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Hi ESL! It seems you’re trying to bait again, please do not do that!

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>hell knights have eyes now

I don't know why this pisses me off but it does somehow.

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Soul vs soulless

Eternal looks like a fucking cartoon. Wtf happened?

I pretty much hate all the redesigns except for the Baron minus the flaming sword arms and Mancubus.

t. Bethesda

2016 hell knights looked fantastic. No clue why they needed any changes at all.

SOUL as fuck

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Eternal is way too cartoony. Really poor tone for the game.

the stuff from doom 1 and 2 also looked like a cartoon. whats your point?

>cod-tier hub
>generic destroyed landscape
Is this lord of the rings or doom

Because of graphical limitations you fucking brainlet. 2016 looked great

Something I noticed was that Doom Eternal switched to symmetrical textures for most of the models. That means that you only texture half the character and then flip it to texture the other half. Conversely, Doom16 had fully textured models for all of the bad guys with the exception of I think the pinky demon.

You can see it in . The doom16 revenant's texture is totally asymmetrical and has tons of unique detail all over the model. The doom eternal's model, on the other hand, is obviously flipped right down the middle, and as a result you don't get nearly as many cool details or visual fidelity.

This was obviously a concession made to be able to play it on the Nintendo switch with its limited memory capacity, but it's a goddamn shame. One of the best parts of doom16 was the uniquely detailed character models. They were fuckin' works of art.

>cod-tier hub
you can disable it.
>generic destroyed landscape
hell invaded earth, what else do you fucking want?

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>Eternal looks like a fucking cartoon.
So did Doom 2016.

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>That means that you only texture half the character
Damn shame, although I'm not one bit surprised this day and age.

Are you blind? Or just literally not looking at the photo on the right? Or on a phone?

>tfw I love shitting on nudoom in threads but actually love both games

Why the fuck is there so much text and reading in DoomE? Was Doom2016 like this too? I don't want to fucking read words in a Doom game.

It's been the way that games have been made since they first went 3D. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see that they weren't using flipped textures when I first examined the models using Doom16's gallery thingy.

No it wasn’t. It was there but not nearly as prevalent. This is what game studios always do when they resurrect classic ips. First they say how it’s faithful to the originals but add just enough new stuff that they can call it their own, once they suck everyone in they completely go full focus group Jew mode in the sequel all while abandoning the classic audience

Dayum shame.

soulless with ugly greasy looking textures

It honestly looks shockingly shit. The requirements went way up and it looks almost worse than the first game. The level of incompetence at nu-id...

Kys if you think the right model unironically looks better

>Are you blind?
Are you? Doom 2016's demons almost looked like they could have come from a world of warcraft game.

In what fucking universe is the doom 2016 cyberdemon more realistic and less cartoony than the original cyberdemon? The rock-like skin is cartoony (the original had skin that looked like actual flesh and muscle).
The blue glowing orbs are cartoony (the original had nothing like that). The gun looking like a typical badass gun-arm looks cartoony (the original looked like an actual cybernetic fusion of machine and demon).

>nudoomfags vs boomerdoomfags
>nudoomfags vs eternalfags
>boomdoomfags vs everyone
We have come full circle

You forgot about contrarian doom 3 fags

Left looks genuinely gruesome like something you would actually fight in hell. Right looks like a fortnite skin

it's pretty obvious they kept it simpler because of the fact you can blow chunks and armor off of the demon's now, it the designs were too busy it would've made it hell to get that feature in since it'd mean making lots of different models

also, the environments look far better than 2016 which is a good tradeoff

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>Flesh heals.
Oh my god.

Doom 3 fags

>Right looks like a fortnite skin
you nailed it

Everything looks fucking worse.

Then don't fuckin' read em.

>environments look far better than 2016
No, I'd say they look worse. There's better variety, but quality went down. I tried slowing down and examining the environment just now. The amount of low resolution poorly done absolutely shit looking textures was shocking. When you rush through the game you don't notice it. Try paying attention to them next time you play

2016 revenant was the best iteration yet. Why did they fuck it up

levels are far bigger with more scope to them

So play the game wrong to try and notice flaws? Fucking genius.

Here is a better screenshot than that one, it does look pretty cartoony

Attached: 379720_20200312091410_1.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Like what? Monkey bars and floaty platformer shit? Get the fuck out of here. Doom works best in tight compact spaces

>Doom 2016 sucks it's just small arenas
>Eternal fixes this by giving you large, spacious areas with lots of ways to navigate it
>this is bad

the revenant is seriously miles better looking in 2016, they should have left him as he was.

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Should I play Eternal if I didn't like the 2016 version?

>play the game wrong
Paying attention to detail is playing it wrong? What the fuck are you talking about?

I doubt it was due to the switch, but probably because Eternal does so much more shit with the environments and has many more enemies on screen at all times. The PS4 and Xbox One couldn't keep up.

No, it doubled down on absolutely everything. And added shit platforming sections. Although visual variety is much better so if that was your problem it's now fixed

Yeah, it's worth giving it a try given how different Eternal plays.

>Doom 2016 sucks it's just small arenas
It doesn't suck because it's just small arenas, it sucks because it's just arenas. And now it's also just arenas, except bigger.


>how different Eternal plays
In what way is it different user, it's exactly the same but with shit platforming. Even weapon upgrades are back, the most pointless feature of 2016

never ask that in Yas Forums this faggot never gonna admit that someone that is not their shitty 100 year old games is good.

I hated 2016 and I'm liking Eternal alright.

>Left looks genuinely gruesome like something you would actually fight in hell.
How do things actually look like when they are from a place that doesn't exist?

>a place that doesn't exist?

You’ll find out soon enough with everything that’s going on

>raw chicken
>picked clean chicken
its what i see here

Why did they make him so Thicc ?

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Jesus, I already felt Eternal looked awful while playing but this is worse than I thought. How did they ruin everything so fucking badly? Not one aspect of 2016 was improved or at least kept as good in Eternal, they destroyed everything.

>Less graphical detail so more enemies and better framerates

I'll take it, you graphicsfags are the worst

>people now pretending to have liked 2016 just to shit on eternal
i can't wait for D[sideways three]M to come out so everyone can act like they liked eternal the whole time too

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I do think Doomguy looks better in Eternal. He actually looks like he can move around in his suit.
In 2016, he looks like he's bundled for winter.

Trash bait

What the fuck

Eternal has the worst shills I've ever seen

This is surely the end for Doom, everyone will buy based Halo Infinite instead... right bros?

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Holy shit, that HUD can't be real

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The demons in Eternal have physical damage levels. They basically had to cram two or three models (Whole, damaged, damaged badly) into the same number of polys

you can change change the color, or even disable it fucktard

No there is. but you can skip literally everything thats not gameplay.

They could have kept the original models with even more progressive damage if this game weren’t held back by consoles

I’m glad you can use the 2016 suit in Eternal, I like the design a lot more.

Don't blame the classic fans... the majority of people salty with Doom Eternal are the Doom 3 bitches

Levels are also visually downgraded, blood splatters and explosion included.
We need an in-depth video, someone wake up crowbcat or something.

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I mean

They're all good games.
Anyone who says 2016 or Eternal are legitimately bad games, and believes it, is retarded. We're all just taking the piss at this point.

Nothing will make me the eventual dumpster fire that will be Halo Infinite

Why is does it even look like that to begin with? Enjoy your watered down DOOM4 retard

What's wrong with how it looks?