Doesn't matter at all. Most games will - again - run at 30 fps.
Now with RTX ON.
Pretty sad.
9 vs 12 tflops
Wasn't it Sonyfags that started the terraflop wars?
>Doesn't matter at all
It actually matters A LOT.
The difference would be like what PS4 Pro is to Xbox One X
no one man should have all this power...
yeah, and the best part is they did it over a 0.5 tf difference
ps5 only twice as powerful as ps4 pro?
So not that much
And neither system will have games
Just like PS4 and Xbox One have no games 5 years into their life.
60fps locked @ 4k with raytracing on SeX
30-60fps variable @ 4k without raytracing on PS5
why don't some of you understand that the difference between 1 and 2 is bigger than between 10 and 12
that is literally incorrect
Convincing others not to buy consoles is like trying to shill luxury cars most people can't afford.
pclets quaking
projection. enjoy your sub 30fps and paid online, cuck.
>rtx on or off
>devs can literally choose how many rays or what to use on instead raytracing the entire scene; is just an nvidia buy our rtx meme
how can anyone be this dumb? the difference between 1 and 2 is 1. the difference between 9 (real ps5 tflop) and 12 is 3.
it's not a 1 and 2 difference either
0.5 tf was what the ps4 had over xbox
A 2080 Ti can't even push 60 fps @4K without raytracing. See metro exodus for example
litreal retards
2 is 100% more than 1
12 is 20% more than 10
holy fuck you are dumb and should feel bad about it
ps4 had a 0.5 tf difference
onex has a 3 tf difference
redo your cope-calculations
ps4 og has 50% more tflops than xbox one og
1.84TF is 50% more than 1.24TF
its a good thing the next gen xbox doesn't have a crummy 2080 ti then isnt it.
SX is advertising a 4k60 standard, the ps5 which is 3tf weaker is advertising a .... [insert sonygher cope]
variable frame rate just like its variable clocks
8k240fps seethe and cope you fucking retarded monkey who can't comprehend the basic idea that a terraflop means one thing when you have 1 vs when you have 10
The Delusional Xbot
The delusional Xbot thinks he's relevant
>So let's make fun of him for the hell of it
The Xbot tries so hard to matter
>But he gives Sony the win on a silver platter
Classic Halo was fun while it lasted
>Mention Halo 5, and watch him get assblasted
Xbot thinks sales are important to mention
>When really all that matters is player retention
Microsoft started pay to play online
>Xbot doesn't care, because 'free' games are fine
He truly believes Gamepass is pro consumer
>As he pretends not to care that Halo 6 can't come sooner
Xbot claims the One X is superior
>When compared to PC, it's actually inferior
"Power sells consoles, not exclusives!"
>100 million PS4s sold, the xbot is delusive
A bad COD clone, a racing game, the new Gears' horde is trash
>"S-Snoy, PCfag, only kids play Smash!"
Graphics, Skype, a good controller; there's some things better than the Pro
>But how can the Xbot argue when he has no games to show?
The Xbox used to be cool, and Microsoft was legitimate
>But that was before the kinect, and some of 343 left months leading up to Infinite
The console may have failed, but the xbot continues his vendetta
>In fact if Halo never existed, Xbox would've went the way of Sega
who the fuck is dumb enough to do percentage increase calculations in this situation are you fucking retarded?
SX is advertising a 4k60 standard, the ps5 which is 3tf weaker is advertising a .... [8k240fps seethe and cope you fucking retarded monkey who can't comprehend the basic idea that a terraflop means one thing when you have 1 vs when you have 10]
add a tflop to a device with 1tflop and it doubles in performance
add a tflop to a device with 10tflops and it increases perfromance by 10%
can't help grade school maths being some rocket science to you
>Doesn't matter at all.
That's what I'd say before Sony shot themselves in the foot by porting their first party games to PC. now they are literally on the same level as the xbox. so yeah price and power absolutely matter.
hey can you do some cope math for me real quick?
how much better is the playstation5 than the oneX
this easily the most based thing ive ever read
350% more powerful when you take into account the average users dick size and scale it against the xbot users
In all honesty, I don't give a flying fuck about resolutions but if we get another 30fps gen I'm done. 30fps plays like ass
i have a masters in mechanical engineering you clinical retard. this is some serious cope if you're really using percentage increase to deduce the performance difference. is a 20 tf console meaningless vs a 14 tf console because it's only a 42% increase just because 1 vs 2 is a 100% increase? are you fucking retarded? legit question.
what's going on bro, are you angry?
RTX doesn't raytrace the entire scene except in minecraft
this entire reply chain leads to a galaxy brain saying the performance difference is bigger because last time it was only 0.5TF while ignoring that's 50% more
isnt a cheap console with no loading times and backwards compatibility what everyone wanted?
why people are upset when you give them what they want?
is that why the onex runs rdr2 in native 4k but the shitstation"pro" whirrs and drops frames all over the place
xbox one x also has 50% more tflops compared to ps4 pro btw
except "50% more" doesn't mean jack shit because nobody cares about "50% more". we're looking at the numerical increase not a percentage increase. 9 vs 12 is a bigger increase in than 1 vs 2. teraflops don't suddenly become less powerful the more you add just because the percentage difference is lower. fucking hell talk about being a massive fucking retard who probably didn't even graduate 12 year old tier mathematics. it's literally the most basic shit and you can't do the math. is this american education?
oh yeah?
how many more tf does the ps5 have over the onex?
30fps is a choice. Developers target 30fps because it has double the graphic fidelity of 60fps and is still a playable framerate. The only reason why the PC port of the same 30fps game can run at 60fps is because it can if the hardware allows for it. Not by choice but as a byproduct of uncapping the framerate and allowing hardware that costs several hundred dollars more to render it like that.
Besides, most gamers can’t tell the difference anyways. All TVs comes with frame interpolation on by default and almost nobody turns it off. So 30fps looks like 60fps anyways with artifacts and input lag of course but the layman doesn’t care.
holy fucking shit you fucking retard you don't have any degree
10 vs 12tf is a 2tf difference but the performance difference is only 20% with perfect scaling
it's just salty pclets.
xbox series x has 20% more than PS5
let me repeat myself:
if i won 12 trophies and you had 9 trophies i objectively am more successful than you than if i had 2 trophies and you had one even though the percentage increase is lower. literally off yourself. i knew sony fanboys were retarded but this takes the cake. defo avoiding that community like the plague.
>no one cares about the performance difference
this is literally what people care about you dishonest rat
there is a 3tf performance difference. cope.
Literally only a difference if you put a microscope to the tv screen.
yes and this is literally a 20% perfromance difference with perfect scaling
you could say the same 3tf difference between something with 1tf and 4tf and it's mean a drastic difference
2TF is more TF than a PS4 has. I agree it’s going to be pretty insignificant here but the problem is the “people” saying it’s insignificant are Sony super fans who also say the 40% 900p vs 1080p difference between XB1 and PS4 was a big deal. In truth it was also insignificant. But those who disagree and think that it was a big deal cannot dismiss the 20%+ as insignificant without being fucking circumcised hypocrite retards that deserve to die of coronavirus pneumonia
33% if the ps5 is the baseline, 25% if the onex is the baseline actually
and considering you used the weaker console in your first disengenous cope, we're going with 33% :)
I used 10tf vs 12tf
well you agree it's pretty insignificant but somehow you're not a sony super fan
I have no problem saying xbox is 20% more tflops or maybe even 30% in some cases but I recognize that between current gen consoles it was like 50%
no, you said the xbox with 1.2 tf is 50% weaker than ps4 with 1.8tf you middle school elementary monkey who just discovered percentages
because the ps4 with 1.8 tf is 33% stronger than xbox with 1.2
but hey, I'm sure you were starting to get confused with all these numbers so I don't fault you :)
also please stop using the 10tf figure thanks!
and nobody cares about percentage increase because it doesn't mean anything over numerical increase. the xbox has nearly 2 (TWO) base ps4's worth of teraflops over the ps5.
The XB1X, the 2017 console? To put it in perspective, the difference between the XboneX and a PS5 is essentially the same difference between a base 2013 Xbone and non-pro PS4. The PS5 in that sense isn’t a generational leap over a mid-gen 2017 console, it’s in the same generation
Teraflops do not matter to a consoles performance and power stop acting like you are tech professionals you don't even know what the word means
what's the numerical value mean when adding 3 to 1 results in a multiplied value over adding 3 to 10
heeey, I wanted to get the sonyroach to crunch the numbers! *frowns*
all I did is take 1.2x1.5=1.8
i've never conversed with a bigger retard in my life. i'm convinced nobody can be this retarded, even the most hardcore of hardcore in-denial fanboys.
if you tell me some device has 10TF more without telling me anything else I won't know how much more performance I will get out of my games, it could be the difference of getting 1 fps or 100 or maybe 90 and 100
stop pretending to be retarded (unless you actually are a retard who doesnt understand what he's doing)
in the first comparison you list the weaker console as the baseline
the 1.2 tf xbox being 50% weaker than the 1.8 tf ps4
in the second comparison you suddenly switch to the stronger console, stating that the 12 tf xbox is only 25% stronger than the 9tf ps4
when you should be comparing the weaker console again, the 9tf ps4 being 33%weaker than 12tf
congratulations I just hope you realized why your idiotic % spam is fucking worthless
So I have to be a Sony super fan to admit the difference is negligible? The difference IS neglible. And the difference between the XB1 and PS4 was also negligible. My point was, if you think the difference between an XB1 and PS4 isn’t negligible, then you can’t say the difference between a XBSX and PS5 is negligible and Sony fans are doing just that. Because to some people, that 20%+ isn’t negligible. If all things were the same like res and everything else, a 30fps game on XBSX would be 24fps (or lower) on PS5 which double buffered vsync would make 20fps. Both of which are unplayable. In reality they would lower the res on the PS5 and nobody would give a fuck except retardera’s digital foundry discussion thread where they obsessed over the zoomed in screenshot highlighting the PS5 blurriness or the screenshot of a video showing the PS5 frame rate dip to 15fps for a millisecond. I don’t have a horse in this race so I don’t really give a fuck