Can we talk about when XIV was good during Stormblood? I miss it bros

Can we talk about when XIV was good during Stormblood? I miss it bros

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>Playing MMORPGs

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>when you get that one retard in your roulette who just refuses to AOE

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I want corona weekend to be over already, I can't stand these people


>Shadowbringers general
But I want to talk about Stormblood user...

final fantasy

Attached: alisae.webm (640x800, 1.55M)

>No new relic to grind while stuck at home
Yes im mad


Attached: 1557926838735.png (605x381, 186.66K)

This game is and always has been busywork bullshit
Centurio Seals are impossible to farm in reasonable amounts