

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Cover.jpg (1092x1360, 296.28K)

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>L3 mapped to auto sprint
>R1 and R2 also mapped to sprint

but why

better combat than ff15

It's not trying to be XV nor KH


Does anyone know if they already shipped it to the stores?
I hope to get one before the release date.

Who /digital/ now thanks to Amazon?

definitely late next week

did not click did not watch

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Anyone like Sephiroth's old VA better? The other VA changes I can live with, but I just really don't like his from what we've hear so far.

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his old VA tried way too hard

>dis pear

I never played the original but I like the guy who plays Badger in breaking bad

I've noticed they're really holding to their chest that Rufus exists. We've gotten so much information about the game, but not a single whisper of the president's son, so I guess they're hoping newfags will be surprised by at least one thing. Probably the best idea, everyone knows the big twists and reveals, so you might as well hide the smaller ones.

Attached: Rufus.jpg (1024x576, 46.52K)

The best demo in history of gaming unironically.
Fuck Yas Forums for thinking otherwise i just enjoy seeing stuff i loved as a kid being remade in such high quality.

I'm approaching it as someone who has never played a single FF game.
The demo was fucking sweet and I am going to buy this game.

>You're a SOLDIER, aren't you?Rufus
>Which would mean that I own you.Rufus
>Ex-SOLDIER. I quit.Cloud
>Secure the others.Rufus
>Just the two of us.Rufus
>Well. Maybe three.Rufus


This is starting to become cringe. Stop.

looks good, preordered yesterday deluxe edition to get my steelbook and shit, fortunaly in my third world country shipments arent cancelled

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I hope it does go all meta with multiverse stuff. Maybe we can finally save Aerith.

this one is not bad but i can see why people like the old better though
the rest are a straight up upgrade

Uhh mind explaining this Barry?

I was starting to not care and will play when it comes out, but the hype is starting to build up again. Sucks I work a big stretch right when it comes out

is not going to get delayed again right?

>better combat than ff15

that's not really a high hurdle to clear

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

not digital
probably for physical editions depending on the store/country, but they are trying to give everyone the game as much as they can

George Newbern was godly as Sephiroth. The new guy sounds like a nasally teenager trying to imitate him and I can't take him seriously because of it.

Old Seph was amazing, voice and model.

it went gold a week or so ago
physical might be delayed due to distribution but digichads are okay

Now that's it confirmed to not be an actual remake and is instead a "let's change fate/Neon Genesis" game, is this good and we should give it a chance? Or should they have just remade the og and not fuck with anything? I need Yas Forums to tell me what I think.

obviously inferior to the upcoming PS5 version

Stop spewing this garbage.
I swear you fucking idiots will believe anything you read here.

>I need Yas Forums to tell me what I think.
Think 4 yourself

They said they're only adding new shit to make the game more exiting for old fans, they want to surprise old and new fans alike, but the main story and main events will remain the same.

>Now that's it confirmed to not be an actual remake
who decides whats an actual remake, dumbass


Just read through some of the leaked script. I gotta say I'm pretty impressed by the additions that have been made. Especially with Jessie. Some interesting changes with Tifa and Aerith though...their dialogue makes them seem very different from the original. Some of the voice acting seems a little cringey, but it's to be expected. The game looks glorious, but some of the design decisions are a little strange. Not sure why they dialed back the 80's hardcore punk scene in Midgar. I like the action combat, slow-mo looks fucking insanely good. Overall I'm extremely excited to play this in 20 days.

Nobody? Who the fuck would pay full price for a digital game?


If you pre-order VII REMAKE DELUXE EDITION from Amazon Mexico, do you get the Sephiroth theme?

Apparently, if gringos pre-ordered at Amazon U.S, they get a code for the Sephiroth theme.

Attached: final fantasy deluxe edition.jpg (1920x1080, 306.05K)

Fuck! I don't want a forced steelbook. Dammit, if it wasn't $59.99 for the Deluxe Version, I would cancel.

$60 bucks?

Isn't it $80 on Amazon U.S?

Ironically the only character from the leaks that got an overall 'meh' reaction. Makes you wonder if they made some minor tweaks last minute.

Rufus literally looks like a girl now.

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it's gonna flop

Was somewhat disappointed by the demo so I just bought XII on Ps4 and do not have this game in my immediate sights anymore.

It will be financially successful, but it will be one of the most disappointing games of 2020.

>Ugly Tifa
>Watchmen of Fate
>Sephiroth sword fights for no reason
>Summons are boss fight only special/scripted events

I don't want it. Didn't even bother trying the demo. Hope the rumors about FF16 being a fantasy game by Yoshi P are true.

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Don't forget that Every villain is unironically gay for Cloud and Cloud gets to actually SEE his fait.


I wounder if people will still buy the other parts if it ends up being disappointing.


Nobody thinks this will flop.
Everyone knows nostalgiafags can't resist this turd because MUH CHILDHOOD BEST GAME EVER

FF7 was mediocre

I bet they will show him in the launch trailer

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Are you okay?

>i-it will flop
>n-no it wont flop, it will just a dissapointment
>ok...it wasnt a dissapointment, but only real ff7 fans like me dont like it, fucing normies!!
>n-noooo episodic and resetera won, nooo fucking libertarians...
*necks himself*

It's just the shills. Ignore them.

I'm having trouble with Scorpion Sentinel.

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so close yet so far
