Rank them

Rank them.

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TWEWY > P5 >>>>>>>>>>>> CT

TWEWY is decent.
CT and P5 are boring once you look past how polished they are.

TWEWY >>> CT >>> power gap >>> P5

the one i played > the two i didnt play


Never even played TWEWY and I know it's better than CT and especially Persona 5.

CT >> TWEWY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>>>> P5

cringe but redpilled

10/10 would play again
TWEWY much better would be without all the emo cringeshit

Twewy > standard jRPGs.

They used every bit of design space available to them for twewy, that's way more impressive to me than CT or P5. Not to mention it was way better gameplay too

TWEWY> CT>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>P5

>he hasn’t played Another Day
And really, only Neku is emo and that’s only at the start. He becomes an actual bro to boot.

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still to much bullshit in game how he doesn't need people and just to much teenager cringe stuff

What’s with all of the TWEWY threads lately?
Are we actually getting that sequel?

I like all three though

Chrono Trigger > TWEWY > Fagsona.

I haven´t even played TWEWY but there is no way it´s worse than Fagsona.

That’s like two/three hours, man. Plus, he’s only like that due to best friend dying before the game starts.

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TWEWY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>persona 5
Haven’t played chrono trigger yet

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but he has no memory until week 1 ends

Fix that right the fuck now, you hectopascal.

The emotions and trauma are still there, user. He even notes how Rhyme getting Erased feels familiar to him but he ultimately can’t remember, which leaves him frustrated.

I've never finished CT and TWEWY, but I can easily say that they are better than P5.

Why did p5 suck? Atlus had a great track record until that and apocalypse

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Fuck Joker
Marry Neku
Leave Chrono Alone

TWEWY is legitimately one of the best JRPGs out there.
>Encounter rate is up to your discretion.
>Combat is fast due to input method and balance.
>Discrete invincible state and 2D plane makes positioning and reaction intense and important, dodging easy attacks is easier, dodging horrific onslaughts is far trickier.
>Set your level as low or high as you want, which deceases HP in exchange for increasing the drop rate of items
>You can get better shit for stacking the odds against yourself
>The more battles you chain in a row, the more stronger the enemies get in exchange for more increased drop rate and EXP
>Enemies are fun to fight as their methods of interaction are varied and their designs immediately distinguishable. Hedgehogs mean delayed bombs, dragons mean AoEs, tadpoles are swarm, etc.
>Difficulty is entirely controllable, meaning you can adjust if you don't have what you want at the moment/want to try something new or think things need to get harder.
>Almost no content where you need to start a new run because of the above.
>Partner system keeps you on your toes even on basic encounters.
>Grind doesn't bar progress/make the game inherently easier: instead it just gives you more toys.

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Chrono Trigger > TWEWY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these games are on entirely different levels than > P5

If you didn't see the cracks in P3 and SMT4 idk what to tell you

Fucking hate these guys

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Persona 3 is great, 4 wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t terrible

where does it say [that his friend died before game]

I loved all three, though.

Haven't played the rest.

When you climb up Pork City in Another Day.

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but that isn't canon to the main story

I haven't played the rest :^)

all trash. Fallout > these

Again, Neku makes allusions to it when Rhyme gets Erased and finds himself ultimately unable to remember it, not to mention that Hanekoma and Joshua from main game Shibuya pop up in Another Day as well. You can actually read Neku’s sudden fondness for Tin Pin in AD being just an alternate method to cope with his best friend’s death.

>he says when Fallout 4 and 76 exist
>he says when modern Bethesda is a complete shit show
I’d rather play a game that doesn’t have bugs and glitches up the ass.


Apparently there’s been rumors that a new game will be announced somewhere along the line at the next Nintendo Direct or something.

Fuck off, westcuck.

CT > TWEWY > power gap > P5

ct > p5 > twewy
the only correct answer, p5 may have sucked but it's still better

>gameplay is worse
>story is worse
>characters are worse
>music is worse
How is P5 better?

TWEWY has actually unique and fun gameplay so I’m going with that.

>actual gameplay with a cast whose growth isn’t tied to Confidants, much better pacing and story beats, an actual well-thought out plot, more than one fucking battle theme, a rewarding and adjustable difficulty system, and is overall cohesive as a work
>worse than P5

TWEWY > Chrono > Persona
Persona will always be last compared to almost every jrpg because of how little there is to do in it and it removes vital aspects of rpgs such as exploration.

but AD has nothing to do with real neku only hanekoma and joshua since they can travel between the worlds


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user, what part of Neku reflecting on the memories of his dead friend and ultimately being unable to remember it do you not get? Not only does it perfectly explain his personality at the start but it wouldn’t make sense to just put it there considering how lighthearted Another Day is as a whole.


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Left or right, Yas Forums?

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Joshua because he actually won.

>a ridiculously powerful angel/God thing
>a retard who is crying for daddy

Joshua is best faggot
Akechi is worst faggot

I didn’t mind Akechi but J-Dawg’s wild ride was something else.

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because he doesn't mention it in main story and they make him like that on purpose since that was the time of emo kids where around

Why the fuck would he mention it? In Week 1, he lost his memory and wouldn’t have opened up to Shiki in the beginning anyway. In Week 2, he’s too focused on trying to save Shiki and dealing with the possibility that Joshua might’ve killed him. In Week 3, he’s too busy babysitting Beat while also having to deal with Shibuya undergoing an apocalypse, Shiki still being his Entry Fee, Joshua being dead, and trying to rescue Rhyme alongside Beat. Don’t be daft, man.

They're all 10/10 though

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could have in week 3 day don't know when Beat and him are solving puzzle boxes and there are flowers to check too

That was more just him listening to Beat’s problems and reaffirming their determination to save Shiki and Rhyme. Neku isn’t exactly the type to just open up to other people that easily even though he has made progress on that front.

This person is a zoomer. Nomura made you gay btw

that why it is emo bullshit after all that he is still emo teen

>when P5 came out 9 years after TWEWY
No, just determined to save the people he cares about. He even tries to stand up to the one person he respects the most (or so he thinks) in order to save Shibuya.

CT is zoomercore.


He’s not exactly wrong. Even then, even though I like CT, TWEWY has much better and rewarding gameplay than it. And I say this as a guy that played both around the same time when I first got them.