Welcome to Gamestop

Welcome to Gamestop

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who the fuck is this
what happened to copythat

He got sick

Got coronad

He worked at EB Games Canada, not Gamestop

I'm glad you're able to stay employeed during all this hysteria, Robert. This social distancing thing is a bunch of baloney.

What happened to your job at the kinoplex Robert?

Batvirus lost Robert his job. Soon he’ll be a NEET.

Are movie theaters even open still?

They closed as they are non essential retail

why the fuck is gamestop still open?

We have a deal on phone trade ins right now

Because they're based


Hello, do you have Sonic Boom?

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Yeah I'll have a *coughs all over your face* Animal Crossing please. No Tip.

Is Yas Forums leaking again?

Damn Robbie you work 2(two) jobs?

Can I preorder battletoads?

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Would you like to sign up for the PowerRewards card and get 20% off this purchase?

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One order of Mortal Cuckbat please, Tyrone. Oh and by the way, Tyrone, my gf said it was ok if you came over tonight after dinner. She can't wait to see you. Anyways, I gotta go clean my switch joycons, see ya later!

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It would be funny if that meme came about again now

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His name is robert you fucking piece of shit

Holy fuck, what is he up to with all of this?

Complaining that a pastel horse con he was going to got canceled

amerimutts can't even get their memes straight

>the governor of PA just kicked Gamestop out of the state entirely

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Holy shit it's true. Kek

Really? I thought this place was about to go bankrupt from being retarded with cases

We do not operate on money here

Do they sell crablegs at the kinostop?

lel get fucked Gamestop

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based gamestop protecting its employees by declaring vidya "essential"
glad you got a job Robert
now I would like to buy an xbox elite v2 controller, some microsoft credit and ummm let me see
yup, those logittech gamer headphones on the wall there, they'll work with my onex right?

thanks a lot bro and have a good one!

I did see that. I like how he thinks this is done in a week and that a vaccine is ready.

cmon bruh, here I need exacly 2 bucks quickly

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>Can't be true
>look it up
>it's true

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They didn't declare video games essential, though. Their whole argument was that they sell PC stuff, so it could help people having to work from home.

for the love of christ just be open on april 10th for ff7 remake

T-there’s no s-single tax, r-right?

He stays in his room for most of the day anyway, how would this be any different?

>liberal state removes businesses because they hate money

I don't know why anyone is that surprised Gamestop would do this.

They've been on a downward trend for years now, and a forced closure like this? It's going to eat all the remaining capital they have up just waiting to reopen stores.

Corona-chan will kill Gamestop, because Gamestop will die if it closes.

good for them
fucking disgusting how tons of people in retail just lost their jobs because of nothingburger chinkoid pandemic
like, how about we just nuke third world shitholes so this doesn't happen

PA is Republican

They lost their business license in my state for trying to stay open.

some faggot lefturds propaganda word-for-word pasted from reddit
well done
and then once gamestop is gone and some chink retailer takes their place, we're obviously not gonna hear a peep from you because you'll be off championing another leftard cause

>He didn't cancel his preorder and buy it digitally


PA is not a particularly liberal state.

Seems pretty fucking liberal now if it's shutting down businesses

i want it physical

>if the facts contradict my narrative, it is the facts that are wrong
gb2/pol/ retard



I'm speaking purely from a business position.
Everything else you're upset about is literally projection.

Do you know what liberal means...?

lol western gamers BTFO

The governor is a Democrat


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because the CEO wants the wagies to get shot by the police

Robert, I'm glad you found some part time work! I hope everything is okay in your world, haha. Anyway, I'm here to buy a steam gift card, I don't trust typing my credit card number on my computer after a certain incident years ago...Anyway, I hope you're hanging in there man, stay safe.

Do (((you)))?

Yeah, the last republican made it illegal for doctors to tell you if a med issue was caused by fracking.

Holy fuck

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>one copy of Godsatan Destroyer Punching Man Fuji Nippo no Sensei please

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Fracking isn't harmful, so why would that matter?
Also, do you normally go around, making shit up on the internet?

>le sekrit jew symbols


underages would kill it within a day, no it wouldn't be funny.

>In one state.

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I unironically wish my state would crack down like this because my jackass company just cleaned up our warehouse and slapped a bunch of "wash your hands" stickers everywhere like that'll solve the problem so we still have to go in

Worst part is we aren't essential retail either, it's literally a clothing warehouse

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has your state declared an emergency yet?

It's exceedingly easy to look up the doctor gag order part of act 13. Fortunately it got overturned.

it's interesting how many businesses are suddenly essential

>I wish the government took away my job

I would get paid to stay home

In this case, they'd be forced to pay for the time off for not coming in, and warehouse work isn't really the kind of shit you can do "from home"

>warehouse nigger getting paid for staying at home
at this point I honestly doubt you even have a job

hello robert! i'm here to pick up my copy of VR kanjo, and i'll take a large order of crab legs too.

i think a crisis like this will sway a lot of people's opinions on social programs

like the depression

umm no
in this case, you'd just be laid off