HLA REVIEW: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN-6Se6Afgx7NZNaQ1XJn7S_rDyXthejjcrgDlWUAfxoLKQt9o2-EQ9P3PlHoIa6A?key=UXRRcFJoenQ3dlN2UHBjQmpsWDFOcEljNnRLaXZR
GABEN INTERVIEW: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOlzasGJhwttL4eWUNLda-QhtLFY1RuUYMrq-03Ytg2WG6qtlflGjX9icCgRPTAbw?key=REhnTnBzNi1YS1RjSHRsQ2kxWUJPeFJqR2x2amRn
GENERAL VALVE INTERVIEWS: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMo_AJEy_KAHz2UR_3jfll401T50t7OZTkhxztpyqPygnkaYRqBrxfN48ZsEdxWdw?key=bnJDWVQxZkptNENlRXRhYlQzOFZ5STQyanZlWW5R

Alyx got a 9/10
Gaben gets emails calling him a pigfucker every now and then
That trash Artifact is getting a reboot soon
Gaben is more scared of Apple then Epic
Hundreds of AI living in your computer

Memeshit and shitposting all the way boys.

Attached: IMG_20200321_205253.jpg (1082x1443, 256.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Tyler

Attached: 1584818141765.jpg (661x1024, 98.8K)

where is it

you know most of Yas Forums hates vr right? they're poor 3rd worlders who will just shitpost and spoil if they can

no matter how noble or just a message is, the moment any form of "ill have you banned" is uttered, you are the fool, the mockery, the idiot of the whole town



I cant tell if thats ego or unchecked passion

I mean yeah if you spoil you're a little nigger who should get his ass beat pussy ass bitch

I think that's the more important part.
He'd see you banned if you finish the game before he does.

>loser makes a career reporting on a company that doesn't produce content anymore
>barely scrapes by for years because of this stupid choice
>finally his big breakthrough, he has one (1) thing to report on for a while
>his head becomes more bloated than tf2's cosmetic list

what a fucking hack

>the reactions spell out THANK YOU
Who the fuck is even in the Tyler discord?

ok tyler

If you say racist words you're a nazi who should get their face punched.


Attached: Bandicam_2017-01-16_22-03-28-942.png (360x450, 173.12K)

what sort of people do you expect to find in a discord for a youtube eceleb



>The review practically comparing it to Mario 64 as medium seller
>Only gives it a 9
>Did Edge ever gave 10/10 out for a game?

He's locked down his discord
You can't invite anyone new in anymore, change your name, or post pictures anywhere

im not fat or white though

Hello tyler

VR is far more expensive than a N64 mate.

I told you im not fat or white but id still beat your ass white boy

He certainly is here, I haven't seen a single HL thread in the past 3 months that hasn't devolved into discussing Tyler

Yeah i suppose that would take away from the score.

man tyler can really make an ass of himself at times. he means well i think but good lord

I imagine a VR game is guaranteed an 8/10 if it's over 2 hours long

>it was a sublime experience and the pinnacle of gaming as we know it but LOL $1000 MEME GIMMICK FAD OH NO NO NO NO I BUMPED MY KNEE ON A CHAIR 9/10 TERRIBLE WOT
bongistan deserves to get nuked

Attached: 1531574638778.webm (274x180, 2.63M)

what's the cheapest headset that works with this?

I can smell the poorfag through your post bro

In the same way Moviebob or Chris Chan is a celeb
Even knockout rightfully hates him for being a clueless prick with a huge ego

some cheap WMR
lenovo used to make a good one but Faceberg convinced them to stop

Both. He cares about half life but he also wishes to be the center of attention in the half life fanbase. He isn’t angry at the leaks it’s more that the leakers are stealing his glory and that makes him angry because people are suppose to be looking at him for leaks not other people

What is this webm from?

Your reading comprehension is terrible dude, good job becoming a parody of yourself

I dare you to prove that he's not a pigfucker

we have way more tyler sympathizers here than those faggots, I wish people would just shut the fuck up about him already
Every HL thread is about everything but HL now

>the leakers are stealing his glory and that makes him angry because people are suppose to be looking at him for leaks not other people
You hit the nail on the fucking head

You can get a second hand Vive / Oculus for 150-200 online. Or if you want new you can get a WMR

Can you fucks stop talking about Tyler and give me the best tidbits from the OP post.


>He cares about half life
I think he cares more about attention at this point

Major spoiler alert

Literally nothing we didn't already know except that the gloves are a watered down version of the force grab from boneworks

then stop being a poorfag

So what's the ending
tell me

You take your clothes off and spend twenty minutes in front of the only working mirror in the game

Literally no one knows.

The only opinions we've had on it so far is this article calling it breathtaking, that fag Tyler calling it incredible, and pretty much that. I'm starting to think these leaked finale images don't actually exist and it's just Tyler drumming up drama.

I think it's Drunkn Bar Fight

stop being a lying vr shillfag

Poorfag :)

shillfag :^)

Windows mixed reality sets. get the samsung odyssey plus if you can find it, avoid acer and the first gen hp. they have the stupid halo strap that gives you a headache if you have a big head, and have non-adjustable lenses. an og vive is also an option but will be about 350 vs 250 i think for WMR

Is that review supoosed to be good or not?

It's been so long since I last read "professional" game reviewers that I don't know what's glowing praise or criticism anymore.

>they have the stupid halo strap
the samsung headset is a halo design as well and if youre getting a headache then your retarded and not putting it on right

I knew he was schizo-paranoiac but not narcissistic

So bros, which vr headset is worth getting?

No, he is just an internet user like yourself.

Suicide when? This motherfucker knows everything but proceeds not to share. What a faggot.

gabe didn't say he was scared of apple, he said he doesn't want people treat valve the same way as apple as rabid fanboys

They literally didint give it a 10 because they got so immersed that when they bumped into a wall it annoyed them. The game itself is a 10 by their own admission but they docked it a point because of IRL VR issues. What a fucking joke.

Post proof. They didn't say that at all.

They gave it a 9 because VR still has a lot of legitimate problems that needs to be addressed.

Games that lack inclusivity and sensitivity towards the econimically disadvantaged are docked a point for disproportionately affecting minorities

They said it's the best experience on VR but that's not enough to give it a 10.