>pick this up
>decide to be a pyromancer
>only get to use fire magic 8 (eight) times per checkpoint
>have to use an axe like a warrior the rest of the time
What the fuck? If I wanted to be melee I would've picked a melee class.
Pick this up
>be pyromancer
>trivialize every boss
If you’re complaining about the pyromancer stats on Dark Souls 1 you’re dog shit. git gud but unironically.
Stop using magic and be a chad Black Iron and Black Knight Greatsword user faggot.
Did you even read the post or jump straight to fanboyism? If there's only 8 fireballs, then I run out if there's more than 8 enemies between checkpoints, even if I one shot them. And that saves none for the boss. If I wanted to use melee, I would've picked a melee class.
>If I wanted to be melee I would've picked a melee class.
You picked a hybrid class, so you do both.
I know how you feel, OP. I hate when the game actually makes me play it in order to progress and expand my arsenal. They should just give you all the spells from the start.
I remember killing bosses with like 3 strikes as a magic user, you are just shit.
git gud
You can get more fireballs.
You'll notice 3 is a bigger number than 0, ie the amount you'll make it to the boss with if you don't melee.
I'm glad everyone just ignores gameplay flaws because it's easier to use le epic reddit memes than form a sincere opinion.
It's an RPG you moron. You start off weak as fuck no matter what class you pick, no shit you're gonna be limited with spells. Play the fucking game and you'll be able to do pure pyro later.
There's a difference between weak and just not being able to play. Maybe they should've given weaker fireballs that take more casts to kill someone but give you an amount to actually play the game with instead of completely killing gameplay variety and forcing everyone to play the same way.
>gameplay flaws
You're a legitimate moron. Picking and choosing when to use your spells is resource management, just like estus flasks. You aren't meant to use a fireball every single time you want to attack.
>Spend spell casts exploring the area.
>Fully explore area and find boss arena.
>Go back to bonfire.
>Stock up on resources.
>Run to boss arena.
>Fight boss with all spells.
Also I'm pretty sure you can double up on spells by attuning them twice.
>he doesn't just melee the regular garbage enemies and save his fireballs for actual threats
Your own damn fault user.
Magic is better as a supplement to melee anyway
its not that kind of game. also, people who like that kind of game are faggots. Magic is already OP in dark souls form the very start anyways. You are complaining because you are getting your shit wrecked im guessing.
I believe there is also a ring or something that halves your health but doubles your spell uses, can never remember what the fucking thing is called though
Where is it stated that pyro/casters in general should only use magic?
They all start with a weapon for a reason.
>pick warrior
>swing around a sword 100% of the time
>pick pyromancer
>swing around a sword 99% of the time
>pick mage
>swing around a sword 99% of the time
>this is completely okay because redditors think having negative opinions is a bad thing
What a fucking circlejerk
you expected unlimited bing bing wahooo magic? go play skyrim then retard
Nobody is forcing you to use a sword.
rent free
>raise attunement
>can cast more spells
>progress through level effectively utilizing spells at correct times
>open shortcut to previous bonfire
>face boss with all spells restored
I said yep
What a concept
I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little chaaaaaaaaaange
Pyromancy (and magic in general) is OP in Dark Souls. You can easily do pure pyro, but you'll have to knuckle up with a melee weapon for a few areas before you can get to that point. It's fine if you don't like that, but it's not an inherent flaw.
a sorcerer can get 60 fucking casts of soul arrow that 1-2 shot every enemy you should reasonably be fighitng less than 2 minutes after landing at firelink shrine.
you're just a bitch that wets his pants over decision making so the idea that you can't just spam magic all day every day causes you to lash out.
even gandalf used a sword a lot of the time asshole
To everyone saying "hurr durr git gud right my fellow redditors xdddd"
I just killed this guy on the first try while only needing one estus, but I ran out of fireballs so I had to use my spear
"git gud" doesn't enter the equation, since melee is definitely easier because of how slow the casting is and how jank the aiming is
Just because you like a game doesn't mean you have to like every braindead decision the devs made you defensive faggots, get a personality beyond video games.
Idk man, I've done pyro only runs before. Hydra included. Dont really see your point.
You're an idiot. Build to have more spells, you dumb bitch
Yeah let me just pull some more magic out of my ass, schizo
stop killing the spawns dummy, run straight to the boss
if you level attunement you can get more attunement slots
I already have 2, but you only get 1 spell at the start.
This sounds like a personal problem.
He isn’t complaining that the game is too difficult or that he can’t beat the bosses. He is saying it sucks that his character, how is suppose to be a pyromancer, is forced to use a melee weapon a majority of the game because of the small number of spell slots. He isn’t wrong either. Every magic character is forced to use a weapon that scales with thier main stat and use it most of the time. This means that your epic level sorcerer plays like a fight 60% of the time because you are just going to be using a magic boosted rapier in stead of actually using spells.
Man, you are going to have a complete meltdown when I tell you other games that have magic use MP and when you run out you can’t cast spells at all.
>normalfags are forced to stay home
>number of shitty threads on Yas Forums goes up exponentially
Really makes ya think...
Those games aren't designed around you being unable to use magic most of the time you facetious faggot. Those games don't require you to respawn all the enemies to get some back, either.
Dont worry! There are vendors that sell you more spells.
This is because making spells have way more uses without much effort put into specializing your character would mean people making OP warriors would also be able to have good magic without much effort. As it stands you are much better specializing in magic and having a decent weapon that suits you than if you make a heavy warrior build that still tries to obtain great spells because you would have your stat points split between too many attributes.
No character is ever forced to use a melee weapon. Ever.
You can seethe as much as you want bro. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a laughingstock. If Dark Souls is too much for you might I suggest DOOM Eternal?
My experience with skyrim.
>want to be a warrior
>have to start using magic or else i'm fucked
>become a battlemage
>new playthrough
>want to be a sorcerer
>have to pick up a melee weapon or else i'm fucked
>become a battlemage
>third playthrough
>want to become a sneaky archer
>my most successful playthrough, but I still needed magic to do lots of stuff
>become a battlemage, but less magic-inclined
>use all my healing items
>enemy hits me
>need to heal
>game doesn’t just give me more healing items immediately
uhhhhh wtf??????
>run out of "arguments"
>go back to spamming git gud
Yes yes, here's the attention you require. Now please refrain from posting unless you have something to say.
Pyromancy was great in 1 because it required no stat investment outside of getting yourself the spell slots. It could be seriously useful for melee characters who need some extra tricks.
Sorcery was incredibly powerful in Dark Souls 1 compared to the later games, and you should use it if you want a pure caster (which is stupid as hell; you should keep a melee weapon in the main hand regardless).
I’m sorry you refuse to adapt to the game. Again, ZOOM Eternal - give it a look.
It's your fault you let your class fantasy of what a pyromancer is in this setting ruin your experience.
BTW OP there are several bosses later on that have 100% fire resistance. Good luck with that.
1 is arguably the easiest game to break in half with a dedicated Pyromancer build so I don’t know what this faggot OP is bitching about.
just run past the scrubs and go to the Boss, moron
Who? Quelaag has a high resistance but not 100% iirc. Ceaseless Discharge, if he does have a resist, can be cheesed. Who’s left? Gwyn?
You mathematically cannot beat bell gargoyles with 8 fireballs with an unupgraded flame. A fireball has 200 base attack, he has 88 fire defense, so it does 200 - 0.79* 88*e^(-0.27* 200/79), or 62 damage per hit. 62*8 is 496. He has 1215 health.
>hurr durr complaining about every class playing the same is saying the game is difficult
Ban all ESLs from Yas Forums.
Only Sorcerers can even remotely hope to get by without having to use a melee weapon, since they can get so many Soul Arrows. If you start as a Pyromancer, eventually you can get up to 24 uses of Fireball and 32 uses of Combustion and mostly go without using a melee weapon, but early on every class is basically going to be exactly the same. If you're really against using melee then go grab a staff/soul arrows from New Londo.
Seethe eternally.
Gwyn is weak to fire.
>bell gargoyles
I meant taurus demon here.
>8 fireballs with an unupgraded flame
Dang. Luckily the game doesn't force you to play like a retard
Seriously? That seems stupid.
Then go and upgrade your flame.
Buy more pyromancies.
You DO realise that you DONT have to fight the Gargoyles before you do these right?
He uses a fire weapon so people assume he's resistant to fire. He's not. I think it's pretty smart since he was consumed by the flame.
>Taurus Demon
Bro just pick the Master Key and skip Undead Settlement lmfao stupid bitch
Moderately sure you can't get to depths without beating taurus demon, and quelana doesn't spawn without an upgraded flame unless you get a friend to spawn her for you.
I'm not sure if the defenses actually work like that or not, souls has a funky format for it, but regardless you don't have to fight the Bell Gargoyles before upgrading your flame, you just need the key to go fight the Capra Demon to get into the Depths to be able to upgrade your flame.
You really underestimate how many enemies you literally just fucking run past in this game
You can also buy Firebombs from the merchant, they're close to the same damage as your unupgraded flame so you can have 107 weak fireballs at a time.
Yeah, I was responding to "Gargoyles." I don't think you can upgrade the flame without either beating Taurus or the master key.
Technically you can still beat Taurus by making him jump off the side without needing to use anything other than fireballs
>Moderately sure you can't get to depths without beating taurus demon
You can. Master Key starting gift, take the elevator down to New Londo, take the second elevator up to Valley of Drakes, cross the area and take a third elevator up to Darkroot Garden, then run to Darkroot Basin. From there, you can enter Undead Parish. You’ll end up in the room with Andre in it.
Yes, that’s a lot of steps. However, it really isn’t that long if you know what you’re doing.
Pyromancer isn't a pure caster. Why do you think it starts the game with a big axe?
tfw faith build isn't fun
If you're completely limiting yourself to fireballs only I'm not sure if you can beat him with only the 8 but again firebombs, soul arrows or bow/crossbow and you can do it. I tried doing a no-melee run recently and it's not too bad as long as you're open to using every tool at your disposal.