*filters your path*

*filters your path*

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*filters his paths*

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More like *bores you to death*

Anyone notice how Slayers gauntlet disappears while on a rock wall.

How long until the bara crowd get their hands on this game

i'm surprised they can do all this but they can't disable enemy staggers

>tfw haven't fought this guy yet but I've already heard from people how to cheese his fight
brehs how do I un-remember the green light thing? I wanna make it fair for him

*Uses explosives*

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>infinite shield
>infinite rune energy
Wait a second...

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>un-remember the green light thing
Wouldn't help. As soon as you meet him, the game literally tells you to watch for the light signal and keep him in the medium range.

green light thing? the game explains it to you when he appears

Do they really work? I get the feeling that whenever he pops the shield he gets immune to all damage.

trusting a chink botnet

I've enjoyed watching streamers say how much fun they are having and then lose their shit to this guy.
God damn chill. Mad cause you bad and don't know the match up yet.

>un-remember the green light thing
are you retarded?

I have the cluster frag grenade unlocked so I've just been laying those behind him and jumping around with the rocket launcher

Waiting with your dick in your hand for the split second where he is vulnerable to attack isn't fun. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this enemy. Every other enemy in the game that has a shield can have it removed in some way.

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I'm probably going to turn off tutorial popups the next time I play. I feel like they just remove fun.

god you fuckers are annoying, you are allowed to dislike things about a game
marauders are just obnoxious pace killers, you're jumping from place to place shooting and suddenly you have to stop and play patty cake with these shits

He's so rare I can't even be arsed to complain about his timing gimmick.

This. You can't even yeet the marauder with the Crucible he literally fucking blocks that too.

You're fuckin' pathetic, kid.

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They were thinking that you should git gud, shitter.

Marauders aren't bosses. They start showing up as regular enemies after you encounter one for the first time, you fool.

Further evidence: frost grenade and flame belch both work on Marauder where they don't on normal bosses.

Consider the following: mini-boss

when the fuck ARE we getting more Masterd levels? wish we had endless arenas too, slayer gates make my pp diamond

Not a thing in Eternal.

having different pacings is alright, why wouldn't it be? the game already has slow exploration sequences, and even in combat you can choose to play defensive playstyle or aggressive

> not a thing
> literally crying about it two posts ago

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It's not spelled out for you, but effectively he is one.

>defensive "style"
>in fucking doom
you what m8?

I remember when some people bitched about the shield shotgun zombies in Doom 2016 too. Marauder is an elite version of that concept.

I don't really mind fighting these things but I do kinda dislike how they can show up when there are a bunch of other enimies like a whiplash and those stupid purple guys who fling shit, feels like I'm jumping around trying to clear the area so I can 1v1 him but he's going bezerk with his gap closers and fucking dog.
not the most fun enemey to fight but meh, whatever, everthing else so far has been great

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splash damage behind him does work.

what, you don’t run around the edge of each arena waiting for your frost grenade CD?

Consider the following: a single enemy type that ignores all mechanics laid down in the game. A.k.a. artificial difficulty

You had stun grenade made specifically agains them.

grenades, precision bolt, using a lot of cover and funneling enemies to come to you then running away is like 50% of my playstyle on nightmare

I'm kind of upset this game doesn't have grenade launcher like quake does, so I could spam a corridor full of nade then throw in rockets and shoulder nades for massive area denial

lol you got filtered casual!

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>the one challenge where you have to kill him in 30 seconds on the mission to get the lightsaber

I took me 30 tries. I was so fucking mad.

>use MSI afterburner to monitor temps and load
>OSD works only during loading screens

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Actually killed him in 3 tries. The one with doom hunter made me actually use BFG.

You use an existing mechanic (shooting) to kill him, you just have to time it right.

It's like jumping over a chasm, but now that chasm has a crusher that you need to avoid. You time it right and solve it with an existing mechanic (jumping). I don't see anyone complaining about artificial difficulty with those.

>hard drive starts spinning like mad during intro
Kinda scary listening to this demonic screeching.

Holy shit are people this bad at the game? It took me like 10 tries but every encounter after that he just got annoying rather than difficut.

God, are you just obsessed with explosions or something? Go watch a fuckin' Jerry Bruckheimer movie you retard.

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>using the word "trainer"

the mental gymnastics lol

>super shotgun
>Q to switch to ballista
>ballista in the face
This wrecks him like nothing else

>reading comprehension
Its literally an ENEMY that ignores all other ENEMY mechanics, its pure bullshit.
Imagine having to solve a riddle every time you jump over a chasm to avoid the crusher - this is how it feels.

>Fourth Slayer Gate on Nightmare first try
Most intense five minutes in the game yet, especially since this was the first time I fought Tyrants. It was around that time I learned mook management too so when it finally clicked it felt good.

Also fought Marauder the first time, I wouldn't even mind the boss if it didn't throw mooks at me and his dumb fucking dog didn't cover all of my screen with his attack. He does feel out of place in Doom though, he's something out of Devil May Cry which isn't necessarily bad.

Isn't 10 tries kind of bad in itself?
Because jumping over a pinky demon is such a "puzzle" too. Get over it.

He's pretty easy but whoever designed it should be shot

Explosive usage is actually the bigbrain playstyle in shooters. It requires you to read what the enemy is doing and know their next move. Hitscan is the hollywood snack film equivalent. You just point and click, no thought process.

t. my favorite weapons in arena shooters are all hitscan

>get over it
No. Its bullshit and i will keep calling out on it. Why? Because its bullshit

Your arguments are bullshit.

No not really because I got past it lol. It's not a hard boss it's just getting the timing right.

Your face

I don't fuckin' care, explosions are cringe.

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he cute

It took me 3 Marauders to realize I am not going to kill it any other way than spamming Super shotgun and flamethrower, fuck that shit. Fuck that Gore Nest time trial to kill Marauder in 30 seconds

ballista bolt is better than the supershot gun imo
can even stagger him with it when he is doing his axe projectiles

>spamming rocket+2 nades+5 sticky bombs into a group of shit and watching it disappear
dunno it's pretty gr8

>You're fuckin' pathetic, kid.

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Use Ballista
It feels like it kills him quicker and cleaner than the Super Shotgun

I feel like the Marauder would have been more fun if he had less health. His gimmick only is annoying because of how much health he has.

>game says super weapons don't work against him or he's resistant or something
>use bfg in that encounter on the bridge to clear everything but him
>he dies

Why'd they make the ssg worse in apperance and sound? The one in 2016 was perfect. That goddamn BOOM, mmm. This one's blast is so muted, and where the fuck is my double tap? Goddamn this hook shit is lame.

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whats the point of this?

y-y-you have to time it right...

I think he was surprised at how quick he got the second one, which admittedly was pretty quick considering he wasn't looking that way.

you can hit him while he's attacking