Can we talk about when XIV was good during Stormblood? I miss it bros
Can we talk about when XIV was good during Stormblood? I miss it bros
Zachary Ramirez
Other urls found in this thread:
Ayden Diaz
>Playing MMORPGs
Hunter Myers
>when you get that one retard in your roulette who just refuses to AOE
Jonathan Foster
I want corona weekend to be over already, I can't stand these people
Brandon Jenkins
Grayson Reed
>Shadowbringers general
But I want to talk about Stormblood user...
Cooper Johnson
final fantasy
Elijah Perez
>No new relic to grind while stuck at home
Yes im mad
Lucas Morales
Asher Green
This game is and always has been busywork bullshit
Centurio Seals are impossible to farm in reasonable amounts