battle with semantics. There's nothing else going on in your life, so you choose something to feel angry about. You chase the faux outrage. It distracts you for a little while, but then you turn off the computer and see a brief reflection of your sad self. You go to bed and hope tomorrow will be different.

Because it's funny. I hate society and I love everything that subverts it. Fuck normies.

>people stop tormenting left-handed people
>they start killing themselves instead

I always thought the sideways eyes were made to prevent serial killer jokes from smash 4

Transphobes don’t play video games.

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Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with trannies
Literally the only time I ever see anything related to them is on Yas Forums

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Any medieval person transplanted into the modern era would conclude that Satan reigns supreme.

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If the problem is solving itself why should you care if they are open about it or not

This is why I never played AC. Only gay people and trannies like it. I like Nintendo handhelds, but I hate their 1st party games being localized to include pozzed Commiefornia ideas.

t. Toothless hillbilly in Mississippi

You can change your gender in the Japanese version too

what could possibly compel one to create this kind of shit, let alone post it

So, Nintendo of America removed the text stating that you can change your gender whenever you like, and they're the bad guys to you?

Because fascists have been trying to use Yas Forums to recruit people and transgender people are a convenient boogeyman for them.

No. Everyone knows Nintendo pushes pedophilia to its consumers.

how utterly obsessed and delusional do you have to be to make an image like this

I love how mad acfags get at this image.

>Someone is shitposting using that shitty image I made to shitpost myself
Ok now this is epic

I love how mad AC makes Yas Forumscucks

I love how mad you get at Yas Forums

This is "pushing" it on people? You act like it is a virus.

I can imagine that the sole reason why this game exists is that the Eds felt like scamming their neighborhood for quarters wasn't enough. Double D, with his phallus shaped head, enter the room and told Eddy that he just learned how to code with scratch when he was in preschool. So Eddy pulled an old broken laptop (with the keys covered in butter) out of Ed's juicy yellow ass. Eddy then told double D he would pay him in monopoly dollars if he made a flash game in less than 2 hours. Dubble D tried to warn Eddy that he couldn't make a game in 2 hours or else it would be poopy. He didn't listen, and threatened that he would make Ed suck DD's hat. Double dip had flashbacks when vietnamese soldiers sucked his hat during the war. DeeDee complied, so he sat there in the dark typing away. Typing away while Ed was standing behind him. Breathing loudly, as kept his eyes closed. Reciting his mantra, "Buttered Toast", whenever he is about to have a panic attack. Reciting as he was trying to keep his conscience to speaking out against this abuse. Two hours passed, the game was incomplete. No one said anything. The game was uploaded to Cartoon Network.com. The game was universally panned and only plank played the game. Plank then sued the Eds for copyright infringment. Using "Ed, Edd, and Eddy' characters without their permission. The Eds were forced to pay $1 and the Ed corporation went bankrupt. Ed dissapeared without a trace. Double doo worked at a local Ihob. Eddy on the other hand, was forced on the street eating shopping carts for food. Eddy lied down, tired, hungry, and sad. He said "God, I thought you cared for me. I was a fool." Eddy then shut his eyes, but he heard words ringing through his ears. As if God himself responded to his prayer. Eddy went out of this world, hearing two words. Two words that perfectly explains what Eddy's had built up to his entire life.

>Latin root of the English word, "sinister," means "left."

The more you know. The echoes of that nonsense go way back.

Honestly, they don't seem to.

Transgenderism is like a virus that spreads and infects people, sometimes leaving them scarred forever or even killing them

oh no you can draw a the tranny easter egg on the custom palette


Gender theory is not necessarily transgender agenda, even if there is an obvious link

the way you said alone says a lot

But the NoA version pretends that sexes don't exist.

>can't tell a difference between an obviously male icon and a female icon
Imagine having a meltdown because a game won't refer to you by your preferred pronouns

Damn, Satan is a hell of a lot a better ruler than God then.
Advanced technology, infinite entertainment, proper medicine, long lives, access to delicious food, etc.

>implying things I didn't say
>disqualifying the fact that NoA did change it for a reason
You people don't even try.

Show of hands: we all know about transgender people. In any given room, how many people do you think GENUINELY want to go out right then and there and say they don't want to be whatever sex they are right now? How many people "infected" with this idea, from all walks of life, would kill themselves for how bad that want is? Not many takers I imagine. There's more to it than just an idea; even naysayers get this much.

>basic facial features is trannisms now
is this an ebin trolle or has your schizophrenia finally developed into the late stages

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>I clearly selected the boy icon but the game won't refer to me as he/him, this is literally rape

Yas Forums thinks about trannies more than trannies think about trannies. Much like Yas Forums and niggers.

That was not an academic description of gender theory.

The tranny left truly cannot meme

Only transgenders are nintendo fans

>implying things I didn't say
>disqualifying the fact that NoA did change it for a reason
Why do you post?

>they don't agree with me
>I know! I'll say they just have an irrational fear
>it has nothing to do with XX/XY biology and mental health of accepting reality instead of delusional disorder
Enjoy hell, retard.

Then what are you complaining about?

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How does Japan accelerate the trannyism of the West yet remain immune to it?

Because the American right is schizophrenic

Hmmmm, maybe it's because NoA changed it for a reason?

have you seen cnn?

Why did I read this.

Why does it matter that they changed it? How does it affect the game if your male character isn't referred to with as he, especially when the game already lets you change genders at well

>noooo they made orange man look bad

he's a turbofaggot with a public crossdressing fetish and he wants the villagers to comment on his male character wearing dresses