Be honest

Be honest
Has vidya made you or someone you know more violent?

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No because I'm not autistic.

only to those who already had tendencies

but ive never seen post game rage just rage during a session

Manhunt 2 made me want to kill someone with pruning shears

MSM hatemongering, racebaiting and cynical sensationalism are the only things that make modern boys violent


call of duty is kinda boring imo

How many video games did these guys play?

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one of my bros I squad up with screams at kids when he's playing badly and I finally seen a pic of him and he's 5'6 lmao so in summary only insecure beta incels get violent due to video games and they were likely going to anyway just with a different trigger

Cringe but based
I miss mayra part

Video games don't make people violent, video games simply are safe spaces and escapism for damaged people that already weren't fitting in among normal society.
It's not the tool, it's the type of person that it attracts.

>Has vidya made you or someone you know more violent?
No, and I have access to many firearms, as I am a real American.

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honestly idk if its coz im old and washed now but i feel like violence in video games isnt an issue for like 99% of people, but then there is a small percent who it is a bad influence on. but its not just video games its all media. and idk if we as a society have the tools to deal with that or even really talk about it.
its one of those "this is why we cant have nice things" things. yes for most of us, i can kill all the people i want in video games but im not going to kill people irl, but i do think it has a negative effect on some people.

Yes, videogames do cause violence among kids, mostly boys,because children are fucking retards and it should be up to the parents to help then canalize that energy.

Study after study have shown that violent videogames aren't a cause real world violence, but are a symptom of a society that ever more accepts and is obsessed with violence. I believe the science but my opinion is that while violent videogames don't cause violence, they can normalize it.

I feel like most of my violent emotions are learned from my dad, instead of videogames. Dude was a violent angry piece of shit and there are times when I get really angry that I see him in my behavior and it scares me

Gambling can cause violence can’t it? So can love and religion we need an alternative to jacking off to kill time and video games do that well

>cut someone up in vidya
>see blood in real life
>get nauseous
it's a whole different ball game

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Barely any video games actually try to depict death in a realistic fashion because most people would be repulsed

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not really i think when you are young you are the same then you grow older and mature

Am I missing something? Because none of the "boys" in that picture are perpetrating any kind of violence.

Im quite sure many boys no matter what time they lived in had fun playing pretend war outside.

Lame ass faggot movie for pretentious cocksuckers. Fuck off shithead, get taste.

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This is like asking if playing ball with a golden retriever made them more aggressive, it kind of has to be there in the first place.

t. Woman afraid of both video games and boys

Boys will be boys.

Which is actually a necessary part of raising a boy, psychologically. Boys allowed to roughhouse while they are young grow out of it and become stable happy adults. Clamping down on it and threatening boys in to stopping it breeds spineless weasels who can't take care of themselves. Much more likely to end up dependent on others and all around worse people. Going THINK OF THE CHILDREN LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!!!!!!!! is the literal worst thing anyone can do when raising kids. This sort of play acting is common among kids. It's part of how they mentally mature. Acting things out is more potent than being told about them.

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only one


Is that describing the movie or my bowel movements?

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When I was a kid I'd play wrestling games and then beat up my friends with the cool new moves I learned. I am a sperg though so that might be it.

> expecting decent writing from a Jewish rag like the Hollywood Reporter
Fuckin' schnorrer.

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The media has literally never claimed this, they're always the opposite

As a spineless wimp who's dependant on others, I can confirm this.

i know it's hard to read subtitles

>holding guns is violent
>shooting guns at a target is violent
A lot of men appreciate guns the same way other men appreciate automobiles. The clever engineering and intricate craftsmanship are something to behold.

Yeah I'm sure you do you fuckin' retard. Your shitty taste put that on display multiple posts ago. Fuckin' mentally incapacitated cocksucker.

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What happened to Leah Gotti btw.?

Fucked too many niggers so now nobody wants to watch her scenes anymore.

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Fucking this. I almost pass out every time the doctor draws blood from me

Videogames can make you violent, if you abuse them - not because they portray violence, but because sitting around all day sucking up screenlight will make you a miserable human being.

only to faggots like you

>if you abuse them
>"Fuck you Breath of the Wild you will NEVER do any better than me. Gimme your phone now."

Normalize the act or just watching the act of violence? I’ve seen plenty of boxing matches and it’s never the same as real life

That's not really something you can control. My BP drops whenever my blood is taken. Can't do shit about it.

crimes have happened since the dawn of the century.

Cringe. I wanna see every complex mechanism being made from scratch, not the finishing touches, and generic engravings

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Wait so it's not a psychosomatic thing?

Humans created video games in the first place because they are naturally violent not the other way around
Even the oldest most traditional games are based around war and tribalism
The soccer mom mentality of being against all things violent is also a normal female reaction and it's nothing new but has simply been amplified by the state of the modern world
And this is exactly why females have not and will never control the world
The path of strength and violence always puts you on the right side of history and the fact is men love it and are just better at it which is why they created simulations where they can do it all the time

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>not because they portray violence
That so many videogames' winstates depend on killing shit doesn't help in that scenario

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Just look at those boys being violent. What is that? A video arcade? My god they're bloodthirsty...

Consider this: all mutts.

Kids who like guns they saw in video games would've liked guns if they saw them in movies, read about them in books, or held them in person.
Guns are cool.

Delete your thread, OP. There is nothing wrong with teaching your kid safe firearm handling.

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There's a disgusting trend in "modern" society to try and raise boys as girls. And I don't mean the whole tranny-shit, I mean stupid shit like not allowing boys to play-fight, or be competitive with one-another. It's the coddling of the modern male that has been the most damaging to their growth.

They probably ground up several tons of video games and injected them into their bloodstream.

Based cute little shooter

Women and assholes and retards made me bitter and hateful.

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That's the terminator kid, right? Talk about a nosedive. I know that feel all too well.

Only my brother when he would lose online games like lol but he always had anger issues

100%. I can watch whatever over-the-top ridiculous Mortal Kombat Fatality compilations you can throw at me and scarcely bat an eye, but I'm a total pussy when it comes to seeing actual people get actually hurt. Fuck, I wince something fierce even seeing so much as a turned ankle.

I never find these videos impressive because clearly they have gone through it before
its just a memorization game

>kids playing with toy guns
wow, such violence

Not in the least, and I've been playing violent games since I was a kid.

I mean, everything on earth is a memorization game if you really boil it down

No but it did kickstart my competitive drive in real sports

Raped my ex after playing the travesty Star Ocean 4.

is screaming violent? its certainly annoying and cringe but is acceptable to classify as "violence"? and do videogames really "make" him scream? or is he just a bitch that cant handle losing and would behave the same way if he lost a game of cards or pool?

it starts early on in kids sports, when a boy loses and throws a temper tantrum and gets called a "bad sport" and try to shame that behavior out of him

fact is his reaction it the right one. he failed, he was defeated in a contest against someone else
he shouldn't just "accept it and try again next time"
losing SHOULD make you furious, and you're supposed to use those feelings to improve

no more of this "good effort out there even though you didn't win"
that translates to "you didn't get the promotion you wanted but at least people at the office think you're nice"
great, next time your rent is due just tell them you don't have the money but people at work like you a lot, That will go over just as well

men become docile and weak because as boys they are taught it's ok to lose

>video games
>making people more violent

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after some pasty, stoner sounding faggot got on mic to call me a retard, mock me, and then quit the game when i was in the middle of telling him why he was wrong about how i played the game "incorrectly"; i started modding every multiplayer game i played, so when someone was being a faggot, i could turn on my mods and shut them up real good by fucking up their game

they musta been playing some real good shit.

but lets use an example we can quantify
take aikido and judo
they know how to do all the same shit basically, except one is a scripted memorization game and your level is entirely dependent on how many of the moves you can remember and demonstrate

but judo on the other hand you need to remember the moves, but now ok now you need to go against someone that also knows the moves and be better than him at doing them so you can win the match

makes a black belt in judo a much more respectable feat than one in aikido

yeah, religion, the greatest artistic illusion of all