Silent Hill 3

>The lock is broken. I can't open the door.
Why the fuck are there so many doors in this game? I keep getting stuck cause I missed one obscure unlocked door among a sea of broken ones. I'm losing my mind at these damn doors more than I am at these monsters. FUCK

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it's not a very good game
gets praised for atmosphere, story, characters, music

use your map retard

It's actually a stress/tension mechanic.
Any broken lock gives the player a sense of relief since it's one less room to explore.
Once a door actually opens, anything can be behind it and it rises the tension on the player. Think about it for a second.

I don't have one.


Heather LITERALLY looks at all the doors that can be opened.

This guy gets it. I'm GLAD whenever a door won't open.

Yes, you do. She draws one manually if you were too stupid to pick up the area map earlier.
Man, this is the reason nobody likes you zoomies; you are more retarded than the 10yo kids of the past.

Let me guess: OP didn't play SH1 first ?

no wonder this franchise died... fucking ADHD retards like this killed gaming with their fucking walking simulators.

It represents Heather's chastity.

Aren't the games self contained? I decided to play this first cause I loved Resident Evil and SH3 had a cute girl on the artwork.

Are you retarded or something?

You've got to learn to enjoy checking doors to play Silent Hill 3.

>Aren't the games self contained?
SH3 is LITERALLY a direct sequel to SH1, and will spoil BOTH GAMES for you.

>Aren't the games self contained?
No. The hell ya heard that?
Go play SH1 and 2, a couple times each. Right now.

You picked literally the only game in the series that its connected to another one

Jesus Christ son, you are a DOUBLE tard!

Attached: Harry #1 Daddy.png (510x546, 15.37K)

Wtf happened to Cybil anyway? was Good+ end not canon or she is just in another place during SH3?

No idea, but it's safer to assume "Good" is the real deal.

based retard

If you were going to play some series with like +10 games i would understand but silent hill is like 4 (6 if you play the 2 shitty ones) games and silent hill 1 still holds up to this day

Huh. I was planning on just waiting for the remake of SH1 that's been rumoured to be releasing on PS5. Is it really that important? SH1 looks so outdated.

Yes it its, its the game whole backstory
>SH1 looks so outdated.
It just looks, when you play it it its really good

zoomers out

>I was planning on just waiting for the remake of SH1 that's been rumoured to be releasing on PS5.
How fucking dumb are you?
And why the living fuck is your generation this obsessed with shitty de-makes?

>looks outdated
Graphics whores should be hanged and burned.
SH1 is still THE best game in the series. It looks fine for its age, and SOUNDS magnificent.

>remake of SH1
Not gonna happen.

>Is it really that important?
YES, you asshat. It's crucial!


>SH1 looks so outdated.
it's literally only 2 years older than SH2, 4 years of #3. It plays identical to its sequels. And yes, its audio- and visual design are top-notch, pacing and world design the best in the series, and replay value is off the roof.
It is also absolutely essential corner stone of the series' lore.

No, you're not supposed to know right off the bat that 3 is a sequel to it, that's meant to be a sort of big twist here, but since morons like you home in towards it like coomers you are, folks need to spill the beans all the time nowadays.

>>remake of SH1
>Not gonna happen.
See picrelated
Have you played the Resident Evil remakes? They're incredible.
Ok. I'll play SH1 first then. Thanks for the info.

Attached: silent-hill-artist-tweet.png (636x393, 12.83K)

came to post this

>Have you played the Resident Evil remakes?
Nigger, I played THE REmake when it came out in 2002. It was a phenomena of its own.

The DEmake2 and 3 are absolute garbage with no redeeming qualities. Literally pic related, turned into reality - and no, this was NOT meant to be a blueprint to follow, but a joke.

Attached: SH2 remake 2019 v2.jpg (1920x1080, 968.76K)

Just check them all, it doesn't take that long.

Not him but fuck off nigger, remake 2 was greeat

No, it was not.
It was a downgrade not only from the 10/10 REmake"1", but also from RE2.
Literally kill yourself, zoomer homo. You're the reason why survival horror died.

>It was a downgrade not only from the 10/10 REmake"1"
Nah it fused the 2 concepts really well
>but also from RE2
Nah it wasn't

REmake 2 is literally a better survival horror experience than the original. Play it on Hardcore. Also camera angles don't magically make a game good. Look at RE0.

No zoomies, it was abysmall trash.
I ONLY ever played it on Hardcore only, and it was still pathetic mess.

If you truly wish to further defile SH's corpse by turning it into literal "Homecoming: The Series" now, then I hope you get AIDS and Corona at the same time and wither away in the most painful matter.

No, DEmake2 is nothing more than a run and gun garbage for ADHD-generation that HATES games Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

>I ONLY ever played it on Hardcore only
Yeah i believe you lol
>and it was still pathetic mess.
Confirmed for not playing it

>HUD, button prompts, mission objectives, auto-saves...
>Replay value = halved compared to classic RE2 (A/B campaigns are triviliazed to hell, no Zapping system, missing bonus minigames and unlockables...)
>Ink Ribbons are now Hard-only thing, meaning 2/3 difficulty modes have autosaves and such, greatly deluting the survival-aspect of scavenging and conserving everything you find, including save states.
>Pacing and focus of the game shifted from calm exploration and examining of things, into ADHD running and gunning. There's no flavor text or distinct details to observe, all you need is highlighted w/ symbols, and Mr.X keeps you fleeing.
>Auto-balance difficulty = pain in the neck. Bad players get pampered, good players get whipped.
>Shooting is both generic AF + unsatisfying. Devs realized that the typical late-2010's over-shoulder shooting is overpowered, so they made enemies into bullet sponges... instead making shooting more skill-based, enemies more numerous...etc.
>Many enemy and weapon-types from RE2 are missing. No new surprises were added.
>Numerous areas were cut or shrunk. Streets got axed big time, the entire planned Factory area was chopped off, and Labs are just linear run-through shooting range from the RE-movie.
>Visual design = lacking & unimaginitive. Nothing screams of the 90s. Zombies are just gray, angry dudes with barely a scratch on them, rather than sad corpse-marionettes. Everything is coated in darkness and gray/brown filters = details get blurry.
>UI design is just soulless and typical to any AAA game nowadays.
>Soundtrack = near nonexistent. Save-room theme is just a 10sec clip!
>Classic OST is a paid DLC!?.
>New script is bad. F-bombs everywhere. Once important side cast is triviliazed into single-scene cameos.
No son, this shit was a blunder.

>Confirmed for not playing it
The only """argument""" you underaged zoomies shiIIs got nowadays, huh?

Attached: re2_2019_02_20_06_50_26_283.jpg (1920x1200, 436.54K)

Already wrong here, the only thing right on your post is the A/B scenarios being lazy, the rest is just you being a little bitch
Show me the hardcore record faggot

Attached: BTFO.png (853x480, 169.49K)

This reads like a listfag post. The only correct thing is that the A and B scenario differences were handled poorly.

>Already wrong here
at least play the game, kiddo.

Attached: re2_2019_02_03_22_20_00_416.jpg (1920x1200, 495.33K)


Post your favourite track, bros.

>Show me the hardcore record faggot
Sure thing.
alternative run's on another device. Gotta fetch the shot.

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Confirmed trash at the game, know i know why you called it run and gun

This wasn't a joke, OP.

Blast from the past

I'm a basic bitch

SH3 is best SH

The SH intros were all so fucking good, even 4.

>we will never see a remake of sh3

Attached: 238.jpg (637x625, 72.14K)

Intro with a soul.


Because that's all you do in nu-REs.
There's no environmental exploration and examining. Just running from an unkillable time waster.

And that is a good thing. that a locked door? AAAH I'M GOING INSANE. NIGGERMAN HELP ME

Attached: its locked.jpg (1280x720, 73.35K)

>There's no environmental exploration and examining
Yeah that is why you took 8 hours
>Just running from an unkillable time waster.
Confirmed filtered

>Not being objective
>Spamming buzzwords

A soft reboot is coming

>what are the mission objective reminders that pop up every 2 seconds
>what is the HUGE health indicator whenever you get hit
>what is the literal videogame crosshair + ammo count
>what are the button prompts
It's HUD, kid.

>Yeah that is why you took 8 hours
I wasted 8 hours trying to get rid of certian Fedora-head + find something to explore.
But once again, you shiII-coomies just want to topic-switch and praise your trashy demakes, instead of arguing any of the points. Or even admit that the game's a rushed piece of shit full of flaws.

The point still stands: if you want this shit to be the next Silent Hill, you deserve death. Period.

2, homecoming, downpour, and arguably 4 are self contained
1 is about a cult doing cult shit by fucking with a psychic girl and the protagonist trying save his daughter after she went missing in the town
2 is about all the lingering psychic energy fucking with people, including the protagonist
3 is about the cult taking another crack at things with the protagonist as a central pawn in their plan
4 is about a psychic guy who was groomed by the cult as a backup plan
Homecoming and Downpour rip off 2

>I wasted 8 hours trying to get rid of certian Fedora-head + find something to explore.
KEK, stop being trash user

W-Where is origins?

They also announced a new movie.

There is also the cult in homecoming

Don't you have, I dunno, Homecoming or Downpoor to play? They sound like they'd be exactly down your alley.