Fuck you, I liked it

Fuck you, I liked it.

Although I never played the first game, should I?

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Obviously play the first one you dummy why did you play this first?

Not if you want to keep liking this one

Might as well.

Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.

If play ToS you'll realize why the sequel is shit.

My grandma bought it for me one year for Christmas, I had never even really heard of the Tales games before that.

For people who actually played Dawn of the New World, what makes it awful? Is it just that the story is really shitty or is the game as a whole bad?

they shafted the original cast in 2. I enjoyed it for the monster collecting and combat but if you want a good story with good characters then the first has 2 beat for the most part

>Two permanent party members
>Cockteases you with old party members that disappear often
>Artstyle looks like playdough models
>No overworld, just a god damn menu
It's trash

the fact it plays nothing like Symphonia should be motivation enough to loathe it

As someone that isn't done with ToS but is enjoying everything except the dungeons so far, will i like this game?

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Actually, I'd say that's the best way to enjoy Dawn of the New World. Not having played Symphonia.

No, it's not a terrible game at all. It's just an unnecessary sequel with a new cast that no one asked for. It should have been its own thing, somehow.

Huh, Ratatosk is the name of a squirrel who lived on Yggdrasil. I've played plenty of other games with that location in it, or something named after it but that's the first I've heard of that particular character.

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Answer me or i'll start Coletteposting

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The story wasn't particularly bad or anything but I really disliked the party dynamic of having one character from the first game joining, then leaving and being replaced with another character. They wanted us to build our party with the monsters we caught but I really disliked the monsters and I would have rather played the characters I already knew and liked.

It's not a particularly important character in Norse mythology.

Do play 1, it's way better. Only flaw in it is being stuck to 2 dimensions most of the time during battles.
And don't forget,
courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality

You would think he might be given his status in this game, but then again the Japanese are known for playing rather loose with foreign mythology in their games.

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i'm loving these tales threads.

They're words a human with a few screws loose said to me long ago.

But they always die

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i bought it and never played in fear of being disappointment so should i play it now? The first one is a great game to me , one of my favorites.

I always pick Presea because Lloyd kneels for her and it's totes cute.

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I had over 500 hours in it and a 6 star NG+ file. Dawn of the New World kind of did it for me. I just really enjoyed the story and monster training. Emil's a little bitch and Marta's stockings with her inner thigh showing made me and Emil a man.

ok but was the coffee really hot?

I fucking loved the monster training. everything else is meh

did i just get spoiled?

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nice cunny thread.

I also really liked the Synthesizing even if it was pretty basic. It just had so many unique pieces of gear and I didn't have internet at the time so finding new ones felt really awesome. I wish I could go back to being young and full of wonder like that. Now the only RPGs I play are soul sucking MMOs that take thousands of hours and ultimately end up with me quitting.

This isn't the Megaman, Ape Escape or Wario Ware thread though

>said no one

all threads die, especially with lack or discussions.

He just said it

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Does Vespirias combat ever get good?
I'm not having fun

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this is so true.
>evening threads
>>off topic lewd posting
>early morning or late night threads
>>Deep chad discussions objectivley breaking down themes and the plot
How far are you? Kinda seems like bait with the cool combos you get pretty early with yuri.

>How far are you? Kinda seems like bait with the cool combos you get pretty early with yuri.
The Wolf on steroids designed to sell P2W DLC

>inda seems like bait with the cool combos you get pretty early with yuri.
Yeah but you see I already played Abyss, which arguably has the best Tales combat and I'm coming from MHW, the "cooldown" after a combo is incredibly unpleasant

Only legal aged women here, sorry buddy.

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>The Wolf on steroids designed to sell P2W DLC
use fire and the flowers, shit is tough but not impossible. The fight shows you to Micro manage your units during boss fights
>Yeah but you see I already played Abyss, which arguably has the best Tales combat and I'm coming from MHW, the "cooldown" after a combo is incredibly unpleasant
Use over limit. Hell you can guard cancel into combos.
Kinda seems like you're not trying chief.

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no overworld what the fuck please tell me you're exaggerating

ill answer you after a few more colette posts

>Hell you can guard cancel into combos.
>Kinda seems like you're not trying chief.
I am literally hitting guard as soon as I finish my combo's like you do in every Tales, I keep getting bapped before the guard comes up
This never happened to me in other Tales, is this a swordsman thing? I usually don't play the MC as they're rarely the coolest character but everyone in Vesperia besides Yuri is kind of a faggot

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>what makes it awful?

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why did i waste 30 minutes of my life trying to find a specific skit on Youtube just so i could make a reaction pic?

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Your doind it wrong
>This never happened to me in other Tales, is this a swordsman thing? I usually don't play the MC as they're rarely the coolest character but everyone in Vesperia besides Yuri is kind of a faggot
Repede starts off kinda iffy, but EASILY becomes the best swordsman in the game. Imagine Guy from abyss but on crack.

>Artstyle looks like playdough models

Retard, it looks better than the original where everyone was fat and a midget

I saved it and will find a use for it some day so it wasn't in vain user.

don't lie, the monster team was fun.

It’s not downright offensive unless you’re riding off the high of finishing a first playthrough of symphonia and jumping straight into the sequel.

It’s a 7, but housing it next to symphonia makes it a 4

I'll use it too, it's a good find user.

>Luke fucks over an entire town
>spends like half of the adventure saying how there's nothing he can do to make up for it
>everyone treats him like shit

>Lloyd fucks over an entire town
>"yeah sorry haha i'l join the chosen and only mention what i did in like 3 skits

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Luke "fucked over a town" on a very, very different scale than Lloyd did, and Lloyd took full responsibility for it instead of whining and complaining.

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Lloyd fucks over nearly all of sylvarant due to not completing the regeneration. It's implied shit was getting so bad that Yggdrasil said "Tethe'alla has been prospering for too long" implying he might have to hit the ol' reset button or at least give sylvarant a winning chance.
Both are pretty compatible to literally Lukes was just "bigger". But both have equal impact TBQH.

Its a good game, people are just mad its not symphonia 1.
Just listen to this retard >A game you allready liked will suddenly be shit if you played another game


Yeah almost like all the character shit in the first one would comparatively make the laters choices with said characters off putting.

Iselia eventually recovers and most of the people from the original attack are still there. The entirety of Akzeriuth got dissolved in acid. They're really not comparable.

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Thats what happens when you make a sequel of a JRPG.
The character developement and story is allready finished in the first game, so theres nothing left for a second game without putting some ultra made up nonsense into it.
Adding new characters and focuse on them is the only real choice.
>Game 2 is not game 1
Is a real shitty argument

Why isn't there more art of these two?

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I played the first and really liked it. Go for it.

>the entire land of sylvarant is constantly being ravaged by plagues, droughts, food shortages, disease (of people and crops) and fucking human ranches continuing to fuck them over. All because Lloyd said "nah" because he smelt that shit wasn't right.
Because best bro Genis gets the cunny.