Literally fucking impossible

literally fucking impossible

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Uhhmmm sweetie, Sekiro crying threads were done months ago.
Could you please leave? you're cringing the entire board *yikes*

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Probably the most difficult boss fight of my entire life. And I was pumped because the last time you fought him was one of my favourites

What part do you have trouble with user?

By far my favorite fight of the game. You appear to play with Kuro's Charm and no Demon Bell which IMO detracts from the experience but it's fine if you've never fought him before.
There are two ways to win this fight. Either you parry all of his attacks and attacks only in the openings (mostly BEFORE dodging the huge overhead swing) or you dodge/jump over his shit and poke at his health until he's at 30% or less. The former requires you to be understand his move set very well but it's faster even with the Demon Bell enabled.
Phase two is mostly the same except for a couple "magic" attacks which are dodged by sprinting around the room (and, in one case, jumping once).
IMO he's not as hard as Isshin and much better designed than Demon of Bloodborne which makes him Sekiro's third hardest boss fight.

I cannot find when it is safe to hit him without him punishing my attack with a combo that stunlocks me and wipes out 75% of my hp bar. And he's got infinity bajillion posture so it's not like you can just deflect him to death like you could with genichiro.

>Demon of Bloodborne


I never did Owl, must have gotten a different ending
For those that did, how does he weigh up against Genichiro / Isshin / Demon? Those were the ones that gave me the most trouble

The only thing that ever got me was his gay firecrackers. Instead of trying to dodge them it's easier to just parry it and take a little bit of damage.

Far harder than all but Isshin. Demon wasn't all that bad

Demon of Hatred, I personally dislike the fact that it doesn't feel like he belongs in this game. His posture bar doesn't exist and you cannot parry him without dying to fire damage. Not a terrible fight but he'd fit much better in Bloodborne.

Demon of hatred if I had to guess
Its been nearly a year since I played this but iirc when he teleports you have a chance to attack him, really I don't remember him being an issue compared to old man owl.

Demon of Hatred feels way closer to Manus that your typical bloodborne fight

I think that was kinda the point, it was a switch-up boss
Genichiro tests everything you've learned up to that point, Demon throws it out the window

You dodge the firecrackers by dashing into his right arm. The angle at which you dodge is precise but you don't take any damage and get two free hits.

I figured hatred. That or I forgot a major boss in Bloodborne

My comparison was Cleric Beast/Laurence (dodge the arm swings and attack the ass) but I guess Manus also had some similar moves. Either way, it's 100% a Soulsborne boss. Whether that's good or bad is just a matter of preferences.

>favorite fight in the game
Based af, user
>MO he's not as hard as Isshin and much better designed than Demon of Bloodborne which makes him Sekiro's third hardest boss fight.
Are you me?

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I finally finished the game today, and I have to say that HATRED DEMON is actually the hardest boss in the game.

It was super fun and now I love it more than Dark Souls thank you.

I cried in many boss battles too its fine.

Can we have a comfy Sekiro thread?

Man this game is filled to the brim with SOUL

How Can I fight him? I killed him at the ashina castle, stayed loyal to kuro, about to go to fountain head... Ishin Is staying at his place, and emma with kuro. I've given the devine child snake fruits. Is it too late?

You can make a sekiro thread if you want

He's a secret boss that is really tricky to get to, I'm afraid it might be too late

He's easier than great shinobi tho

Best fight in the game

Use your shinobi skills not only on foes my friend.
Your allies might hide something from you.
you can eavesdrop on friendly npcs try checking on them

If you haven't beaten the boss at Fountainhead, then it is not too late
Rather than me typing it out, just search how to get the purification ending
Should lead you to this boss

The path to unlock Owl (Father) is complete bullshit
>have to eavesdrop on Emma and Kuro talking
>eavesdrop prompt will not appear unless you use the wall hug mechanic, even if you are behind cover, unlike literally every other instance of eavesdropping on people
Actual bullshit and one of the few instances where I can reasonably say that a guide is required to find it

Demon just requires a ton of proper spacing and dodging, while most other hard bosses don't.

You can still do the bullshit needed to fight him if you haven't killed the dragon yet. You need to eavesdrop on conversations between Emma and Kuro. Then you need to talk to Emma and follow her around a few places. It's easier to figure if you use the wiki.

You're still on time I think, check on your buds.
But we have Sekiro thread at home

>spam parry
>death blow
>snap seed
>spam parry
>death blow

really hard boss, uh?

>snap seed

Fuck. Maybe next time.

On a side note, which Is the most annoying miniboss? I personaly died to rin, gigganigga with a spear on stairs and to some poison hand ninja in cramped room near the bridge broken by the serpent more than to fucking genichiro and great owl.

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I discovered it's one of the few that can be stunlocked.
Parry -> Dodge -> Hit

ah, nevermind
thought it was lady butterfly from the thumbnail

favorite boss: ____________
favorite area: ____________
favorite theme: ____________
favorite prosthetic tool: __________
favorite combat art: ___________

If you haven't beaten the boss at the end of Fountain Palace, then it is not too late, you nigger. Get to this boss, it's arguably the most fun boss in the game

Will I still be able to get the dragonblood power returned via divine child, or I'll get this purification ending nethereless?

After you beat the final boss, the game lets you decide which ending you want


>what is the final boss

ROBEEEEEERT just because it was a really strange bossfight

Senpou Temple was easy and fun

i dunno

the umbrella makes deflecting super easy I love it

ichimonji i believe, the overhead strike, super powerful and well timed is an invaluable tool.

>favorite boss
Divine dragon
>favorite area
Fountainhead palace
>favorite theme
Corrupted monk
>favorite prosthetic tool
Blue flamethrower
>favorite combat art
Spiral cloud passage

Reminder that if you can't beat the game (with ease) you are actually worse at vidya than dsp

How many times are you going to post these threads?
We get it, Sekiro is a hard game for hardcore gamers. Can you stop larping now?

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Nah, Great Owl is harder simply because when you get to Owl (Father) you know most of his shit and just need to adjust for firecrackers and such. Also his fire owl/shadow rush is really easy to avoid and punish.

boss: Owl Father
area: Ashina Castle. It's fun jumping and grappling onto rooftops
theme: you mean soundtrack? Same as the boss: Owl Father
prosthetic tool: tie between umbrella and mist raven
combat art: High Monk. It's fun using High Monk instead of just double jumping on the enemy, completely shuts down the follow-up of Owl Father's Perilous sweep combo

t. niohfag salty his threads are already dying

Isshin is 20x times harder

There are some odd things in sekiro in general.
I mean, everyone got filtered by Lady butterlfy, but I somehow pushed her shit in on 3rd try not even midgame. MY NAAAME went down at first go, doyblemonkey trouble - first try.

And then there are parts like dying 200 times to genichiro, 100 times to rin, 50 to owl, 30 to spear general etc.

...Wouldn't say 20x, but yes, he is much harder
As you slowly increase the difficulty by getting to the next playthrough/NG+, it becomes immensely evident that Sword saint Isshin is the tougher boss

it's almost the exact same as the first time.

He's susceptable to pressure, although obviously he's agile so opportunities aren't many. His attack combos are fairly straight forward, just look out for his sudden sweep attack.
He has two overhead slash attacks, and both are opportunities. The fipping overhead isn't as common as it was in the normal Owl fight, but the same principle applies; dodge to the side and a little toward and hit him on the ass once or two.
The other one is one he'll generally do after his sweep if you're near; he'll raise his sword and take ages to swing down. If you get a read on this attack, you can hit him once or twice before dodging to the side and hitting him on the back. Don't dodge this slow charge attack too early or he'll convert it into the whirlwind slash.
If you're a fair distance away, he'll sometimes go for a long distance thrust, which obviously you can mikiri and punish.
His firecracker attack is a very big move to counter; as soon as you see him throw out the firecrackers, you can dash into and to the right, turn and hit him on the back.
Otherwise, when you learn his sword combo patterns (and learn when to back away to let your posture recover since he's fairly aggressive sometimes), you can poke back and get the occasional hit in. There's an odd distance away that you can swing and generally hit him (the move looks like it clips his knee), but you'll generally get odd hits in during any down time he presents.
The shuriken-charge can help close the distance if he's fucking around at range, but you need to be confident he's pissing around and not preparing for an attack. This you'll only learn by experience.
Phase two is similar; if he does his fire bird attack, jump and prepare to mikiri. A lot of openings from before can't be countered as he'll warp, but if you keep tabs on when he's about to reappear, and parry or get used to how far to stand to avoid having to block, you can hit him there too.

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Nigga just parry, dodge, and don't overcommit. I died more times to Genichiro in Ashina castle than Owl(Father)

That's because Genichiro Ashina is meant to be a tutorial-esque boss, and the game expects you to git gud

I'm fighting Genichiro, and although the fight itself is fun, I don't know if this game is for me.
You just spend the entire time spamming L1/R1 with the VERY occasional Jump/Dodge.
There's no weapons to try, no skills to learn that matter (except Mikiri Counter), no builds to experiment with.
I thought the Prosthetics were going to be useful but (so far) they are completely useless other than making killing trash slightly more convenient.
I'm just not feeling it.

favorite boss: Owl 2
favorite area: Fountainhead
favorite theme: Gyoubu
favorite prosthetic tool: Shuriken
favorite combat art: One Mind

no, she's just annoying. i recently beat her, she's easily the worst part of the game early on.

>Going for the normal ending
>Do the prerequisites for the other 2 endings just because, and also extra bosses
>Reminded of all this wholesome dialogue from the Divine Child and Kuro
>Kuro wants to be a rice ball maker or something
>Emma has high hopes for me to give him a normal life
>I'm going to do immortal severance anyway in the end
I shouldn't be allowed to do this

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ffs, why don't people open the fucking image even if it's familiar...
It's not Lady Butterfly, you autist. It's Owl Father