Why dies Dies Irae always trigger mass anger and butthurt from Fatefags? Is it because Fate is just a shit and will always be a shit?
Why dies Dies Irae always trigger mass anger and butthurt from Fatefags...
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chuuniggers rise up
this unironically
I didn't read the VN, I watched the anime because nazi shit is always fun. I later heard there was a VN and that it was much better, but the anime was so fucking awful that if it's even one of the routes, the writing for the VN won't be worth slogging through because there's no way it can be much better.
fate has no NTR
I like Dies Irae but why do you need to start a thread like this
So I'm reading Dies Irae. Just hit chapter 10 of Kasumi's route. What the fuck is all this ghost shit,? the history was really easy to follow until this point
that's just like, your opinion man :^)
You're near the end of the route so just plow through it. It's fine if you don't understand some stuff because it will remind you over and over in the other 3 routes.
but basically it's a an exp bar that also acts as a mana bar